Skeleton Jokes to Make Your Bones Laugh!

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by Michele Tripple

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Skelton jokes are a must when it comes to Halloween jokes for kids! Don’t forget to grab these awesome jokes to really get your kids laughing in no time!

two skeleton chatting on half the image with a yellow background on the left with a white oval with pink border with a image of a halloween skeleton and yellow writing "the best skeleton jokes"

While it is pretty common to hear some awesome skeleton jokes around October, there is no reason why you can’t tell these jokes throughout the whole year. These are guaranteed to give some bone-chilling laughs! Pair these with our pumpkin jokes for even more fun!

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white writing "50+ best halloween jokes" with 3 yellow squares with a skeleton jokes and answer in each square.

The Best Skeleton Jokes

  • What will happen if the skeleton gets angry? He lost his head!
  • What kind of TV does a skeleton watch? A skelevision.
  • Who won the skeleton beauty contest? No body!
  • What do you call a skeleton snake? A rattler.
  • What did the doctor say to the skeleton who had a temperature of 39 degrees celsius? Looks like you are running a femur.
  • Why did the skeleton go to the dance? To see the boogie man.
  • What is a skeleton’s favorite ride at the funfair? The helter SKULLter!
  • Who is the most famous French Military skeleton? Napoleon bone-apart.
  • How do skeletons like their eggs? Terri-Fried!
  • What happened to the skeleton after he completed a triathlon? He was bone tired.
  • Why did the skeleton climb up the tree? Because the dog wants to eat his bones!
  • How do skeletons tell their future? Through at their horror-scope!
  • What happened to the skeleton who stayed by the fire for too long? He became bone dry
  • What is so nice about the skeleton? He always lends a hand!
  • Why was the skeleton so mean? He was heartless!
  • What is half the diameter of a skeletal circle? The radius.
  • Why do skeletons make excellent weathermen? They always know when it is going to rain because they can feel it in their bones!
  • Why are skeletons gets easily cold? Nothing gets under their skin!
  • What happened to the skeleton who stayed by the fire for too long? He became bone dry
  • Why did the skeleton cross the road? To buy at Body Shop!
  • What is a skeleton’s favorite thing to do with their mobile phone? Take skelfies.
skeleton body with closed eyes with a skeleton joke and a purple border
  • What happened to the pirate ship that sank in the sea full of sharks? It came back with a skeleton crew!
  • How much do hippo weigh? A skele-tonne!
  • What is the favorite song do skeleton bikers ride to? Bone to be wild.
  • Why did the skeleton don’t want to go ride with the rollercoaster? They did not have guts for it!
  • What do Spanish skeletons favorite dish? Patella
  • What do you call a skeleton works in a construction site? Cranium operator.
  • What did the skeleton say to the vampire? You suck.
  • Why is the skeleton so funny? He’s very humerus!
  • What was the skeleton’s favorite band? The Grateful Dead.
  • What type of art do skeletons buy? Skulltures!
  • What does a french skeleton say to his friend? Bone-jour!
  • What do you call a skeleton who likes to listen to indie music? A hip-ster.
  • What musical instrument does the skeleton play in church? Organs!
  • Why did the skeleton eat continuously? They never felt full!
  • How does a skeleton get into his house? He uses a skeleton key!
  • What do you call a skeleton who uses a doorbell? A dead ringer.
  • What is a skeleton’s favorite food? Spare ribs!
  • Why did the skeleton hate to eat spicy food? He didn’t have the stomach for it.
  • What do you call a skeleton who goes out in the snow? A numb-skull.
  • Who is the famous detective skeleton? Sherlock Bones!
  • What did one skeleton say to the other skeleton? You’re dead to me.
  • What kind of candy does the kid skeleton have? Jawbreakers
  • Why didn’t the skeleton attend the party? It had no body to go with!
  • Why do skeletons hate the cold? It chills up through their spine.
  • Where did the skeleton keep his parrot? In his rib cage!
Baby pumpkin head with open eyes with a skeleton joke and a purple border
  • Why was the skeleton so calm? Because nothing got under his skin.
  • What does a skeleton order at a  5- Star restaurant? Spare ribs.
  • What do you call skeletons’ favorite musical instrument? A saxo-bone!
  • How do you make a skeleton laugh? Tickle his funny bone!
  • What kind of dishes do skeletons serve tea on? Bone china.
  • Where should you put a skeleton? In the living room!
  • What is a skeleton’s favorite aircraft? A scare-plane.
  • What plant is made of tiny little skeletons? A bone-sai tree!
  • Why didn’t the skeleton go to the gym? He was a lazy bone!
  • What’s a skeletons’ next-favorite rock band? Bone Jovi.
  • What does skeleton use to take calls? Their mobile bones!
  • Why couldn’t the police arrest the skeleton? Because they couldn’t pin anything on him.
  • What do you call a skeleton with no Friends? Bonely!
  • Who won the best skeleton competition? No body won!
  • What does a skeleton say when he gets angry with another skeleton? I will break your bone!
  • What do old skeletons complain about the most? Aching Bones!
  • What do skeletons fly in? Skelecopters!
  • Why are skeletons so good at chopping down trees? They’re LUMBARjacks!
  • What do skeletons say before they eat? Bone-appetit!
  • What do you call a skeleton snake? A rattler.
Pumpkin head with closed eyes and a skeleton body with a skeleton joke and a purple border
  • Why did the skeleton go to acting classes? He wanted tibia star.
  • What kind of pasta do skeletons enjoy eating the most? Elbow macaroni
  • What do you call a lie which is told by a skeleton? A fibula
  • Why is a ribcage the same as a window? You can see right through them!
  • What is a skeleton’s favorite musical instrument? The trom-bone!
  • What do you say to a group of skeletons sailing away on a boat trip? Bone Voyage.
  • Did you hear about the skeleton that dropped out of medical school? He just didn’t have the stomach for it.
  • Where do bad jokes about skeletons belong? In the skelebin.
  • What do you call a skeleton home alone? Bonely.
  • What does a skeleton use to call his friends?  A tele-bone.
  • Why did the skeleton pupil stay late at school? He was boning up for his exams!

Don’t forget to add your favorite skeleton jokes in the comments so we can add them to the list!

white text saying the best skeleton jokes in teal background with a picture of a skeleton making a phone call

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