Hey there, egg-straordinary Easter jokesters! Are you ready to crack up with some egg-citing Easter humor? When bunnies start hopping, and those colorful eggs get hidden, you know it’s time for some punny Easter cheer! I mean, why did the Easter egg hide? Because it was a little chicken! Let’s dive into these Easter jokes.
Strap on your bunny ears and get ready to hop down the bunny trail of chuckles. We’ve got a basket full of Easter jokes that are more stuffed than a chocolate egg full of surprises.
These Easter jokes are so funny; they’ll have you giggling like a bunny with a wiggly nose. And let’s face it, who can resist a giggle when there’s talk of chocolate and candy?
So, let’s not dilly-dally among the daffodils. It’s time to get this funny bunny show on the road. Let’s hop to it!
Now, don’t go putting all your jokes in one basket, be sure to check out our egg jokes and our Farm Jokes.
Best Easter Jokes
These Easter jokes will have the kids hopping with giggles and laughs.
- What do rabbits say before they eat? Lettuce pray.
- What do you call the funniest guest at Easter dinner? The Easter ham.
- How do you know a rabbit is in a good mood? He’s hoppy.
- Where does Valentine’s Day come after Easter? In the dictionary
- What do you call a dancing chick? Poultry in motion.
- What kind of jewelry does the Easter Bunny wear? 14 Carrot Gold
- What do you call the Easter Bunny the day after Easter? Eggs-hausted.
- What kind of bunny can’t hop? A chocolate bunny.
- What does the Easter Bunny say when it does a burp? Eggs-cuse me!
- What seafood do you eat on Easter? An oyster bunny!
- How does the Easter Bunny style his fur? He uses hare spray!
- How do you know a rabbit is in a good mood? He’s hoppy.
- How do rabbits travel? They take a hareplane.
- Why was the Easter Bunny so upset? He was having a bad hare day!
- Where does the Easter bunny get his eggs? From an eggplant.
- Why did the Easter egg hide? Because it was a little chicken!
- What do you call a rabbit with fleas? Bugs Bunny!
- What’s yellow, has long ears, and grows on trees? The Easter Bunana!
- What happened when the Easter Bunny got in trouble at school? He got eggspelled!
- What did the Easter egg ask for at the hair salon? A new dye-job.
- What do you call a baby who’s a little too warm on Easter? A hot cross bun(dle) of joy.
- How can you tell which rabbits are getting old? Look for the gray hares.
- How do you make Easter easier? Replace the “t” with an “i”
- What does the Easter Bunny order at Starbucks? Eggs-presso.
- What does the Easter Bunny plant next to the green beans in his garden? Jelly beans
- What do you get if you cross Winnie the Pooh and the Easter Bunny? A honey bunny.
- Where does the Easter Bunny like to eat out? IHOP.
- Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter Egg a joke? It might crack up!
- How does Easter end? With an R!
- Why is the Easter bunny a good listener? He’s all ears!
- Why are we so tired in April? Because we just finished a march.
- How does a rabbit stay cool in the summer? Hare-conditioning, of course.
- What did one colored egg say to the other? Heard any good yolks lately?
- Why won’t Easter eggs go out at night? They don’t want to get “beat up”.
- How does the Easter bunny stay in shape? By doing lots of hare-obics.
- Why was the little girl sad after the race? Because an egg beater!
- How can you tell where the Easter Bunny has been? Eggs (X) marks the spot!
- What should you do to prepare for all of the Easter food? Eggs-ercise!
- How can you tell which rabbits are getting old? Because then it would be a foot!
- How do you tame a wild hare? Wear an Easter bonnet.
- Where does Dracula keep his Easter candy? In his Easter casket!
- Therapist: What’s been up lately?Chocolate bunny: I don’t know Doc, I just feel so hollow inside.
- How did the Easter Bunny get his job? He had eggs-perience.
- What proof is there that carrots are good for the eyes? You don’t see rabbits wearing eyeglasses.
- What is the best way to send a letter to the Easter Bunny? Hare mail.
- What do you call a Transformer Bunny? Hop-timus Prime.
- Why don’t you see dinosaurs at Easter? Because they are eggs-tinct!
- Where do bunnies go after they get married? On a bunny-moon!
