125 Skeleton Puns That Are Humerus

Last Updated on February 21, 2024 by Michele Tripple

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Did you know that the human body comprises 206 bones, but only a couple are fun bones? Stop having so many lazy bones and get laughing with these humorous skeleton puns that are sure to make you laugh out loud.

close up photo of human skeleton on half the image with red background on the left with a white oval with red border with a image of a cute skeleton and teal writing " the best skeleton puns"

I love jokes and puns that are downright funny and rattle your bones with excitement; what’s even better is when kids and adults can enjoy them because they are family-friendly. If this is you also, I have some great news: these skeleton puns are kid-friendly and won’t make your bones jump out of your skin and hide out of embarrassment when you hear them.

Use these skeleton puns to send as texts, add to your Instagram stories, or tell your friends as you play! For more festive humor, check out our Halloween jokes and our Halloween riddles for kids.

Ready for some skeleton humor that will make your bones rattle? This list of skeleton puns is sure to do it! Not only will it make you chuckle it is sure to put a smile on your face from ear to ear.

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white writing "125 best skeleton puns" with 3 red squares with a best skeleton puns and answer in each square.

The Best Skeleton Puns

  • What was the skeleton doing at the hockey game? Driving the zam-boney.
  • Why are skeletons so calm? Because nothing gets under their skin.
  • Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance? Because he had no body to dance with.
  • What do you call a skeleton with no friends? Bonely.
  • What’s a skeleton’s favorite plant? A bone-zai
  • Why can’t skeletons play church music? Because they have no organs.
  • What do you call a skeleton who goes out in the snow? A numb-skull.
  • Why didn’t the skeleton laugh at the joke? Because he didn’t have a funny bone.
  • What does a skeleton order at a restaurant? Spare ribs.
  • How do French skeletons say hello? “Bone-jour!”
  • What do you call a skeleton who rings the doorbell? A dead ringer.
  • Who won the skeleton beauty contest? No body.
  • What did one skeleton say to the other skeleton? “You’re dead to me.”
  • Why didn’t the skeleton play football? His heart wasn’t in it.
  • Why did the skeleton go to jail? Because he was bad to the bone.
skeleton pun with skeleton with blue border
  • Why did the skeleton start a fight? Because he had a bone to pick.
  • What did the skeleton say to his girlfriend? “Will you marrow me?”
  • When does a skeleton laugh? When someone tickles his funny bone.
  • What do you call a skeleton who goes to school but doesn’t do any work? Lazy bones.
  • Why do skeletons hate the cold? It sends chills up their spine.
  • What do you call a skeleton snake? A rattler.
  • How did the skeleton know it was going to rain? He could feel it in his bones.
  • Did you hear about the skeleton who dropped out of medical school? He didn’t have the stomach for it.
  • What happened to the skeleton who sat by the fire too long? He became bone dry.
  • What kind of TV does a skeleton watch? A skelevision.
  • What happened to the pirate ship that sank in a sea full of sharks? It came back with a skeleton crew.
  • Why are skeletons so good at telling jokes? Because they have a funny bone.
  • What kind of dishes do skeletons serve tea on? Bone china.
  • What is a skeleton’s favorite mode of transport? A scare-plane.
  • What does a skeleton fly in if his scare-plane isn’t available? A skele-copter.
skeleton pun with pumpkin head skeleton with blue border
  • What do skeletons say when they set off to sea? “Bone voyage!”
  • What type of candy sent the skeleton to the hospital? Jawbreakers.
