Free Printable Thanksgiving Bingo Cards

Last Updated on November 18, 2024 by Michele Tripple

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Thanksgiving bingo is the perfect game to play after you are stuffed with all the turkey or at a school class party! All you need to do is download, print, and play. How is that for an easy Thanksgiving game?

Thanksgiving Bingo Cards

Can you believe it’s already time to prepare for Thanksgiving? The holiday season is fresh upon us, and I’m always on the lookout for great entertainment ideas for our HUGE family get-together for Thanksgiving dinner.

Today, I’m sharing one of my favorite games to add to our growing list of Bingo games! We add this to our popular Halloween Bingo, our Fall Bingo, and our Christmas Bingo to name a few! I love picture bingo because EVERYONE can play it, even the toddlers! It’s a great way to gather everyone together, and it’s super easy! You can’t beat easy when it comes to preparing for holiday fun. Check out all our other bingo games for kids!

Check out Our Thanksgiving Game Ideas!

If you need some other Thanksgiving games for your family game night or Thanksgiving party, check out our list of Thanksgiving Minute to Win It Games, Thanksgiving Trivia, Thanksgiving Riddles or our printable Thanksgiving Scattergories game.

Free Printable Thanksgiving Bingo

This free printable Thanksgiving bingo game doesn’t get any easier! All you need to do is download, print, and play.

It comes with 6 game boards and one drawing card sheet. If you have more people that want to play you can divide everyone into teams or small groups.

How to Play Thanksgiving Bingo

  • You will want to print out the cards. I always recommend laminating them for added durability.
  • Cut out the calling cards and put them in a bowl to draw from.
  • Have everyone choose a game board. Be sure you have markers to mark off the squares. This can be serious, M&Ms, Pom Pom balls, or pieces of paper.
  • One person draws a calling card and announces what it is to everyone, and shows the picture.
  • If you have the picture on your board, you mark it off.
  • Once you get five in a row (horizontal, vertical, diagonal), you yell bingo!

Thanksgiving Bingo Prizes

Thanksgiving bingo is not bingo without Prizes! We have gathered some fun Thanksgiving bingo prizes that will be fun for everyone to win!

Ready for Thanksgiving Fun? Grab Your Thanksgiving Bundle!

Helpful Tools We Love When Downloading Printables

  • Printer– I love my HP+ printer that uses Instant Ink. I love it because we can use as much color ink as you want for one low cost starting at $.99/ month for ink. Try it out for free here!
  • Cardstock- I always recommend printing on cardstock. This makes it way more durable so you don’t have to worry about printing it time and time again.
  • Laminator / Laminating Sheets- Again, for added durability, grab a laminator and laminating sheets so that you can use this again and again!
  • Scissors (I seriously love these ones)
  • Dry Erase Pens- Use dry erase pens so that you can wipe your laminated printable clean over and over again for endless use!
ultimate bingo bundle with PDFs on blue background

Download Free Thanksgiving Bingo

Grab your free Thanksgiving Bingo game by joining our Free Confessions of Parenting email list below! If you aren’t quite ready to join, you can grab it right here!

More Thanksgiving Fun is Just around the corner!

Love Bingo Games? Don’t forget to grab these too!

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How Do I access my free printables?

Fill in the form above. You will receive an email in your inbox. If you don’t see it, check your spam folder! You will see an email with your free printable.

How Do I Print a PDF?

You’ll need a program that supports PDFs. Adobe Acrobat is a great option. Open the program, click File, then print. Select your printer and the number of copies you want to print. Be sure you click double-sided if you want it to print on both sides.

Can I resell these?

You may not resell any printable on our website or in our resource library. You may use them for class parties, at church, at home, or in the classroom. You may get these printed at an office supply store or copy center at your own expense.

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