Ready to gobble all night with laughter? These Thanksgiving riddles are just what you need! With so many Thanksgiving riddles in this list, you sure will have plenty to make people really think (and laugh) this Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is the perfect time for friends, food, family, and a whole lot of laughter. Why not test their knowledge with these fun Thanksgiving riddles that they will gobble up with excitement? Tell these riddles around the table or after you are stuffed as you walk around the neighborhood or while being cozy on the couch.
Pair them with our Thanksgiving trivia, our Thanksgiving knock knock jokes, our Thanksgiving puns, and our Whole list of Thanksgiving jokes!
Check out Our Thanksgiving Game Ideas!
Looking for the perfect Thanksgiving activities? Pair your riddles with these fun activities.
thanksgiving riddles
- What’s the favorite food of mathematicians for Thanksgiving? Pumpkin pi
- What is hard, oddly-shaped, and brings you good fortune on Thanksgiving? A wishbone
- What did the mother turkey say to her disobedient children? If your father could see you now, he’d turn over in his gravy!
- What did the stock boy tell the woman when she asked, “Do these turkeys get any bigger?” No ma’am they are dead.
- Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive? It had 24 carrots.
- Why did the turkey sit on the tomahawk? To hatchet.
- What do you wear to Thanksgiving dinner? A har-vest.
- Why didn’t the cook season the Thanksgiving turkey? There was no thyme.
- If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for? Their age.
- What do you get when you divide the circumference of your jack-o-lantern by its diameter? Pumpkin Pi
- Why did the farmer run a steamroller over his potato field on Thanksgiving Day? He wanted to raise mashed potatoes.
- Why did the turkey cross the road? It was Thanksgiving Day, and he wanted people to think he was a chicken!
- What is a turkey’s favorite dessert? Peach gobbler!
- What do you get when you cross a turkey with a centipede? Drumsticks for everyone on Thanksgiving Day!
- What did her daughter say when her mom wanted her help fixing Thanksgiving dinner? “‘Why? Is it broken?”
- What’s the difference between a pirate and a cranberry farmer? A pirate buries his treasure, but a cranberry farmer treasures his berries.
- Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Prize? Because he was out standing in his field.
- If you call a big turkey a gobbler, what do you call a small one? A goblet.
- Why do turkeys lay eggs? If they dropped them, they’d break.
- What do you get when you cross a turkey with a banjo? A turkey that can pluck itself.
- What would you call a pet squash? Call it anything you want; it won’t hear you!
- What did the turkey say to the man who tried to shoot it? Liberty, Equality and Bad aim for all.
- Why did the Pilgrims want to sail to America in the spring? Because April showers bring Mayflowers.
- What did the turkey say before it was roasted? Boy, I’m stuffed!
- What does an English turkey say to another English turkey on Thanksgiving morning? “To be or not to be roasted, that is the question.”
- What did the turkey say to the turkey hunter on Thanksgiving Day? Quack, Quack!
- What’s the best song to play while cooking a turkey? “All About That Baste”
- What kind of weather does a turkey like? Fowl weather.
- Why didn’t the pilgrim want to make the bread? It’s a crummy job.
- What do you a call the age of a pilgrim? Pilgrimage
- What do you get if you cross a turkey with a bell? A bird that has to wring its own neck.
- What happened to the turkey whose feathers were all pointing the wrong way? He was tickled to death.
- What did the salad say to the butter who kept making jokes? You’re on a roll.
- What is something that describes both political talk and filling up your plate of food? Choosing sides
- What is the difference between a chicken and a turkey? Chickens celebrate Thanksgiving
- What should you say when your family begs you to stop making Thanksgiving jokes? “I can’t quit cold turkey!”
- How is it possible that a turkey can end up with 3 legs even though it has only 2 legs? Because it had grown another foot.
- What’s has feathers, a bowed head, and kneels? A turkey praying to not be eaten.
- Why did the turkey get arrested and put into jail? Because of its fowl attitude.
- Where do turkeys go to dance? The Butter Ball.
