Brrr-ace yourself for these frost jokes that are sure to help break the ice with this frosty humor. These jokes are sure to add a frosty smile on your face. So get ready to laugh until your teeth start to chatter.
Winter is here and what better to enjoy the freezing temperatures than with these frost jokes. They are guarenteed to warm your heart and make you giggle.
So grab a cup of hot cocoa and get ready to laugh out loud with these frist jokes that are sure to warm up your day.
For more jokes be sure to check out our winter jokes and our snowman jokes.
frost jokes
- Why did the Alaskan man name his dog Frost? Because Frost bites.
- How do snowmen get information? They search the “Winter-net.”
- What do you call a dog that gets frosting all over its fur? A pupcake.
- Cold weather is here. Had to scrape ice off my windscreen this morning. Used my supermarket loyalty card. Only got 10% off.
- Help, how do I get the frost off my windshield? I used my discount card but could only get 20% off.
- I think we’ll have a touch of frost tomorrow. I just checked the ITV3 listings.
- What do you get if you cross a snowman with a shark? Frostbite.
- What does a snowman eat for breakfast? Frosted flakes.
- Why did Thor have such a hard time accepting his brother was actually a frost giant? He was Loki racist.
- My friend stopped talking to me after I lost 3 of my toes to frost bite. I didn’t know he was lack toes intolerant.
- How does Jack Frost get to work? By icicle.
- What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite.
- What does Frosty’s wife put on her face at night? Cold cream.
- What does a Snowman take when he gets sick? A chill pill.
- How do snowmen greet each other? Ice to meet you.
- What bites with no teeth? Frost!
- What do you get when you leave a pair of dentures in the freezer overnight? Frost bite
- What did Frosty call his cow? Eski-moo!
- Thought it was going to be frosty so plugged my electric blanket in beside my toaster. I kept popping out of bed all night.
- What do you call a snowman on rollerblades? A snowmobile!
- When I grow I come closer to the ground. What am I? An icicle.
- My coach told me to bring out the tiger in me during our football game. I didn’t want to waste any of my favorite frosted flakes cereal.
- Looked like frost so I left my money outside. I wanted cold hard cash.
- So frosty this morning that I couldn’t text properly. Had hypothermia.
- What do snowmen win at the Olympics? “Cold” medals.
- What do you sing at a snowman’s birthday party? Freeze a jolly good fellow!
- Why did frosty the snowman have to go to the dentist? He has a very bad case of frost bite.
- How do snowmen read their e-mails? With an icy-stare!
- How do polar bears make their beds? With sheets of ice and blankets of snow.
- What does Jack Frost like best about school? Snow and tell!
- Why did the snowman name his dog Frost? Because sometimes Frost bites!
- Which superhero is best suited to defeat the frost giants? Thor.
- My frosted glass windows smashed this afternoon. It’s unclear what happened
- I’ve just been helping a man wearing a black robe holding a scythe get the frost off of his car. I was de-icing with death.
- There was a frost warming last night and I was worried about my garden. I ended up losing everything except the iceberg lettuce.
Do you have some other frost jokes that you love? Share them in the comments so we can try and solve them!
Printable Frost Jokes
Print your frost jokes and have fun giggling with the entire family!
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Michele Tripple is a renowned author and expert in the fields of parenting, relationships, and personal development. She is a certified Life Coach with her degree in marriage and family studies, her experience as a Family Life Educator, and over a decade of experience as a professional writer; Michele has authored books that provide practical advice and insights into improving family dynamics and personal growth. Her work is celebrated for its blend of research-driven information and relatable, real-world applications. Michele has been a keynote speaker at conferences and has contributed to numerous publications and media outlets, solidifying her reputation as an authoritative voice in her field and helping families build relationships.