- What did the Easter bunny get his girlfriend for her birthday? An 18 carrot gold ring!
- Where does the Easter Bunny live? No bunny knows.
- Why did the bunnies go on strike? Because they wanted a celery increase and better bunnefits.
- How many chocolate bunnies can you put into an empty Easter basket? Only one because after that, it’s not empty!
- What does the Easter Bunny listen to while hiding eggs? Hip hop.
- What do you get when you cross a rabbit’s foot with poison ivy? A rash of good luck.
- What do you call an Easter egg from outer space? An “Egg-straterrestrial”!
- How does the Easter Bunny keep his fur neat? With a hare brush!
- What do you call a mischievous Easter egg? A practical yolker!
- What do you do when you eat all your chocolate Easter candy? Give Peeps a chance.
- What do you call two best friends on Easter? Two Peeps in a pod!
- Why did the Easter Bunny have to fire the duck? Because he kept quacking the eggs!
- How can you make Easter preparations go faster? Use the eggs-press lane!
- Why is the letter A like a flower? A bee comes after it.
- What do you call a bunny with money? A millionhare.
- What’s the Easter bunny’s favorite sport? Basket-ball!
- Which song can’t Easter eggs listen to? Beat it!
- Why wasn’t the bunny that funny this Easter? Because we poached all his best yolks!
- What do you call a rabbit that does magic? Harey Houdini.
- What’s the best way to catch a unique rabbit? Unique up on him.
- Why couldn’t the Easter egg family watch T.V.? Because their cable was scrambled.
- Why did the Easter egg go to the seashore? To stay at its beach-hatch!
- What do you call a bunny with a dictionary in his pants? A smarty pants.
- Where does the Easter Bunny study medicine? John Hop-kins!
- What did the magician say after the rabbit vanished? Hare today, gone tomorrow.
- How does an Easter chick dress for Sunday? Im-peck-ably.
- Why were the chickens huddled together? They were hatching a plan for the Easter egg hunt.
- What do the Easter Bunny and Michael Jordan have in common? They’re both famous for stuffing baskets
- How does the Easter Bunny stay safe? He’s got a bunny guard.
- What did the Easter Bunny say to the carrot? Nice gnawing you.
- Where did the Easter Bunny learn how to ski? The bunny hill.
- What stories do eggs tell their children? Yolk tales.
- What else do Easter eggs do for fun? Kara-yolk-e!
- What did the Easter egg say after it burped? Egg-scuse me!
- What game does the Easter bunny play at the park? Hopscotch.
- Who does the Easter Bunny call when he has a bug problem at home? The eggsterminator.
- How do you catch a tame rabbit? Tame way, unique up on it.
- What day does an Easter egg hate the most? Fry-days.
- What do you call an egg that can drive? An “Eggmobile”!
- What do you get when you find a rabbit with no hair? A hairless hare!
- What do you say to the Easter Bunny on his birthday? “Hoppy Birthday” !
- Why does the rabbit bring toilet paper to the party? Because he is a party pooper.
- What did the frog say when he saw the Easter bunny? “Ra-bbit.”
- What does one Easter bunny say to another if they want to flirt? You’re ear-resistable.
- Where does the Easter Bunny go when he needs a new tail? To a re-tail store
- Why does the Easter Bunny have such a good complexion? He eggs-foliates.
- What do you get if you give an Easter Bunny a pair of socks? A sock hop!
- How does Easter end? With an R.
- Would February March? No, but April May.
- What do you call the Easter bunny the day after Easter? Tired.
Do you have even more egg-citing Easter jokes? Share them in the comments so we can crack up with laughs, too!
Printable Easter Jokes
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Jokes for Adults
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Michele Tripple is a renowned author and expert in the fields of parenting, relationships, and personal development. She is a certified Life Coach with her degree in marriage and family studies, her experience as a Family Life Educator, and over a decade of experience as a professional writer; Michele has authored books that provide practical advice and insights into improving family dynamics and personal growth. Her work is celebrated for its blend of research-driven information and relatable, real-world applications. Michele has been a keynote speaker at conferences and has contributed to numerous publications and media outlets, solidifying her reputation as an authoritative voice in her field and helping families build relationships.