- What do the Pilgrims, Indians and Puritans have in common? The letter “i”.
- I am frequently at Thanksgiving dinner. I have ears, but I cannot hear. My outside is good, but my inside gets thrown away. What am I? Corn.
- I can be hot or cold, I can be made with fruit, vegetable, or meat, but either way you see it, on a Thanksgiving table I will be a treat. What am I? Pie
- If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? The Pilgrims.
- If it took 3 women 4 hours to roast a turkey, how long would it take 4 women to roast the same turkey? None the turkey is already roasted.
- If the turkey says. “Gobble, gobble, gobble,” and a peach says, “Cobbler, cobbler, cobbler,” what would a computer say? “Google, google, google!”
- Why do pilgrims’ pants always fall down? Because they wear their belt buckle on their hat.
- What do you get when a turkey lays an egg on top of a barn? An eggroll.
- What do you call it when it rains turkeys? Fowl weather.
- What kind of music did the Pilgrims listen to at the first Thanksgiving feast? Plymouth Rock!
- What’s the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie? Your teeth.
- What would you get if you crossed a turkey with an octopus? Eight feather dusters.
- Why do Turkeys gobble, gobble? They never learned good table manners!
- Why did the cranberries turn red? Because they saw the turkey dressing!
- What did the turkey say to the computer? “Google, google, google.”
- What do grateful, thankful, wonderful and joyful have all in common? They are all stuffed. (“ful”)
- Can a turkey fly higher than an ostrich? Yes, because ostriches don’t fly.
- What is that favorite sport of pumpkins and gourds? Squash.
- What’s a turkey’s favorite Thanksgiving food? Nothing; it’s already stuffed.
- What’s the best dance to do on Thanksgiving? The turkey trot.
- If it took 3 people 4 hours to roast a turkey, how long would it take 4 people to roast the same turkey? None, the turkey is already cooked.
- Why didn’t the turkey finish its dessert? Because it was stuffed.
- Why did Johnny get bad grades after Thanksgiving? Because everything is marked down after the holidays.
- What is a baby turkey called? A peeping Tom.
- What sound does a turkey’s phone make? “Wing, wing”
- What smells the best during Thanksgiving dinner? Your nose.
- What happens when cranberries get sad? They turn into blueberries.
- If roses are red, violets are blue, what is stuffed, brown and blue? A turkey holding its breath.
- Which side of the turkey has more feathers? The outside.
- If a tur-key has a key, and a don-key also has a key, what would you expect a monkey to have? A banana.
- When the Pilgrims walked off their boat into the new world, on what did they stand? Their feet.
- What has feathers, is the star of a November feast and goes up and down? A turkey in an elevator.
- When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? In the dictionary.
- At Thanksgiving dinner, which hand should you butter your roll with? Neither, you should use a knife.
- What is the difference between a chicken and a turkey? The turkey is stuffed.
- What do you call a running turkey? Fast food.
- What always comes at the end of Thanksgiving? The letter “g”.
- If you feel scared on Halloween, jolly on Christmas, how do feel on Thanksgiving? Stuffed.
- What is that favorite sport of pumpkins and gourds? Squash.
- What do you get when you cross a turkey and a monkey? A banana that gobbles.
- What is red and has feathers all over? A turkey blushing.
- Why did the chewing gum cross the road? It was stuck on the turkey’s foot!
- Why did the turkey cross the road twice? To prove he wasn’t chicken.
- Why did the turkey cross the road? It was the chicken’s day off.
- Why do turkeys eat so little? Because they are always stuffed.
- What part of the turkey does a drummer love the most? The drumsticks.
- What sound does a limping turkey make? “Wobble, wobble!”
- Where do you find a turkey with no legs? Exactly where you left it.
- What happened when the turkey got into a fight? He got the stuffing knocked out of him.
- I am a 12-letter word, 2 compound words, and people celebrate me in the fall. What am I? Thanksgiving.
- What animal has the worst eating habits? The turkey, because it gobbles everything up!
- What can never be eaten at Thanksgiving dinner? Thanksgiving breakfast and lunch.
