You’ll feel like you are out in the wild with these fun trivia questions! You and your family can test your animal-loving skills with 100 Animal Trivia Questions for Kids!
Ready to learn how to use these animal trivia questions and how to play with your family? Keep reading, or click here to jump right to the animal trivia questions and answers!

Kids Animal Trivia Questions
I’ve got some seriously competitive kids in my family so we have been loving playing trivia games lately! Whether we are playing Harry Potter trivia, Bible Trivia, Sports Trivia, or another one of our trivia games, we are always itching to see who can get the most answers right, and since we all love animals this list of animal trivia questions is right up our alley.
Whether you want a game to play for your next family game night or you just need something fun for when you are on the go, animal trivia is the way to go! If you are looking for trivia you can use in the classroom, be sure to check out our middle school trivia as well as our 4th grade trivia questions or even our trivia for teens!
Why Trivia is the Best Kids Activity
Trivia is also a total win for moms!
It can help boost your kids’ memory skills, teach them how to follow simple directions, and encourage cooperation between siblings.
They’ll be learning without realizing their learning! What could be better than that?
How to Play Animal Trivia
You won’t believe how sweet and simple trivia can be, especially with these 100 questions all ready for you!
All you need to do is print out the trivia questions, or you can just read these straight from this post. With the questions in hand, you can either pick someone to be the “host” and read all the questions, or you can take turns reading them.
Since we love to compete, we always keep track of who gets the most right. Just keep a simple scorecard to see who wins!
You can choose to play in teams or you can play alone. If your kids love these animal trivia questions as much as mine, you can grab some buzzers to keep around for trivia night to make it extra special!
Printable Animal Trivia Questions for Kids
If you’re ready to grab a printable version of these questions, then be sure to grab them here! If not, our complete list of animal trivia questions and answers is below!
Animal Trivia Questions
Here they are! I’ve got 100 animal trivia questions that your kids will love!

Question: How many legs does an octopus have?
Answer: 8
Question: What is a group of chickens called?
Answer: Flock
Question: How many bones does a shark have?
Answer: 0
Question: What is the slowest animal in the world?
Answer: The 3-toed sloth
Question: How is the largest mammal in the world?
Answer: Whale
Question: What is a panda’s favorite food to eat?
Answer: Bamboo
Question: What animal has the longest lifespan?
Answer: The Arctic Whale
Question: What animal has the shortest lifespan?
Answer: Mayfly
Question: What is the smallest mammal in the world?
Answer: Bumblebee Bat
Question: What is a group of geese called?
Answer: Gaggle

Question: How many legs does a caterpillar have?
Answer: 6
Question: What is the tallest mammal in the world?
Answer: Giraffe
Question: What is a fear of spiders called?
Answer: Arachnophobia
Question: What are female elephants called?
Answer: Cows
Question: What are baby goats called?
Answer: Kids
Question: A group of lions is called what?
Answer: A pride
Question: How many heart chambers does a cockroach have?
Answer: 12
Question: What type of bird is considered a symbol of peace?
Answer: A Dove
Question: What animal never sleeps?
Answer: A Bullfrog
Question: What is a group of hedgehogs called?
Answer: Pickles
Question: What animal does not drink water?
Answer: Kangaroo Rat
Question: What is a group of young pigs called?
Answer: A Drift
Question: What is the fastest animal on Earth?
Answer: A Cheetah
Question: How many legs does a lobster have?
Answer: 10
Question: How many noses does a slug have?
Answer: 4
Question: What is a group of giraffes called?
Answer: A Tower
Question: What is another name for a guinea pig?
Answer: A Cavy
Question: What is the only known animal that cannot jump?
Answer: An elephant
Question: What is the horn of a rhino made up of?
Answer: Hair
Question: A dog can hear how many times better than a human?
Answer: 4 times

Question: What bird only eats bones?
Answer: Bearded Vulture
Question: What animal has 0 vocal cords?
Answer: Giraffe
Question: What is the most poisonous type of snake?
Answer: Inland taipan snake
Question: How many legs does a mosquito have?
Answer: 6
Question: What animal has eyes bigger than its brain?
Answer: Ostrich
Question: What is a bird with webbed feet called?
Answer: Palmipied
Question: How many teeth does a cow have?
Answer: 30 teeth
Question: What is the smallest reptile in the world?
Answer: Leaf Chameleon
Question: What is the fastest bird in the world?
Answer: Peregrine Falcon
Question: What animal continually grows until it dies?
Answer: Lobster
Question: What is the world’s most poisonous spider?
Answer: Brazilian Wandering Spider
Question: How many hearts does an octopus have?
Answer: 3
Question: What bird has the largest wingspan?
Answer: Wandering Albatross
Question: What is the United States national bird?
Answer: The Bald Eagle
Question: How many compartments does a cow’s stomach have?
Answer: 4
Question: What is the heaviest type of monkey?
Answer: The Mandrill
Question: What is the scientific name for an elephant’s trunk?
Answer: Proboscis
Question: What are the only two mammals that lay eggs?
Answer: The Spiny Anteater and Duck Billed Platypus
Question: What is a male swan called?
Answer: A Cob
Question: What animal was called “Horse of the River”?
Answer: Hippopotamus

