145 Easy and Hard Love Riddles That You’ll Love

Last Updated on February 28, 2024 by Michele Tripple

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These love riddles are sure to have kids and adults scratching their heads as they try and figure these out! We have included 140+ of the best love riddles, some are easy, and some are hard, so you can test everyone’s riddle knowledge!

red heart paper on stick on half the image with red background on the left with a white oval with pink border with a image of pink hearts and red writing " the best love riddles"

While love may be a little bit complicated, we are sure to make it a little less complicated (maybe fun) with these love riddles. Some are easy to solve, while some are a little more complicated (like love itself), but one thing is for sure, you will have fun trying to solve these love riddles. One thing is for sure, when you overthink it, you often get stumped, so take your best guess and spit it out and have fun!

These love riddles are perfect for kids and adults to try and solve. Share them on a car ride, around the dinner table, through texts with friends, or whenever you feel like really stumping someone. See who is the ultimate riddle champion as you play. While sharing riddles with your friends and family, don’t forget to share our Disney riddles and our ice cream riddles as well.

More Valentine’s Fun!

Looking for more fun Valentine’s Day activities to do with friends and family? You will want to grab our ultimate Valentine’s Day bundle loaded with all kinds of fun activities to help you connect with the ones you love! Use these fun activities at home or in the classroom. This bundle comes with over 80 pages of fun for one incredible price.

white writing "145 best love riddles" with 3 pink squares with a best love riddles and answer in each square.

