200 Best Animal Riddles That Will Leave You Laughing

Last Updated on February 28, 2024 by Michele Tripple

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These animal riddles are sure to entertain the kids (and adults) as they try to figure out just what animal the riddle is about. See how many you can solve on the first try!

cat and dog on half the image with pink background on the left with a white oval with teal border with a image of a bird, dog and a squirrel and red writing " the best animal riddles"

Riddles are not only entertaining but also help our brains to stay active. These animal riddles are fun for the kids to solve as they use their brains (and imagination) as they try to figure out the answer. Your kids will love learning about animals through these fun riddles.

Why Animal Riddles?

There are so many great reasons to introduce your kids to riddles. They help:

  • with brain development.
  • Stimulate the brain and the mind.
  • Help with complex thinking.
  • Help them to be creative.
  • Helps their out-of-the-box thinking.

These animal riddles are the perfect way to bond with your kids and entertain them. If you are looking for more fun riddles be sure to check out our winter riddles and our emoji riddles.

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white writing "200 best animal riddles" with 3 red squares with a best animal riddles and answer in each square.

animal riddles

Yellow cat on white background with red border with animal riddle and answer.
  • I creep and crawl with no eyes, legs or ears but I can move the earth with my peers. What am I? An earthworm.
  • I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I? A kangaroo.
  • I like to use my long tongue to eat leaves from the tops of trees. I don’t have to climb up though. With my long neck, it’s a breeze. What am I? A giraffe.
  • It’s black and every time it speaks it says its name. What is it? A crow.
  • I have horns but I can’t beep. I like to bleat but I’m not a sheep. What am I? A goat.
  • I move without wings, between silken strings, I leave as you find my substance behind. What am I? A spider.
  • I might be tiny but I can lift things that are about 5000 times my weight if I want to climb a tower that is tall and mighty. What am I? An ant.
  • I’m one of the most beautiful birds you’ll find with two eyes in front and hundreds behind. What am I? A peacock.
  • I am an animal named after the animal that I eat. What am I? An anteater.
  • What color chicks would hatch from brown and white rooster eggs? They won’t, because roosters don’t lay eggs.
  • What animal is shy and always trying to hide from flying objects? A duck.
  • I am a big, beautiful bird with a loud cry. I like to fan out my colorful feathers to get attention. What am I? A peacock.
  • I have about 5,000 feathers and Benjamin Franklin wanted to make me the national bird of the United States over the bald eagle. What am I? A turkey.
  • If you go out on a boat and stay there until it’s late, what is it that you might catch with a rod, hook and some bait? A fish.
  • If you ever hear an echo, another voice that can be heard take a look around you because it might be this colorful bird. What kind of bird is it? A parrot.
  • You might be called this animal if someone thinks that you’re afraid. This is something that you might eat, as well as the eggs that it laid. What animal am I? A chicken.
  • I hide my treasure in the ground, my tail is big and fluffy. If you spot me in a tree, please don’t call me scruffy. What am I? A squirrel.
  • I live upside down. I see with my ears and don’t use my eyes, and on Halloween, I’ll give you a big surprise. What am I? A bat.
  • I’m born pink in color but then change to black and white. I’m easy to feed, as my favorite food is bamboo. What animal am I? A panda bear.
  • I have a hole in my back and legs I lack. I live where I can’t breathe and I eat without teeth. What am I? A whale.
Cow with black spots, yellow bell on white background with red border with animal riddle and answer.
  • Cupid without a bow, Donner with no kebab, one who dances, one who prances, all dragging present-giving dad. What am I? A reindeer.
  • I am the world’s fastest animal but cannot climb a tree. What am I? A cheetah.
  • I live on a farm and I’m pink. I go around saying “oink…oink.” If you come close, you’ll realize I stink. What am I? A pig.
  • I can honk without using a horn. What am I? A goose.
  • I never leave the water, but I breathe air. What am I? A dolphin.
  • I am big and fluffy, and a little bit scruffy. I live in the woods and give big hugs. If I live on your bed, you might call me Ted. What am I? A bear.
  • I am an animal that holds the distinction of being the first word in many English dictionaries. What am I? An aardvark.
  • It’s a scary reptile. A giant lizard with wings. Because it can breathe fire, the great fear is what it brings. What is it? A dragon.
