The Best Dinosaur Jokes that Make You Rawrrrr

Last Updated on February 1, 2024 by Michele Tripple

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Dinosaurs are a huge hit with kids, so it is always great to have some awesome dinosaur jokes on hand to make them laugh! Find the perfect joke on this massive list of dinosaur jokes for kids which includes Dinosaur birthday jokes and dinosaur knock knock jokes for even more fun!

a brown T-rez roaoring on half the image with a light turquoise background on the left with a white oval with yellow border with a image of  a Trex and light turquoise writing "the best dinosaur jokes"

Dinosaur Jokes

Everyone needs a good joke! In fact, you always need a good dinosaur joke to lighten the mood. You will love this list of clean dinosaur jokes that are perfect for kids and adults. But before you start going crazy with these jokes, be sure you check out our fun birthday jokes, lemon jokes, and our water jokes that will never leave you salty!

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The Best Dinosaur Jokes for Kids

  • What do you call a dinosaur that never quits?  Try-Try-Try-ceratops
  • Which dinosaur sleeps all day? The dino-snore
  • Who makes the best prehistoric reptile clothes? A dino-sewer.
  • What do you get if you crossbreed a dinosaur with a pig? A Jurassic Pork!
  • What do you call a dinosaur couple? Pair-odactyls!
  • Why do museums exhibit old dinosaur bones? Because they can’t afford new ones!
  • Which watch store do dinosaurs go shop? Fossil
  • Which dinosaur was a noisy sleeper? A Tyranno-snorus!
  • What is a dinosaur’s favorite quote in life? “Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures!”
  • How many eyes does Tyrannosaurus Rex have? None! Cause there is no letter “I” in it.
  • What do you call a medical instrument used in dinosaurs? Stegoscoperus
  • Which part of our body is a reptile? The Bronco-saurus.
  • Which dinosaur can jump higher than a building? Any kind because buildings can’t jump.
  • What is the best time when a dinosaur sleep in your bed? It’s time to get a new bed.
  • What’s as huge as a dinosaur but weighs nothing? It’s shadow
  • What genre of movie does a reptile loves to watch? The Terror-dactyl.
  • What do Triceratops eat on camping trips? Dino-smores.
  • What does a triceratops sit on? It’s tricera-bottom
  • What is it called when a dinosaur gets a touchdown? A dino-score
  • How does a velociraptor communicate? Via Long distance
Dinosaur with a blue border and a dinosaur joke.
  • What do you call a dinosaur that won’t stop talking? A dino-bore!
  • What do you call a dinosaur that destroys everything? Tyrannosaurus wrecks
  • What do you call a dinosaur that explodes? A Dino-mite
  •  What do you call a polite Dinosaur? A Pleaseyosaur
  • Who do you gonna call when being robbed?  A tricera-COPA.
  • What is the name of the purple and green dinosaur who loves to sing? Barney
  • What do you call a group of dinosaurs who sing?   A tyranno-choru
  • What do you call a dinosaur ghost? A scaredactyl.
  • Why does the brontosaurus have a long neck?  Because of his smelly feet
  • What do you call an anxious dino? A nervous Rex.
  • What do you call a short spiky dinosaur that’s fallen down the stairs? Ankle-is-sore-us.
  • What do you call a baby dinosaur? A Wee-Rex!
  • What do you call a dinosaur after they break up with their girlfriend? Tyrannosaurus ex.
  • What does a prehistoric reptile carpenter’s favorite tool?  A dino-saw !
  • What form of water does a reptile go swimming?  At dino-shore
  • Brontosaurus is good at what sport? Squash!
  • Which dinosaur is made of cheese? Gorgon-zilla!
  • What’s the best thing to do if you see a T-rex? Pray hard not to see you.
  • What do you find in the middle of dinosaurs? The letter “S”.
  • What kind of materials do dinosaurs buy to use for the floor of their homes? Rep Tiles
Dinosaur with a blue border and a dinosaur joke.
  • What has 3 horns and 2 wheels? A Triceratops on a bike.
  • What is the title does a korean dinosaur composed? Dinomite
  • Which part of the dinosaur is good at playing volleyball? Spike

Dinosaur Birthday Jokes

Throwing a dinosaur party? Don’t forget these fun dinosaur birthday jokes!

  • Where do dinosaurs buy gifts? At Toy-Sau-Rus!
  • What do the visitors say after the birthday party? Oh! It was a T-REXellent Birthday party. 
  • Who is the guest singer invited at the party? Barney and Friends.
  • How did the dinosaur feel after eating the cake? Jurras-tic.
  • What did the mama dinosaur say to her debutante baby? You are roarsome on your dress!
  • How do you greet a T-Rex on its birthday? Have a rawr-some birthday!
  • What did the allosaurus say to the raptor when he asked why the cake fell on the floor? What? I dino anything.
  • What is the costume of a dinosaur when he attends a party? A human costume
  • Where do prehistoric reptiles prefer to go on birthday celebration? The dino-shore.
  • What kind of dinosaur is the fastest ice cream eater? The PRONTOsaurus.
  • What is an Iguanodon’s request to receive on its birthday? A dino-see-saur.
  • What did the dinosaur say after he bumped the clown? I’m-so-saurus.
  • What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with fireworks? Dino-mite.
  • Why did the dinosaur get into the bed after the party? Because he was tired.
  • What is a T. Rex’s favorite program number in debut? Eight (ate!)
  • What did the dinosaur say when the clown spooked him? You make my heart saur!
Dinosaur with a blue border and a dinosaur joke.

Dinosaur Knock Knock Jokes

These are some of our favorite dinosaur knock knock jokes that we had to share!

  • Knock Knock! Who’s there? Hide. Hide who? Hide! T-Rex is on our way!
  • Knock Knock! Who’s there? Dinosaur. Dinosaur who?Dinosaurs don’t go who, they go ROAR!
  • Knock knock! Who’s there? Terry. Terry who?It’s me, Terry Dactyl! (Pterodactyl)
  • Knock knock! Who’s there? Dinosaurp. Dinosaurp who?HA HA HA, I heard you said dinosaur poo!
  • Knock knock! Who’s there? Try Terry. Try Terry who?Try Terry tops! (Triceratops)
  • Knock Knock! Who’s there? Dino. Dino who? A dino-sewer, your mom called me!
  • Knock Knock! Who’s there? Sleepy head. Sleepy head who?Sleepy head dinosaurs are called stega-snore-us!
  • Knock knock! Who’s there? Gotta. Gotta who?Gotta run! T-rex is running close to us!
  • Knock knock! Who’s there? Voodoo. Voodoo who?Voodoo you think was the strongest dinosaur?
  • Knock knock! Who’s there? Nun. Nun who?Nun of the dinosaurs are still alive!
  • Knock knock! Who’s there? Fossi. Fossi who?Fossils are dinosaur preserved remains!
  • Knock knock! Who’s there? Eggs. Eggs who?Eggs-tinct dinosaurs were about 65 million years ago.
  • Knock knock! Who’s there? Iggy. Iggy who?Iggy-uanodon was a large herbivorous dinosaurs! (Iguanodon)
  • Knock Knock! Who’s there? Donna. Donna who?Donna get close to a dinosaur or he’ll eat you!
  • Knock Knock! Who’s there? June. June who?June know where the dinosaur fossils can be found?
Dinosaur with a blue border and a dinosaur joke.

Do you have some favorite dinosaur jokes? Share them in the comments so we can add them to the list!

white text saying the best dinosaur jokes in light turquoise background with a Tex in forest

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