  • What do skeletons hate the most about the wind? Nothing. It goes right through them.
  • Why didn’t the skeleton rob the bank? Because he didn’t have the guts.
  • What is a skeleton’s favorite instrument? A trom-bone.
  • What’s a skeleton’s second favorite instrument? A sax-a-bone.
  • What is a skeleton’s favorite type of film to watch? A spine-tingler.
  • Why did the skeleton climb up the tree? Because a dog was after his bones!
  • Who is the most famous French skeleton? Napolean Bone-aparte.
  • What did the skeleton say to the vampire? “You suck.”
  • Who is the most famous skeleton detective? Sherlock Bones.
  • What did the doctor say to the skeleton who had a temperature of 103 degrees? “Looks like you are running a femur.”
  • What’s a skeleton’s favorite rock band? The Grateful Dead.
  • What kind of fish do skeletons like to eat? Carpals.
  • What’s a skeleton’s next favorite rock band? Bone Jovi.
skeleton pun with skeleton with blue border
  • Why did the skeleton go to the dance? To see the boogie man.
  • What is half the diameter of a skeletal circle? The radius.
  • Why did the skeleton student stay late at school? He was boning up for his exam.
  • What do bony people use to get into their homes? A skeleton key.
  • What do you call a skeleton who hangs out in coffee shops and listens to indie music? A hip-ster.
  • What is a skeleton’s favorite thing to do with their cell phone? Take skelfies.
  • Why couldn’t the police arrest the skeleton? They couldn’t pin anything on him.
  • How did the skeleton know the other skeleton was lying? He could see right through him.
  • What Spanish food do skeletons enjoy most? Patella.
  • What did the skeleton say when he went riding on his motorcycle? “I’m bone to be wild!”
  • Why did the skeleton go to the hospital? To have his ghoul bladder removed.
  • What do you call a lie told by a skeleton? A fibula.
  • What did the skeleton say to his wife? “I love every bone in your body.”
  • What job on a construction site is best suited to a skeleton? Cranium operator.
  • What’s a skeleton’s least favorite room in the house? The living room.
skeleton pun with pumpkin head skeleton with blue border
  • How did skeletons send mail back in the olden days? The bony express.
  • How much does an elephant skeleton weigh? Skele-tons.
  • What type of art do skeletons like? Skulltures!
  • What do skeletons complain about? Aching bones.
  • Why do skeletons drink so much milk? It’s good for the bones!
  • Why did the skeleton go to acting classes He wanted tibia star.
  • Where do bad jokes about skeletons belong? In the skelebin.
  • Why can’t skeletons fly over Area 51? It was a no-fly-bone.
  • What kind of pasta do skeletons enjoy eating the most? Elbow macaroni.
  • Who is a skeleton’s favorite female movie star? Ulna Thurman.
  • What does a skeleton use to cut through objects? A shoulder blade.
  • What kind of jokes do skeletons tell? Humerus ones.
  • What kind of birds do skeletons like? Sea skulls.
  • What kind of steak do they serve at a golf course? A tee bone.
  • How do you hurt a sofa? Kick it in the cus-Shin.
skeleton pun with skeleton with blue border
  • What bone is the sassiest? The Cheek Bone.
  • What do you call the last skeleton on earth? The end-o skeleton.
  • What do you call a bodybuilder skeleton? A musculoskeleton.
  • What is a Vietnamese skeleton’s favorite food? Bone-mi.
  • What was the skeleton’s favorite Christmas candy? Bone-bone.
  • How does a skeleton cut up his steak dinner? With a boning knife.
  • Why did the skeleton have a broken heart? His Boney lay over the ocean.
  • What indie rock band do teenage skeletons love the most? Bone Iver.
  • Who did the hotel hire to work over Halloween? A skeleton crew.
  • What did the Japanese skeleton put in his sushi? Bone-ito flakes.