  • The alphabet goes from A to Z but I go from Z to A. What am I? A zebra.
  • I carry my home with me, whether I’m in the water or on land. What am I? A turtle.
  • When they are caught, they are thrown away. When they escape, you itch all day. What is it? Fleas.
  • The height of my legs — usually around 6 feet — is taller than most humans. What animal am I? A giraffe.
  • I’m an animal you might love, but I’m too big to be your pet. I have an extremely long trunk, and it’s said I never forget. What am I? An elephant.
  • I hang upside-down on trees. I sleep and sleep, I’m very slow, and on each foot, I have three toes. It takes me two weeks to digest food, but then again, I’m not noted for being fast. What am I? A sloth.
  • I have two long ears, and I don’t walk, I hop. What am I? A rabbit.
  • I have wings but I am not a bird. I am small, colorful, and beautiful. I live in gardens and fields and forests. I used to be a caterpillar. What am I? A butterfly.
  • My name sounds like something you might use on your hair or eat for dessert. What am I? A moose.
  • I’m spotty and speedy, but not at all greedy. I look like a leopard but don’t try to play me at cards. What am I? A cheetah.
  • I’ve got lumps on my back and I live on the sand. I’m strong and I carry you over the land. What am I? A camel.
  • Play me with a ball and bat or hear me chirp in a top hat. What am I? A cricket.
Horse with brown tail on white background with red border with animal riddle and answer.
  • I have a mane but I’m not a lion and I wear my shoes to bed. What am I? A horse.
  • I wear a tuxedo in the snow and skate on my tummy across the ice. What am I? A penguin.
  • I live in the woods. I am very big and furry. I like to eat fish and berries. I love honey as much as you do. What am I? A bear.
  • I’m an animal you might love, but I’m too big to be your pet. I have an extremely long trunk, and it’s said I never forget. What am I? An elephant.
  • I like to hop around, and I’m a tadpole when I’m young. I am green and I croak and catch flies with my long tongue. What am I? A frog.
  • I am a strange creature, hovering in the air, moving from here to there, with a brilliant flare. Some say I sing, but others say I have no voice, so I just hum as a matter of choice. What am I? A hummingbird.
  • I’m able to turn my head around 270 degrees and I’m noted for being quiet in flight. What bird am I? An owl.
  • I’m the only mammal that can’t jump. What animal am I? An elephant.
  • What peels like an onion but still remains whole? A lizard.
  • I live in the ocean and move slowly. I eat clams and have five arms. What am I? A starfish.
  • I have no sword, I have no spear, yet rule a horde which many fear, my soldiers fight with a wicked sting, I rule with might, yet am no king. What am I? A queen bee.
  • My start goes on toast, and my end’s how birds move. My baby eats leaves but I drink flowers. What am I? A butterfly.
  • I fly in the air. I eat seeds and worms. I say “Tweet, Tweet.” What am I? A bird.
  • I live in a bowl. I can swim. I have a tail. I also have fins and big eyes. What am I? A goldfish.
  • This is something black and white, but it’s not an old TV. It’s a type of animal that starts with the letter Z. What animal is it? A zebra.
  • I am a type of animal. Some say that I have a long face, and I’m very good at running fast, so people ride me in a race. What am I? A horse.
  • I look like you except I have a tail, and I am a good tree climber. I can mimic you very easily. I eat fruits, insects, and flowers. My favorite food is bananas. What am I? A monkey.
  • I live in the ocean. I have very sharp teeth and I eat meat. What am I? A shark.
  • I have arms that are longer than my legs. I have been taught sign language to communicate. Who am I? A gorilla.
  • I like to stay awake at night and sleep during the day. Who am I? An owl.
White sheep with gray hooves on white background with red border with animal riddle and answer.
  • I have whiskers and live as a pet at home. Who am I? A cat.
  • I am called the king of the jungle and it’s hard to tame me. Who am I? A lion.
  • I am the biggest reptile living in the water and have a shoe named after me. Who am I? A crocodile.
  • When in water, I use my flippers to glide, and on snow, on my belly, I’ll slide. What am I? A penguin.
  • Without me Thanksgiving and Christmas are incomplete, when I’m at the table everyone tends to overeat. What am I? A turkey.