- When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? In the dictionary.
- How can you tell which part of the turkey is the left side? The part that was not eaten.
- What key won’t open any door? A turkey.
- What do you call a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving? Lucky.
- Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building? Yes, because a building can’t jump at all.
- Leftovers? Leftovers are for quitters, and we ain’t quitters.
- Why did the turkey cross the road? Because it was Thanksgiving and he wanted to get out of sight.
- What do turkeys eat for dessert? Peach gobbler.
- Why did the cranberries turn red? Because they saw the turkey dressing.
- Why do pilgrims’ pants never stay up? Because their belt buckles are on their hats.
- What did the turkey say to the computer voice recognition? “Google, Google, Google.”
- What do you get when you cross a turkey with a centipede? Unlimited drumstick buffet!
- What did the turkey tell the hunter on Thanksgiving day? “Quack quack!”
- What’s the key to a successful Thanksgiving celebration? Tur-key!
- Why did the police take the turkey in for questioning? He sense fowl play.
- What sound does a turkey make when you take its legs? “Wobble, wobble!”
- What’s the difference between a pirate and a cranberry farmer? A pirate buries his treasure, while a cranberry farmer treasures his berries.
- What do you call a love story between a pilgrim and a turkey? 50 Shades of Gravy.
- What did the pilgrim call his friends? His pal-grims.
- What’s the best dance step to use at a Thanksgiving party? Twerky.
- Did you know that the pilgrims came over on smoke-colored ships designed by a guy named Valentine? You might call them gray V-boats.
- What happened to the turkey when he got into a fist fight? He got the stuffing knocked out of him.
- Why did the pilgrims avoid telling their secrets while they were in the cornfields? Because the corn had ears.
- Why did the turkey refuse to play any instrument other than the drums? Because he already had the drumsticks for it.
- What did the turkey say before he was popped into the oven? “Boy, am I stuffed!”
- What is a pumpkin’s favorite sport? Squash
- What would you get if you crossed Halloween with Thanksgiving? A poultry-geist.
- What do you call it when it rains turkeys? Fowl weather.
- Why can’t you take a turkey to church? Because they use fowl language.
- If fruit comes from fruit trees, where do turkeys come from? Poul-trees
- Why did the turkey let out a scream? Because he was caught dressing.
- What do most women and turkeys have in common? Guys are only ever interested in their breasts.
- What happens when you teach a turkey to play the harp? You get a turkey that can pluck on its own.
- Why didn’t the pilgrim want to make the Thanksgiving bread? He thought it was a crumby job.
- What’s the easiest recipe for pumpkin pie? Simple – just divide the pumpkin’s circumference by its diameter.
- What did the obstetrician say while she was cooking Thanksgiving dinner? “The turkey’s dilated to 2.5 inches, we’ve got crowning stuffing, it’s time to eat!”
- You think you’re crazy about Thanksgiving? Turkeys literally lose their heads at that time of year.
- How can you tell the difference between a female and a male turkey? The male turkey is usually the one holding the remote.
- How did Albert Einstein celebrate Thanksgiving? He always tried to remember what he was thinkful for.
- What would happen if you combined Thanksgiving and Easter? Feaster Sunday.
- Why did the pilgrim eat the candle off of the Thanksgiving table? He wanted a light snack before dinner.
- What did the small turkeys tell the big turkey bully? Peck on someone your own size!
- What do you get after eating too much turkey, stuffing, and sides than you can handle? You get dessert, of course.
- What does a turkey with 6 legs taste like? No one knows, they’re hard to catch.
- Why do we have Thanksgiving holiday? So we know when we need to get started on Christmas shopping.
- When is the best time to serve a tofu turkey? At Pranksgiving.
- What did the turkey tell the man who was trying to shoot him? Liberty, Equality, and Bad Aim for all.
- What sounds do turkeys make when they’re in outerspace? Hubble, Hubble, Hubble.
- Where’s one country where Thanksgiving is never celebrated? Turkey!
