75 Best Scarecrow Jokes [Free Joke Cards]

Last Updated on January 18, 2024 by Michele Tripple

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Ladies, gentlemen, and straw enthusiasts gather ’round as we stand here—in fields, barns, or just scrolling through screens—to pay homage to the unsung heroes of agriculture, the scarecrows! Those straw-stuffed fashion disasters give us quite a laugh and scare, so gather around on your haybales and enjoy these scarecrow jokes.

on left yellow background with white circle with blue writing"the best scarecrow jokes" on the right a scarecrow with an orange vest

But don’t be fooled by these cute scarecrow friends; these field guardians are at the front lines, defending our corn, wheat, and organic kale from the tyranny of the bird kingdom, all while dressed like they raided a thrift store blindfolded. They might not have brains, but hey, they have more character than a cardboard cutout of a celebrity at a budget event!

It’s time to elevate the humor like a crow flying over a cornfield. Get ready for an onslaught of scarecrow jokes that will have you laughing so hard, you might just scare away a flock of birds yourself!

Will the jokes be corny? Absolutely.

But will they make you laugh? Well, that’s what we’re here to “crow” about! So let’s give these hardworking hay-brains the stage they’ve never asked for but deeply deserve. It’s time for the jokes!

For more fun jokes, be sure to check out our Thanksgiving jokes and our farm jokes.

And don’t forget to get your free printable scarecrow joke cards which are perfect for sending in lunchboxes or backpacks. My kids love collecting all the jokes and adding them to a ring clip so they can scroll through them whenever they want! We love to have joke cards on hand in the car to share on the ride to or from school. My older kids love it when I post them on the fridge or bathroom mirror and hide the answer to see who can solve it first. There are so many ways to use the joke cards, so don’t forget to grab your free set below!

white writing "75 best scarecrow jokes" with graphic of scarecrow with 3 yellow boxes with a scarecrow joke and answer in each box.

Best Scarecrow Jokes

Ready to giggle with these funny scarecrow jokes and scare away the crows? Find your favorite joke below!