  • I have no legs so I crawl on my belly. I sleep with my eyes open and curl into a ring. But, don’t disturb me because I have a lethal sting. What am I? A snake.
  • With four oars it swims but it is always at home. Its back is like armor, tougher than chrome. What is it? A turtle.
  • It’s grey, but it’s not a wolf, long-eared, but not a rabbit, with hooves, but not a cow. What is it? A donkey.
  • I am a farm animal. I can live on a farm or in the mountains. I like to kick. I also give milk and people can make yummy cheese from it. What am I? A goat.
  • I am yellow and have webbed feet. I can swim in the water. What am I? A duck.
  • What do you call a cat wearing shoes? Puss in boots.
  • I slither around, with my home on my back. I’ve never been rich, but I leave silver tracks. What am I? A snail.
  • I plow fields but never sow. I have a corkscrew tail and a snuffly nose. What am I? A pig.
  • I have four noses and thousands of teeth. You can hold me in your hand, although most folks do not want to, because I am slimy. Some of my brothers can break off a piece of their tail if they are attacked by a predator. What am I? A snail.
  • My bite is strong enough to crush a bowling ball. I am one of the biggest land mammals and like to eat meat, but about ¾ of my diet is berries, leaves, and nuts. What am I? A grizzly bear.
  • I cannot taste sugar, because I do not have sweet taste buds. But, I’m a very popular pet and have been for a very long time. What am I? A cat.
  • I am a fruit, a bird, and a person. What am I? A kiwi.
  • I am an insect, a hive is my home. I eat some pollen to make a honeycomb. What am I? A bee.
  • Oh, how I love my dancing feet! They stay together – oh so neat. And when I want to walk a line, they all stay together and do double time. I count them up, ten times or more, and race on-off, across the floor. What am I? A centipede.
  • I am the type of animal you might see on a safari. I’m covered in black and white stripes and I’m part of the horse family. What am I? A zebra.
Galloping horse on white background with red border with animal riddle and answer
  • Agile on my feet, I drive dogs mad. I flick my tail when I’m angry and hum when I’m glad. What am I? A cat.
  • I am gold and can be black and white, I’m a symbol for a nation when freedom took flight. What am I? An eagle.
  • What kind of music do rabbits like? Hip Hop.
  • For me, I slap you. Because of you, I slap myself. Hitting your skin, my blood flows. Who Am I? A mosquito.
  • When it is Easter I go hopping around leaving lots of eggs, which then need to be found. What am I? An Easter Bunny.
  • I am big and white and furry and I like to swim and run. I eat seals for my meals and weigh about half a ton. What am I? A polar bear.
  • I live in the ocean. I like to eat crabs. I can change colors. My eight legs are called tentacles. What am I? An octopus.
  • I produce wool and spit a lot. What am I? A Llama.
  • A warrior amongst the flowers, it bears a thrusting sword. Able and ready to use, to guard its golden hoard. What is it? A bee.
  • It can be white or blue or black, humped, or have a horn. And when it talks it sings its minutes, as it’s traveling the depths. What is it? A whale.
  • What is as big as an elephant, but weighs nothing at all? The shadow of an elephant.
  • Black and scary, small and hairy. In the night you hear it preach, through its noisy high pitched screech. What is it? A bat.
  • If you see this hairy creature your first choice should always be to run, otherwise, you had better hope you have silver bullets in a gun. What is it? A werewolf.
  • I fall with the waves, rise with the tide, and drift with the current alongside. What am I? A plankton.
  • I’m the only cat that lives in groups – royal bloodlines deserve a court. What animal am I? A lion.
  • Never trust this fellow’s grin. His teeth are sharp and coarse, his blood’s as cold as icicles, and he’ll show no remorse! What is it? A crocodile.
  • They’re swimmers now but later will make excellent hoppers. What are they? A tadpole.
  • In the fields a frightful thing watch it and you will find, it has a pitchfork in the front, and a broom back behind. What is it? A bull.
  • Some people are scared of this creature because it can have a big bite. So be careful out in the ocean, one of its kind is a Great White. What is it? A shark.
  • You can teach me to fetch or even sit. I am often a happy, furry household pet. What am I? A dog
Yellow cat on white background with red border with animal riddle and answer.
