How to Use Love Languages For Kids

Last Updated on October 4, 2023 by Michele Tripple

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Adults aren’t the only ones who can use them, there are love languages for kids too! And understanding the 5 love languages for kids is a game-changer for parenting. Learn how here!

Love Languages For Kids 

I have always thought it was so funny that all my children are so different. But now that I know love languages for kids work just like they do for adults, it all makes sense!

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I’ve always loved the idea of love languages. Aren’t they so much fun?! But I had no idea that I could apply them to my kids.

And since I’m always looking for ways to understand my kids better, applying the 5 love languages for kids has been such a blessing!

The 5 love languages of kids are just like the ones you hear for adults. You just have to apply them a little differently! Instead of the way they act in romantic relationships, it’s all about how they express love to their friends and family. 

And understanding how your kids express love will change everything! Trust me!

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Why I Love Using the 5 Love Languages for Kids

Love languages are great. They help explain a common reason for strain in relationships. We simply all like to express and receive love differently!

Kids are no different.

You might have a kid who loves to snuggle you all day. Another might give you lots of reminders that they “love you”. Another might gift you lots of handmade drawings, or help you when you need something, or just love being around you and doing things together. 

When you see a pattern that leads you to believe that they have a certain love language, you can help meet their needs so much easier.

Mastering Parenting Using Love Languages for Kids

Let me tell you the best thing about knowing your kids’ love languages. You can anticipate their needs! 

For example, if your child’s love language is quality time, try scheduling some “mom dates” to make sure they know you’ll have some time together coming up.

Love languages are about giving love and receiving love, so not only can you see when they are trying to express that they love you, but you can also use them to give love in the best way for your child.

If you can master giving your kids love in the way they need, just imagine how much happier life will be! Of course, it takes a lot of practice. But I have plenty of helpful ideas below!

The 5 Love Languages of Children

The easiest way to understand how the love languages apply to kids is by thinking about each one! Let’s do it together!

Words of Affirmation

Words of affirmation are spoken or written words that tell someone that you care about them. 

This could be you remembering to tell your child you love them, that they did a good job at something, that you’re happy you’re together, or anything else that brings positive feelings.

There are lots of ways to do this. You can say the words out loud, or you can write them down! I love writing my kids’ notes. My favorite thing is writing a sweet message along with one of their lunch box jokes!

Quality Time

Quality time is all about time spent together. And I know what you’re thinking. You spend tons of time together already!

But quality time is more about how you spend that time than how much. I often find myself being so busy that I spent the whole day with my kids without having a second of quality time.

Take the time to unplug from devices, get on their level, and just be together! Try a board game, read a book together, or just chat! What matters is that you’re focusing on them and giving them your full loving attention. 


All kids like gifts, right? Sure, but not every kid speaks their love through gifts. You might notice that your child often gives you things to share, or takes special meaning in things you’ve gotten for them.

If you think your child’s love language is gifts, don’t start running to the store just yet!

What they love about receiving or giving gifts is not the money or value of it. It’s just that you took the time and effort to give them something.

When I pick my daughter a flower on the way in from a run her face lights up the room. It could be the simplest gift that means so much!

Physical Touch

Raise your hand if you have a toddler that won’t leave your side! 

Physical touch might be the trickiest love language to navigate for your kids. Obviously, you can’t stop everything to cuddle up all day, although sometimes I wish I could!

But there are plenty of ways to use touch in appropriate ways throughout the day with your kids to show them you care.

Give them hugs when they walk in the room, kiss them goodbye, give them high fives to say good job, or hold hands as you walk together. Even a nice back rub when you’re sitting together can really show them love!

Acts of Service

I don’t mind a kid who wants to do nice things for me! Acts of service is all about doing things that help lighten the load of someone you love.

You’re in luck if your child has an acts of service love language, because you probably do plenty of service for your kids! 

But the key here is making sure that they know that you are grateful when they do things for you. 

It might seem like just a little favor to you, but to them, it’s the way they say ‘I love you’!

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