Question: What is the largest species of shark in the ocean?
Answer: Whale Shark
Question: What is a group of zebras called?
Answer: A Dazzle
Question: Which insect has the best eyesight?
Answer: Dragonfly
Question: What bird can fly backwards?
Answer: Hummingbird
Question: What do squids, snails, and oysters have in common?
Answer: They’re all mollusks
Question: Which animal has the most powerful bite in the world?
Answer: Hippopotamus
Question: Which dog has the best sense of smell?
Answer: Bloodhound
Question: What one country are lemurs native to?
Answer: Madagascar
Question: A newborn kangaroo is the size of a…?
Answer: Lima Bean
Question: How far away can a wolf smell its prey?
Answer: Up to 2 miles away
Question: How many years can a snail sleep for?
Answer: 3 years
Question: How old was the oldest giant panda?
Answer: 114 years
Question: What is a female deer called?
Answer: Doe
Question: What is a male turkey called?
Answer: Tom or Gobbler
Question: What is a rabbit’s favorite food?
Answer: Lettuce
Question: A group of buffalo is called what?
Answer: Obstinacy
Question: Sparrows are a symbol of what?
Answer: Hope
Question: Where is the heart of a shrimp located?
Answer: The head
Question: How many ants are there for 1 human?
Answer: 1 million
Question: How long does an alligator live for?
Answer: Between 30-50 years

Question: What is a group of owls called?
Answer: A parliament
Question: How many species of fleas are there?
Answer: 2000 species
Question: What is the closest living relative of the Hippo?
Answer: Whale
Question: How heavy is an ostrich egg?
Answer: 3 pounds
Question: How long is a giraffe’s tongue?
Answer: 18 inches
Question: How many muscles are in an elephant’s trunk?
Answer: 40,000 muscles
Question: What color is a polar bear’s skin under their white fur?
Answer: Black
Question: What is a group of fish called?
Answer: A School
Question: Where do dogs sweat?
Answer: Their paws
Question: What color is a flamingo when it’s born?
Answer: Grey
Question: How do snakes smell?
Answer: Using their tongue
Question: What animal holds hands while they sleep in water?
Answer: Otters
Question: What is the longest recorded flight of a chicken?
Answer: 13 seconds
Question: How many glasses of milk will a cow give in their lifetime?
Answer: About 20,000 glasses
Question: How long does it take a hen to produce 1 egg?
Answer: 24-26 hours
Question: How much honey will one honey bee produce in its lifetime?
Answer: 1/12 teaspoon
Question: About how long does a pig live for?
Answer: 15 years
Question: What is the smallest dog breed?
Answer: Chihuahua
Question: How many dog breeds are there worldwide?
Answer: 400
Question: How old was the oldest cat to ever live?
Answer: 34 years old

Question: Who invented the cat door?
Answer: Sir Isaac Newton
Question: How do butterflies taste?
Answer: Using their hind feet
Question: How long can a great white shark go without eating?
Answer: 3 months
Question: How many flowers does it take for a bee to make 1 tablespoon of honey?
Answer: 4000 flowers
Question: Where is a hamster’s native habitat?
Answer: Deserts of Asia
Question: True or False. Hamsters can swim.
Answer: False
Question: What animal is the closest living relative to the T-Rex?
Answer: Chicken
Question: How many different facial expressions does a dog have?
Answer: 100 expressions
Question: The tallest dog breed is?
Answer: Irish Wolfhound
Question: What semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammal is native to Australia and Tasmania?
Answer: The Platypus
Do you know any other fun animal trivia questions? Leave them in the comments!

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Michele Tripple is a renowned author and expert in the fields of parenting, relationships, and personal development. She is a certified Life Coach with her degree in marriage and family studies, her experience as a Family Life Educator, and over a decade of experience as a professional writer; Michele has authored books that provide practical advice and insights into improving family dynamics and personal growth. Her work is celebrated for its blend of research-driven information and relatable, real-world applications. Michele has been a keynote speaker at conferences and has contributed to numerous publications and media outlets, solidifying her reputation as an authoritative voice in her field and helping families build relationships.