  • Shedding my skin is part of what I do. In the grass, I slither fast. With or without a rattler, I will still scare you! What am I? Snake.
  • I have long, thick hair and a sturdy frame. I resemble a moose and a cow, but we aren’t the same.If you talk a lot, you definitely know my name! What am I? Yak.
  • With my pointy ears, I like to jump around in the grass. Around springtime, I’m full of sass! Whether white or brown. Some believe I bring a basket when I come to town. What am I? Rabbit.
  • I cannot see because I don’t have eyes. If digging a garden, you will probably come across me in the dirt. You can pick me up because I won’t hurt! What am I? Worm.
  • You may think I’m cute with my black and white fur. But don’t be fooled, I will cause a stink if provoked. So, if you’re looking for a stinker, I’m the one! What am I? Skunk.
  • Most of the time, I am pink. In the mud, I sometimes sink. With my tail so curly on the farm. My oink doesn’t mean to cause any harm. What am I? Pig
  • Everyone is buzzing and it’s all about me! You may love my honey, but you will hate my sting! What am I? Bee.
  • You probably know me as a bird who stands for strength and power. Because I’ve been the national bird of the United States since 1782. I have 20/5 vision which is probably sharper than yours! What am I? Bald eagle.
  • I like to run across power lines and climb trees. With my fluffy tail, eating nuts is what humans see. What am I? Squirrel.
  • I can live in your house or even in a park. If I am hungry or scared, I tend to bark. What am I? Dog.
  • How much wood could I peck if I could peck wood? With my tongue twice as long as my beak, I chuck wood with these parts because I don’t have teeth! What am I?
  • Woodpecker
  • I like to hibernate for the winter. I eat other animals for dinner. Whether I am black, white, or brown people always get scared when I come around! What am I? Bear.
  • With my hard shell, I am slow wherever I go! And if I am scared, my head won’t show. What am I? Turtle.
  • I live down deep in the ocean. My 8 tentacles always cause a commotion!What am I? Octopus.
  • When I am young, they call me a pony. Sometimes people race me to win lots of money. What am I? Horse.
  • In the grass, I like to graze. Getting milked in the barn, with the farmer is how I spend my days. What am I? Cow.
  • With my shaggy fur, gigantic head, and massive horn. I am the largest mammal in North America. What am I? Bison
  • I have a long tail and live on a farm. I jump up high when I think there’s harm. What am I? A Horse
  • When I’m a baby, they call me a doe. But then I’m called a buck when I grow. What am I? Deer
  • On my front, I have a pouch. Hopping around Australia is what I’m all about. What am I? Kangaroo
Cow with brown horn or yellow bell on white background with red border with animal riddle and answer.
  • I like to hoot, mostly out and about at night. My big, round eyes are quite a sight! What am I? Owl
  • I may look like a horse, but we are different species. Some call me dumb, but that’s not true. I’m in the movie Shrek, I’m familiar to you! What am I? Donkey
  • I once was a caterpillar, but not anymore. With my beautiful wings, in the air, I soar! What am I? Butterfly!
  • Roaming the grasslands in Africa, with my black and white stripes. My beauty is quite a site! What am I? Zebra
  • I can curl up in a hard, protective ball. I can grow up to 5 feet tall! Who am I? Armadillo
  • The tallest animal on the planet. My long, black tongue can grow up to 18 inches when I stick it out! But my long neck is what I am really all about. What am I? Giraffe
  • I am found on land, but mostly in freshwater. When I stick to your body, I become a bother. My 10 pairs of eyes are a big surprise! What am I? Leech
  • A happy sociable animal living my life in the ocean. You may think of me as all gray in color, but I actually can have blocks of black, white, or even yellow. What am I? Dolphin
  • Storing water in my large hump, I can live in my desert home without it for up to 10 months! With less than 1,000 of my kind found in the world, I am an endangered species to the animals of the wild. What am I? Camel.