Single-Line Skeleton Puns

skeleton pun with pumpkin head skeleton with blue border
  • When the skeleton went to school, he learned all about his bones in the osteoclass!
  • The best way to describe a skeleton that is having the best time of his life is probably by saying that he is having an osteoblast!
  • Skeletons don’t lie. They always speak the truth because they always want tibia honest!
  • I saw a skeleton starting a fight. So I asked the reason why, to which he replied that he had a bone to pick!
  • Skeletons love to be stylish and cool. They are hip-ster.
  • I saw a skeleton who was a famous stand-up comic. All his jokes were extremely humerus!
  • There was a skeleton who always failed all his examinations in school because he was a numskull!
  • Skeletons are known to be extremely lonely in general because they have no body!
  • Skeletons have an amazing trait of not losing their calm under tense moments because no one gets under their skin!
  • Skeleton doctors who practice osteopathic medicine are known to bring spare ribs to a potluck!
  • Skeletons are known to get quite sick on days that are especially very windy because the wind goes right through them!
  • The criminal skeleton was arrested by the police and was imprisoned in a rib cage!
  • The skeletons that were given the job of finishing the task were unable to complete it on time because it was a skeleton crew!
  • Once, a skeleton took a stroll in a wild jungle, and he was chased by a couple of greyhounds. He marrowly escaped the dogs!
  • A group of skeletons went to a gala dinner. They began their feast by saying bone appetite!
skeleton pun with skeleton with blue border
  • There was a skeleton who always found his spine to be very funny. Whenever it was funny, it started cracking up!
  • A scared skeleton always finds it hard to look at other skeletons because he doesn’t have the stomach to see it!
  • Legless skeletons are asked to avoid arguments because they apparently don’t have a leg to stand on.
  • A skeleton went to the hospital to donate his body for medical sciences. So the doctor asked him to spine on the dotted line!
  • The skeleton found it extremely hard to get out of bed as he was bone-tired!
  • There was a skeleton who always lied to his friends. So his friends named him ‘phoney-ba-boney’!
  • There is a special train service to deliver the mails of all skeletons. It is called the bony express.
  • There was a skeleton who was a botanist. His favorite kind of tree was a bone-zai tree.
  • People can understand when a skeleton lies. They are bad liars as everyone can see right through them.
  • Once, two skeletons were having an animated conversation. When one started stretching the truth of the story, the other said, “Is that a little fib-ula?”
  • The detective skeleton caught the criminal just from a trivial hunch. He claimed he could just feel it in his bones.
  • When the little skeleton was not studying for his examinations, his father scolded him by saying, “Why are you not boning up for the exams?”
  • The skeleton loved traveling and went on trips that included adventure sports like paragliding and cliff diving. He was just bone to be wild.
  • Upon producing very good results at work, the efficient skeleton was given a bone-us by his manager.
  • The skeleton was sick, so he went up to his doctor and said, “I think I am a little sick, I have femur”!
skeleton pun with pumpkin head skeleton with blue border
  • The skeleton loved cracking jokes, and when others smiled, he used to laugh and say, “I think I did tickle your funny bone”.
  • The skeleton saw a man constantly following him for a couple of days. So he went up to that man and asked if he was spine on him.
  • The little skeleton was constantly picked on by other kids in school, and he couldn’t do anything because he didn’t have the guts.
  • The kid skeleton was scolded by his parents because he pretended he was sick so that he couldn’t go into skull.
  • The skeleton got a job in the jazz band. He has been recruited as the trom bone player.
  • Whenever skeletons need to repair their cars, they take them to the body shop.
  • Whenever skeletons go to the church for mass, they can never play the music as they have no organs.
  • Skeletons make very poor miners. They can never go deeper than six feet under.
  • Skeletons have a funny way of celebrating their favorite holidays. They just eat, drink and be very scary!
  • While reading Hamlet, a skeleton’s favorite line is ‘Tibia or not Tibia’!

Do you know some other skeleton puns that we left off the list? Share them in the comments so we can add them!

white text saying the best skeleton puns in yellow background with an image of a skeleton sitting in a pink chair wearing sunglasses

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1 thought on “125 Skeleton Puns That Are Humerus”

  1. Great list for Halloween or school when you get to teach about the skeletal system. I love this one. Skeletons are known to get quite sick on days that are especially very windy because the wind goes right through them!


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