in post image with white background, brown border, title that says "scarecrow jokes", text of a scarecrow joke, and an image of a scarecrow wearing a green hat, red top and blue jumpers
  • Why didn’t the scarecrow go to the dance? He had no body to dance with.
  • What’s got paws and claws and stands in the middle of a field? A bearcrow!
  • Why did the city dwelling scarecrow keep going to the all you can drink restaurants? To stuff himself full of new straws!
  • Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Hope. Hope who? Hope the scarecrow keeps birds out of our garden!
  • Why did the scarecrow cross the road? To get away from the cows!
  • What did the scarecrow say on a hot day in Oz? If I only had some rain!
  • What did the scarecrow name their baby? Hay bail!
  • What did the scarecrow say to the first little pig? Gimme my hay back!
  • Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Armageddon. Armageddon who? Armageddon away from that scarecrow!
  • How much does the farmer pay a scarecrow for a days work? He couldn’t give a stuff.
  • What do you call a scarecrow that’s not being used? A sparecrow!
  • How did the scarecrow take out the zombie? He beet him, then turnip his neck, then put hay fork in the head!
  • Where do scarecrows go at night? To the dance floor to do their famous sweeping dance moves!
  • Why did the scarecrow stand up comic fail? Because all his jokes were corny.
  • How do scarecrows vote?  They take a straw poll!
in post image with white background, brown border, title that says "scarecrow jokes", text of a scarecrow joke, and an image of a scarecrow in autumn harvesting pumpkin
  • Why did the homeless scarecrow say when out begging  Hay man! Do you have any spare straws? 
  • What has no bones and catches flies? A scarecrow baseball player.
  • How do scarecrows say hello? Hay!
  • Why don’t you draw straws with a scarecrow? They might unravel.
  • What moos and is made of hay?  A scarecow!
  • Who is the most famous scarecrow detective? Strawlock Holmes.
  • Why are you so good at being a scarecrow? Hay, it’s in my jeans!
  • How does a scarecrow drink his juice? With a straw.
  • Knock knock. Who’s there? Albi. Albi who? Albi hiding from scarecrows this Halloween!
  • Why didn’t the scarecrow eat much for dinner? It was already stuffed!
  • Why don’t scarecrows eat? They’re already stuffed.
  • How do scarecrows drink? With a straw!
  • Knock Knock Who’s there? Harry.Harry who? Harry up, there is a scarecrow coming after me!
  • Why did the scarecrow climb up the tree? A cow wanted to eat him.
  • Why are the scarecrow’s jokes so bad?  They’re too corny!
  • Why did a scarecrow win the Nobel Prize? He was outstanding in his field. 
  • Why is it hard to hug a scarecrow? Because you’re clutching at straws!
  • Why can’t scarecrows be the church musicians? They don’t have any organs.
  • Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Chuck.Chuck who? Chuck to see if the scarecrow is gone.What was the scarecrow’s favorite fruit? Straw-berries.
in post image with white background, brown border, title that says "scarecrow jokes", text of a scarecrow joke, and an image of a cartoon scarecrow
  • How do scarecrows decide who should be the head scarecrow? They take a straw poll.
  • Who solved the mystery of the missing scarecrow? Strawlock Holmes.
  • Why was the scarecrow the best vegetable grower? He was outstanding in his field.
  • What did the scarecrow want to be for the circus? The strawg man.
  • What crop did the scarecrow stand over? Beets me.
  • Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Butter. Butter who? Butter watch out for that spooky scarecrow!
  • I think scarecrows are amazing. Nothing holds a candle to them.
  • What happened to the scarecrow? The first little pig took him!
  • Why couldn’t the scarecrow skydive? He didn’t have the guts.
  • What is a scarecrow’s favorite holiday food? Stuffing.
  • Why did the Scarecrow avoid hanging out with cows? Because it could cost him his arms and legs.
  • What do you say when you find your scarecrow has been stolen? That’s the last straw!
  • I saw a female scarecrow and I said hay girl.
  • Why didn’t the scarecrow go to the scary movie? He didn’t have the guts.
  • Why did the scarecrow go to the dance? To see the boogie man.
in post image with white background, brown border, title that says "scarecrow jokes", text of a scarecrow joke, and an image of a scarecrow wearing purple dress and with a bird on the top of purple hat
  • I was driving past a field today when I saw a scarecrow trying to fight with another scarecrow. I thought to myself ‘those poor guy are just clutching at straws’!Why didn’t the scarecrow eat spicy food? He didn’t have the stomach for it.
  • Why did the scarecrow lose the race with the cabbage? The cabbage was always a little ahead.
  • What did the scarecrow do after the big bad wolf blew down the pig’s straw house? He rebuilt his family!
  • What was the name of the scarecrow DJ? Turnip the beet.
  • What did the scarecrow get paid for his job? A good celery.
  • What’s a scarecrow’s favorite movie? “The Wizard of Strawz”!
  • Why didn’t the scarecrow want to play baseball? His heart wasn’t in it.
  • What do scarecrows like to do on weekends?  Go to the corn-ival.
  • Why did the scarecrow have to be the one to feed the horses? He pick the short straw.
  • Why did the scarecrow say to the corn stalk on Halloween? Your costume is a-maize-ing.
  • How do you get a scarecrow out of jail? Pay the straw bale.
  • Why do camels hate scarecrows? Because scarecrows just love to break the camel’s back one straw at a time.
  • Why did the scarecrow refuse to eat the vegetable soup?  Because he was afraid of the stalk.
  • Why don’t scarecrows go for dinner with farm animals? It costs them an arm and a leg!
in post image with white background, brown border, title that says "scarecrow jokes", text of a scarecrow joke, and an image of a scarecrow wearing a red plaid top, green shorts
  • What do scarecrows do for fun? They go on hayrides.
  • Who stole the scarecrow? The first little pig.
  • Why was the scarecrow losing the race with the cabbage?
  • The cabbage was always a little ahead!
  • Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Eva.Eva who? Eva see a scarecrow?
  • Knock Knock. Who’s there? Ice Cream.Ice cream, who?Ice cream when I see a scarecrow.
  • What’s a scarecrow’s favorite subject in school? Straw-nomics!
  • Knock Knock. Who’s there? Terri. Terri who? Terrified of scarecrows…
  • Knock Knock Who’s there? Hayden. Hayden who? Hayden from the scarecrow.
  • What is a scarecrow’s vehicle of choice? An Autumn Mobile
  • Why did the scarecrow bring a pencil to the field? To draw a crowd!

Share your favorite funny scarecrow jokes in the comments!

yellow background with white writing "the best scarecrow jokes" with an image of a scarecrow with an orange vest

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