  • I love flying around in the sky at night. If you see my black wings flapping, it will cause quite a fright. What am I? Bat
  • Some think I am a kangaroo, but I am not! I am a lot smaller and my teeth are flatter so I can eat leaves. What am I? Wallaby
  • I like to chew on wood. It’s how I build my neighborhood. With my flat tail and webbed feet, I use my sharp teeth when I eat! What am I? Beaver
  • I am not a squirrel, but we are in the same family and we both love eating nuts! I don’t know of Alin, Simon, or Theodore, but they could be long-lost cousins! Who am I? Chipmunk
  • I can be ridden, just add a saddle. But if there’s a storm, I jump high ready to battle. What am I? Horse
  • I may look like a chimpanzee or gorilla, but I am not. I can be found in Africa or Asia and sometimes in zoos. Wherever I may be, I love climbing trees! I share the same blood as humans is a fact about me! What am I? Ape
  • With tough, wrinkly skin in the cold waters of the Artic Circle is where I call home. I have a long body and even a tail. My long tusks are used for fighting and digging into the ice to get myself up out of the water. What am I? Walrus
  • I live on land and in the water. With my 2 sets of eyelids. I live where the weather is hotter. What am I? Alligator
  • I once was a tadpole, but not anymore. There are around 7,000 species of me in the world! What am I? Frog
  • My family first evolved millions of years ago! If you are very hyper and like to dance, they say you may have many of these in your pants. What am I? Ant
  • Milking me is what humans do. You won’t ever find me living in a zoo! What am I? Cow
Horse on white background with red border with animal riddle and answer.
  • I have a red body with black spots. I am a beetle, not a bug. So please don’t sweep my small body under the rug! What am I? Ladybug
  • Without a brain, I live in the deep sea. I will sting with my tentacles if you come near me! What am I? Jellyfish
  • A bird with a long neck, plump body, and humped bill. That’s what you see when looking at me. To spell my plural name, you must change the o’s to e’s. If you are a silly one then we can relate! What am I? Goose
  • You might picture me pink, on the farm, rolling in the mud, and fat. But with my curly tail, I’m more than that! What am I? Pig
  • When you see me, you might mistake me for a moose. We are very similar with our long antlers and large bodies. Who am I? Elk
  • You may mistake me for a snake, but I have my own unique name. With my long slender body, I can be very dangerous! I love living my best life in the ocean! What am I? Eel
  • Over 80% of my time is spent resting or sleeping. I love to eat from the eucalyptus tree. You can even use my fingerprints to identify me! What am I? Koala bear
  • I come into your home looking for shelter and food. With my tiny body, I scare humans more than I should! What am I? Mouse
  • I am a large unique cat found all around the world. But being black in color, in the dark night I may startle you. What am I? Panther
  • Although you may consider me a small ocean animal, I can actually live in any type of water. You will see that I am white or brown with an outer shell and ten legs. I stay away from humans because they love to eat me! If you are very short, you definitely know my name! What am I? Shrimp
  • Down on the farm, I like to lay eggs. With my rounded appearance, I’m a squat bird that humans like to eat! If you are scared to do something, my name you will know! What am I? Chicken
  • If you are looking for a bird that can entertain, that would be me! I enjoy talking but be very careful cause I like to repeat. What am I? Parrot
  • I am very similar to an alligator, but I am much bigger! My snout is more pointed and shaped like a “V.” While the alligator’s snout is shaped like a “U.” You could remember the difference between him and me, by saying that he’s the letter “u” and I’m the letter “v.” What am I? Crocodile
  • I have multiple stomachs and 2 toes. With my long legs, I am a bird that doesn’t fly. However, most humans think I am a cool guy! Who am I? Ostrich
  • Using my wings, I fly high in the sky. I use twigs, grass, and leaves to build nests. I love eating seeds and worms using my beak. The sound that I make is, “tweet-tweet.” What am I? Bird
  • I am not what you might call a beautiful animal, but a member of the dog family who hunts at night. You may mistake me for a jackal or even a wolf. But I am smaller and a pest in the city! What am I? Fox
  • I am a male chicken. When I wake you on the farm, you will come out of the bed kickin’! What am I? Rooster
  • I am very blue. But I’m not sad, it’s just my color. I am a very special beautiful bird because of my amazing tail feathers. What am I? Peacock
  • I am a large bird with a bald head and a big sharp beak. I might seem disgusting by eating dead creatures off the road, but it’s how I survive I have you know! Who am I? Vulture
  • I am quite a cool bear in a league of my own. You will find that I am so special type of bear because I am white. Living in the ice fields in the Artic Ocean is where I find delight! Who am I? Polar bear
Yellow chicken on white background with red border with animal riddle and answer.