love riddles

White background with purple border. Purple heart with purple scribble inside. Black letters saying love riddles
  • It is in the air and can’t be seen, but it’s not oxygen. What is it? Love.
  • The rich people want it, wise people know it, the poor people need it, and kind people show it. What is it? Love.
  • What did the guy squirrel say to the girl squirrel? I am “nuts” about you!
  • Q: I am what everyone thinks a boy squirrel say to the girl squirrel. I am also an idiom that expresses your enthusiasm and passion. What am I? I am nuts about you.
  • I am available in thousands of colors. Each color symbolizes different aspects of love. I am used to celebrate new beginnings and express heartfelt goodbyes. What am I? Flower.
  • Why is it difficult to find a loving, caring, and handsome guy? Because I am already with him.
  • What did the French chef give his girlfriend for Valentine’s Day? A “quiche.”
  • What happened when the man fell in love with his garden? It made him “wed” his plants.
  • I can break, I can be clogged, I can be attacked, I can be given, I can be kept, I can be crushed, yet I can be whole at the same time. What am I? A heart.
  • What is mine but only you can have? My heart.
  • What did the Valentine’s Card say to the stamp? “Stick” with me and we’ll go places.
  • Why did the girl ask her boyfriend for a map? Because she got lost in his eyes.
  • What did the fish say to the bait on Valentine’s Day? We should totally hook up.
  • What do you call two birds in love? “Tweet” hearts.
  • Eros is at its core, while a ring is its symbol. Though it can be seen as holy, often it is sealed by contact. What is it? Marriage
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger’s is really long. Michael J. Fox’s is short. Daffy Duck’s isn’t human. Madonna doesn’t have one, and I want yours. What is it? Surname
  • I can make people happy, I can make people cry. I can make people want me, and I can drive people crazy. What am I? Love
  • What’s the most romantic part of the ocean? When the “buoy” meets the “gull.”
  • What did the left eyebrow say to the right eyebrow? You look surprised to see me.
  • Why did the cannibal break up with his Valentine? She didn’t suit his taste.
  • What are the three rings of marriage? The engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering.
White background with purple border. Purple heart with white dots inside. Black letters saying love riddles
  • What is worth a billion dollars but comes free of cost? Love
  • Why did the woman fall for Dracula so quickly? It was love at first “bite.”
  • How do you get the attention of someone you love? By screaming ‘I love you’ loudly to someone else.
  • What do love and math have in common? Add wine and a bed, minus the clothes, divide the legs, and hope and pray that you don’t multiply.
  • What did the boy bulb say to the girl bulb? I love you a whole “watt,” honey!
  • How can a married couple who hates each other and are on the brink of divorce enjoy a romantic dinner and a bottle of wine at the same restaurant? They go on different days.
  • A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Sarah seven apples. Why? Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  • What is invisible and makes people suffer from symptoms like sweating and nausea, yet people can’t survive without it? Love
  • What happens when you fall in love with a French chef? You get “buttered” up!
  • He has married many but has never been married. Who is he? A priest.
  • What did the painter say to her boyfriend? I love you with all my “art.”
  • Why did the watermelon and the honeydew have a big wedding? Because they cantaloupe
  • Why did the prince fall in love with the girl? She wore a raspberry beret
  • What do snakes give each other when they say goodbye? A little hiss on the cheek
  • What is yours but you can’t actually hold? My heart.
  • What did the man with the broken leg say to his nurse? I have a “crutch” on you.
  • What did the boy pickle say to the girl pickle on Valentine’s Day? You mean a great “dill” to me.
  • Why did carbon marry hydrogen? They “bonded” well from the moment they met.
  • What did the boy snake say to the girl snake on Valentine’s Day? Give me a hug and a “hiss,” honey.
  • What did the doctor say to the tonsil? You look so cute, I think I will take you out.
White background with purple border. Purple heart with purple scribble inside. Black letters saying love riddles
  • What did the boy bird say to the girl bird on Valentine’s Day? Let me call you “tweet” heart.
  • Why was the chef embarrassed? Because he saw the salad “dressing.”
  • What did the boy drum say to the girl drum on Valentine’s Day? My heart “beats” for you.
  • Why did the man propose to his Korean crush? Because she was his “Seoul” mate!
  • How did the husband show his wife who was the boss of the household? The husband held up a mirror to his wife’s face.
  • How do you spell a cute boy with only two letters? QT!
  • What did the paper clip say to the magnet? I find you very “attractive.”
  • How can you tell when a wedding is emotional? When the cake is in tiers.
  • I am a word that begins with the letter “i.” If you add the letter “a” to me, I become a new word with a different meaning, but that sounds exactly the same. What word am I? Isle / aisle
  • Where do rabbits go after their wedding? On their bunny moon.