- Why did little Johnny get such low grades after Thanksgiving? Because everything is marked down after the holidays.
- What do you call a dumb, dried out gobbler? A jerky turkey.
- What has feathers and webbed feet? A turkey getting ready to go scuba diving.
- What kind of vegetable would be the best for Thanksgiving dinner? Beets me!
- How can you make a turkey float? Well, you start out with root beer, vanilla ice cream, and a turkey.
- What’s the best way to keep a turkey in suspense? I’ll let you know next week.
- What role do green beans have in Thanksgiving dinner? The casserole!
- What did the mother turkey say to her misbehaving child? “You’re making your grandmother roll over in her gravy!”
- Where did the first corn come from? The stalk brought it.
- What did Baby Corn say to Mama Corn? “Where’s Pop Corn?”
- What did the corn farmer say after a good harvest? “There’s polenta more where that came from.”
- What do you get if you cross a turkey with a ghost? A poultry-geist!
- Why did the musicians ask the turkey to join their rock ‘n’ roll band? Because he had his own drumsticks.
- What happened to the turkey when he got into a fight? He got the stuffing knocked out of him.
- Why did the turkey cross the road? Because he wanted people to think he was a chicken.
- Why do turkeys go, “Gobble, gobble?” Because they never learned good table manners.
- What can you never eat at Thanksgiving dinner? Thanksgiving breakfast and lunch!
- Why did the cranberries turn red? Because they saw the turkey dressing.
- What baseball position do turkeys play? First baste.
- Did you hear about possessed turkey? It had a poultry-geist.
- Why are Pilgrims so popular? They’re a chip off the old rock.
- Did you hear about the Pilgrim band? They’re called “New Kids on the Rock.”
- What’s a Pilgrim’s favorite letter? The “C.”
- Why did the Pilgrims stay in Plymouth? It was rockin’.
- What did the ocean say to the Pilgrims? Nothing, it just waved.
- What does a grape say when it gets stepped on? Nothing, it just lets out a little wine.
- Beauty and the feast.
- Last but not feast.
- What flavor of ice cream do Pilgrims prefer? Rocky road.
- No turkey this year? I suspect fowl play!
- Did you hear about the turkey that went into IT? It was a technical fowl.
- Did you hear about the spontaneous turkey? It decided to wing it.
- Did hear about the cursing turkey? It had a fowl mouth.
- Did you hear about the poultry convention? They brought in a turkey-note speaker.
- Did you hear about the sick turkey? It was feeling under the feather.
- How’d the turkey know it was going to snow? It got a winter feather advisory.
- Why did the turkeys cancel school? There was going to be fowl weather.
- Did you hear about the stuffing costume? It was dressing in disguise.
- Where do cranberries get soft serve? At the Berry Queen.
- Who comes when little cranberries lose a tooth? The Tooth Berry.
- Did you hear about the maize comedian? He only tells corny jokes.
- What did one pie say to the other? “You wanna piece of me?”
- Did you hear about the pie that apologized? It was a piece offering.
- What did one pie say to the other? “You wanna piece of me?”
- Did you hear about the feuding desserts? They didn’t see pie to pie.
- Did you hear about the Thanksgiving buffet? It’s fall you can eat.
- Why did the leaf join the military? It answered the fall of duty.
- How did the turkey escape Thanksgiving alive? He stayed ahead of the carve.
Printable Thanksgiving Jokes
Print your Thanksgiving jokes and have fun giggling with the entire family!
Don’t forget to share some of your favorite Thanksgiving riddles in the comments so we can add them to the list!
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Michele Tripple is a renowned author and expert in the fields of parenting, relationships, and personal development. She is a certified Life Coach with her degree in marriage and family studies, her experience as a Family Life Educator, and over a decade of experience as a professional writer; Michele has authored books that provide practical advice and insights into improving family dynamics and personal growth. Her work is celebrated for its blend of research-driven information and relatable, real-world applications. Michele has been a keynote speaker at conferences and has contributed to numerous publications and media outlets, solidifying her reputation as an authoritative voice in her field and helping families build relationships.