  • I might look like a wolf, but I’m much smaller. I have gray or brown fur, known for being sneaky and tricky to people. Who am I? Coyote
  • Hopping in the grass is how I got my name!!! Being an insect that’s my game! Who am I? Grasshopper
  • Right now, I look like a fuzzy worm roaming on the ground. But soon I will be a moth or a beautiful butterfly flapping my wings around! Who am I? Caterpillar
  • With a long slender body and little black spots, a normal friendly cat, that I am not! But the fastest mammal on the planet, that I am! Who am I? Cheetah
  • I’m not what’s growing on your head, but instead, I’m a large rabbit looking to be fed. But my big ears and ability to run further make me different than a rabbit. With longer muscle fibers, I’m a long-distance runner. Who am I? Hare
  • I am one of the coolest lizards changing colors with my surroundings! In the warmer weather is probably where you’ll find me! Who am I? Chameleon
  • I usually walk or swim sideways. I have ten legs, five on each side of my body. If you come looking for me on a trip to the beach, be very careful because you might get an unwanted pinch from me! Who am I? Crab
  • There are so many types of me living in different bodies of water. I come in different shapes and sizes, but I always have scales. Using my gills to breathe, is what I do well! Who am I? Fish
  • I am a pretty cool animal like no other. I am very big and you can’t help but notice my large ears and big tusks. Please don’t try to pack your clothes in my large trunk! Who am I? Elephant
  • I’m a different type of bird, one that swims and cannot fly! On the ice or in the water, in my tuxedo, I’m a very cool guy! Who am I? Penguin
  • A black, eight-legged animal that can live anywhere on Earth. I can be very tiny or very large measuring a foot across. When humans see me, they always seem to freak out! But building my webs to catch my prey is what I’m all about! What am I? Spider
  • I am probably considered the scariest animal in the ocean. But I’m actually so cool that they gave me my own week! Seeing my teeth, you will surely freak! What am I? Shark
  • I live in the water, but my flippers allow me to also live on land. Although you may think I am a seal, my ear flaps make me different. I am not a roaring cat with a tail as my name seems to suggest! What am I? Sea lion
  • A large mammal with horns and hooves as my shoes. With my great size and strength, I’ve been around for many years carrying carts, wagons, and heavy loads. No longer in the wild, I’m found with humans doing lots of work. Sometimes people may call me dumb, but I definitely am not. If you are very strong, you are given my great name! What am I? Ox
  • When you see me with my thick fur and whiskers, you may assume I’m an animal who lives where it is dry. But I actually make my home in the water and on land! Slim, short, and fast are words often used to describe me. I often live-in dens built by the beavers. What am I? Otter
  • I have two black eyes, a black beak, dark legs, and solid black feathers. A dead animal on a roadway is my favorite type of dinner! Sometimes people mistake me for a raven because we are extremely similar. If you know the noise roosters make early in the morning, then you’ve guessed who I am. What am I? Crow
  • Eating bananas and climbing trees are two things I do the best. I’m a funny animal who likes to entertain. I use my long tail to swing from tree to tree. Apes and chimpanzees are cousins to me! What am I? Monkey
  • They say if you are playing dead, then you are being me. I play dead to keep from getting eaten. I am a furry creature who resembles a rat. I like to come out at night and you may find me in your trash. What am I? Possum
  • My short, stocky legs help hold up my enormous, gray barrel-shaped body. I can be identified by my enormous jaws and 2 long teeth called tusks. You might see me getting cool out in the water or I could be on hanging out land if you take an African safari. What am I? Hippopotamus
  • I can be recognized by my red throat which has red wattles. Or even by my beautiful, often colorful tail feathers. Unfortunately, on Thanksgiving, I’m what most people like to eat. I know you will know my name when you hear me gobble. What am I? Turkey
yellow duck on blue pond on white background with red border with animal riddle and answer.