  • What did the boy rabbit say to the girl rabbit on Valentine’s Day? Some “bunny” loves you.
  • What did the elephant say to his Valentine? I love you a ton.
  • What do relationships have in common with algebra? Haven’t you ever had an X and wondered Y?
  • What did one pig say to the other? Don’t go bacon my heart!
  • Why did the banker break up with his girlfriend? He was losing interest
  • Did Adam and Eve ever have a date? No, but they had an apple.
  • What did the boy owl say to the girl owl on Valentine’s Day? “Owl” be yours!
  • What did the little boy sheep say to the little girl sheep on Valentine’s Day? I love “ewe.”
  • What is a vampire’s sweetheart called? His ghoul-friend.
  • You play with me when you are single and bored and stuck with me once married. What am I? You ring.
  • Why did the banana go out with the prune for Valentine’s Day? Because he couldn’t get a date.
  • Where does Valentine’s Day come after Easter? In the dictionary.
  • Did you hear about the romance in the tropical fish tank? It was “guppy” love!
  • Why didn’t the watermelon want to marry the honeydew melon? Because she can’t-elope.
  • What did the train say to his Valentine? I choo-choo-choose you!
  • I can be blind, I can be powerful, I can be difficult, deep, complicated, and tender at the same time. What am I? Love.
  • What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus on Valentine’s Day? I want to hold your hand.
  • How can you tell when a turkey is all ready for a date? It is “dressed.”
  • What did the iPhone say to the MacBook? You are the “apple” of my eye.
  • If love is grand, then what is divorce? At least a hundred grand!
  • Why does love need sunglasses and a cane? Because love is blind.
  • What greeting do you say to a single person on Valentine’s Day? Happy Independence Day!
  • What date do single people have on Valentine’s Day? February 14th.
  • What did the female giraffe ask the handsome male giraffe? Wanna neck with me?
  • What did the phone say to the WiFi? We definitely have a connection.
  • Why did the two lovers end up in prison? Because they stole each other’s hearts.
  • What did the bus conductor say to his new girlfriend that works at the zoo? I think you’re a “keeper.”
  • What did the clock say to the calendar on Valentine’s Day? Wanna go on a date?
  • What did number 2 say to number 1? Are you single?
  • What fastens two people yet touches only one? A wedding ring.
White background with purple border. Purple heart with purple scribble inside. Black letters saying love riddles
  • How did the bell propose to his girlfriend? He gave her a “ring.”
  • What word in the English language does the following: The first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire word signifies a great woman. What is the word? Heroine
  • Why should you never break up with a soccer player? Because he’s probably a keeper.
  • What did the electrical socket say to the plug? We fit perfectly together.
  • Why did the notebook marry the pencil? She finally found Mr. Write.
  • I am a nine-lettered word and rhyme with perfection; I am yet another name for love. What am I? Affection.
  • What is Mrs. Right’s first name? Always.
  • I can inflame and ignite a heart with my weapon, so you lovers better watch out. Who am I? Cupid.
  • What did the cat say to her Valentine? You are purr-fect for me.
  • What is the difference between love and marriage? Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.
  • What is another word for joy that starts with H, but for me it starts with U? Happiness.
  • What do farmers give their wives on Valentine’s Day? “Hogs” and kisses!
  • What do you call two young married spiders? Newly webs
  • This very thing you were born with pleases us all. It is even capable of making men fall, while only experienced by few. It is treasured by all. Your beauty.
  • It grows and blossoms, it dies and wilts. It happens in the beginning and happens in the end. It can make you cry, it can make you sad, it can make you smile, and it can make you brave. What is it? Love.
  • It is an eight lettered phrase, said very often, but never enough. What is it? I love you.
  • It’s hard to express this, but when it is expressed, it’s not easy to hide. What am I? I love you.
  • I am five lettered word; I start with T and end with a T; without me, your love won’t last. What am I? Trust.
  • I am a four-lettered word and end with an E, but not love. I am a form of love that you share with important people in your life. What am I? Care.
  • This is something I offer to you. It will help our relationship survive if it remains true. It begins with an L and comes at no cost. Surely without it, our relationship would be lost. Loyalty.
White background with purple border. Purple heart with purple scribble inside. Black letters saying love riddles
  • Made by God in pairs, separated at birth on Earth, found after years of search, inseparable for the rest of the time. What am I? Soulmates.
  • When I look at her, she smiles at me. When I wink at her, she winks at me. When I kiss her, she kisses me back. When I say I love you, she says it back. Who am I? Your own reflection in the mirror.
  • I can fly, but I am not a bird. I am colorful, but I am not a rainbow. I am beautiful and social, but I am not a person. What am I? A butterfly.