  • My horns are the first thing you will see if you approach me. With a narrow body and a long, scraggly beard, after climbing a steep mountain, I may appear! Some people call me Billy and if I’m a girl, they sometimes call me a nanny! What am I? Goat
  • I am a scaly reptile that comes in all colors and sizes. I patiently wait to sneak up on my prey and grab them with my long tongue so they can’t get away! I have four eyes, a long tail, and moveable eyelids. I’m a favorite around all of the kids. I can be found on every continent except Antarctica. What am I? Lizard
  • You may think I can be found in the nighttime sky because of my name. However, my name was decided because of my shape. I tend to move slowly and live on the ocean floor. If you see me laying on the beach, please don’t try to take me home to keep. Send me back to the ocean and let me survive! What am I? Starfish
  • I am the reptile that sometimes is mistaken as a tortoise. My hard, protective shell can be found in many different colors. I hide my head and tail inside the shell if I’m feeling threatened. If you see me slowly walking on the road, you’ll probably try to keep me as your pet. If you move very slowly, you will definitely know my name! Who am I? Turtle
  • Similar to a horse, camel, or even a donkey, my beautiful fur is very special to me! Even humans like to use my soft fur for making clothing. To spell my name, you will only use 3 letters: two l’s, two a’s, and an m. What am I? Llama
  • I’m a large, sturdy, strong mammal who may appear clumsy. However, I can run as fast as 35 miles per hour. My hooves work like snowshoes in cold, winter climates. Some may think I am an elk or another type of deer, but looking at my flat, broad antlers my name is quite clear! What am I? Moose
  • I’m a small fuzzy furry little guy with small beady eyes and a snout lined with whiskers. Using my massive hands and sharp claws, I dig swiftly through the ground to build lots of complex tunnels that I use for storing food and nesting. I’m quite the construction worker as some might say! What am I? Mole
  • I’m known for being clingy by taking rides from animals and people. My diet consists of sucking blood which makes me very creepy! Brown or black in color, round, with 4 pairs of legs, and I have a very small head! What am I? Tick
  • If you don’t tell the truth, then others may say you are my name. Although I’m a cat, I am not tame. I have a long beautiful tail with a tuft of longer fur on the end. You will know I’m a male, but the mane of long hair around my face. I am very fast and can win every race! What am I? Lion
  • I am the 2nd largest animal in the world. With my fat body, short legs, and short tail, but most importantly I have a horn in the middle of my face. If you take a safari in Africa, you can’t miss me! What am I? Rhinoceros
  • With a spiral shell attached to my head, moving slowly like I just jumped out of bed. I have a tube-like body with small eyes, and the tentacles emerging from my head can cause quite a surprise. If my shell is removed, I cannot survive! What am I? Snail
  • With my bushy, ringed tail and black mask, digging in trash cans late at night is quite a task. You will notice my pointed snout, wide skull, sharp teeth, and big hunched back. I probably will look as if I’m about to attack! What am I? Raccoon
  • I may appear to be a turtle, but we are just a tad bit different. They have webbed feet, whereas my feet look like small elephant feet. My shell is more rounded and complex than a turtle’s shell. But both of us like to travel slowly, it never fails! What am I? Tortoise
  • I’m annoying to humans, as I am bigger than a mouse. You will definitely get scared if I’m caught living in your house. My long, hairless tail is usually longer than my body. This tail is interesting because it regulates the temperature of my body! What am I? Rat
  • I’m a poky, prickly mammal. The cactus animal you might say. I use these quills to keep harmful predators away! What am I? Porcupine
  • I can be ridden, just add a saddle. But if there’s a storm, I jump high ready to battle. What am I? Horse
  • Although I might look like a snail, I am not. Their bodies are coiled, but my body is straight. I prefer to live in damp places. I can promise you that I won’t win any of the animal races! What am I? Slug
  • I can be brown, black, or even white. Hopping around the grass brings me such delight. I’m quite popular with my long, pointy ears and soft, fuzzy fur. But, you probably know me best for being around in the spring to bring smiles on Easter morning. What am I? Bunny
  • My feathers are pink because of the food I eat. My S-shaped neck, curved beak, and long legs with webbed feet make me quite unique. Walking eloquently with my long legs in different bodies of water, you might mistake me for a model. What am I? Flamingo
  • Flying around on a summer night, you can’t miss me because I’m so bright. Kids love to catch me and keep me in their jar. But sometimes they forget me and I wonder where they are! What am I? Firefly
Pink pig on white background with red border with animal riddle and answer.

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