  • She is famously pretty, and you can make her anything you want her to be. She comes in many colors and sizes, with long hair, short hair, blonde, brunette, curly, or straight hair. She’s as cute as cute can be and can fit in your hand. Who is she? A Barbie doll.
  • I may look like I am grizzly, but I am actually soft and cuddly. I may be big or small, all stuffed up and ready to be snuggle. What am I? A teddy bear.
  • Useless for one, but absolute bliss to two. The small boy gets it for free, the young man has to seek permission for it. The old man has to buy it. It’s a baby’s right and a lover’s privilege. What am I? A kiss.
  • This is the most sold thing on Valentine’s Day. Red is the most popular of all its shades. Its fragrance is sweet. People give it at the most romantic of meetings. A rose
  • What four-letter word is the cause of most discord in the world, as well as most cooperation? Love.
  • What flowers are kissable? Tulips.
  • What did the hamburger buy his sweetheart? An onion ring!
  • Why should you avoid falling in love with a pastry chef? They’ll only dessert you.
  • I represent love. I’m the daughter of Heaven and Sea. You may find me in the sky above, and many envy my beauty. The goddess Venus.
  • My first is foremost legally. My second circle is outward. My third leads all in victory. My fourth twice ends a nominee. What am I? Love.
  • This word is a favorite of girls. Boys are unnerved by the mention of it. Once love finds its accompaniment, it becomes a lifelong event. Forever.
  • At the surface or within, it has the power to woo you and win. For Keats, it was joy forever. If you have it, it will get you favors. Beauty.
  • They have the power to entice. The exploration of their depths never suffices. They are the subject of all romantic lines. They come in blue, black, and hazel shades. Name them! Eyes.
  • It caused the destruction of Troy, the worst of tragedies, and numerous maladies. Yet it is chased, desired, and fought for. What is it? Love.
  • Testimony of love, a signifier of commitment. All it needs is a bottle of wine and a band that shines. A proposal.
  • What do you call two Italian ants? Romance.
  • What did the sculpture say to his girlfriend? I love you with all of my art.
White background with purple border. Purple heart with purple scribble inside. Black letters saying love riddles
  • A tested formula of love an inevitable part of love stories. The romantic dim light and good food are its friends. It never goes out of trend. A candlelight dinner.
  • A declaration of love, the beginning of a journey, with vows and a ceremony. Marriage.
  • Do skunks celebrate Valentine’s Day? Of course. They are very scent-imental beings.
  • You see him flying around, carrying bows and arrows. Once he hits you with it, all you feel is love not sorrow. He must have hit us both. Who is he? Cupid.
  • I am very popular during valentine’s day. Red is my popular shade, and my fragrance is lovely and related to romantic dates. What am I? Rose
  • It is mine, but you can only keep it. What is it? My heart.
  • I may be a quiet sense of happiness, sadness, or fear to many. I can be shown and sometimes just be gone, but I always come back before it’s too long. What am I? Feelings.
  • It is a synonym for joy, and it begins with H; for me, it starts with U. What is it? Happiness.
  • I am one symbol of love, the daughter of Heaven and Sea, and many envy my beauty. Who am I? Goddess of love- Venus.
  • I can be sweet. I can be bitter. I can make you daydream and make you catch all the butterflies inside of your tummy. What am I? Love.
  • You can steal it but still not end up in prison for it. What is it? Another person’s heart.
  • It is found in science, and also among lovers. It has a magnetic quality. What is it? Attraction.
  • It can hurt you and ignite a heart; you might want to watch out for it. What is it? Cupid’s arrow.
  • It comes once in a year, and you hear about the romance it creates everywhere. Lovers seem to be eagerly waiting for its arrival. What is it? Valentine’s Day.
  • I am a fish, but also god’s love. I sound like a puppy, but I am not. What am I? Guppy love.
  • I am in your fantasies, and also in rom-com books. I can be found in forests. What am I? Romance in the tropical.
  • I start with an H and end with a T; I might hurt you unknowingly. What am I? Heart.
  • I am not a cruise sailing on the sea, but a beautiful thing where you want to be. What am I? Relationship.
  • I am round and made of precious stone. You can wear me, but I am not a piece of garment. Life changes for the better once you wear me. I am the difference between love and marriage. What am I? A wedding ring.
  • It is something a bulb say to express his love. What is it? I love you a whole watt.
White background with purple border. Purple heart with purple scribble inside. Black letters saying love riddles
  • I am like a sweet connection, just like glue, connecting two things. What am I? Attachment.
  • I am a 12 lettered word, and a very important thing to initiate a relationship. What am I? Compatibility.
  • What does a man with a broken leg say to the girl nurse he has feelings for? I have a crutch on you.
  • Why would a cannibal break up with his girlfriend? If she is not to his taste.

Do you have some favorite love riddles that we don’t have on the list? Share them in the comments so we can add them to the list!

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