100 Great 5th Grade Trivia Questions with Answers

Last Updated on January 8, 2024 by Michele Tripple

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Are you smarter than a 5th grader? If you think you are, try your hand at these 5th grade trivia questions! These 100 trivia questions will test your knowledge and see how much you remember from 5th grade. Perfect for a family fun night with kids, teens, and adults! 

Ready to learn how to use these 5th grade trivia questions and how to play? Keep reading or click here to jump right to the 5th grade trivia questions!

featured image with teal background, bold white text stating "5th grade trivia" and an image of school supplies, and an image of a school.

Trivia is one game that almost everyone can agree on. It is a family-friendly game, and you just might learn something you did not know. Impress your friends and family with your knowledge with some of our other favorite trivia games such as Star Wars Trivia, Kids Movie Trivia, or Funny Questions for Kids

pin image with teal background, bold white text stating "5th grade trivia" and images of paperclips and notebooks

Why I Love Trivia

Trivia brings out a healthy competitor in everyone and provides good laughs in the process. Families can bond over games, such as trivia, and spend time creating memories. Spending time together provides a strong bond and a feeling of security within the family. 

If you choose to work in teams, playing any game provides an opportunity to demonstrate cooperation and collaboration skills, as well as good sportsmanship.

How To Play Trivia

To play 5th grade trivia, there are a few options:

  • Teams: break up into teams, configured how you want (boys against girls, siblings against parents, or teams of your choice).  Each team will sit in a group, and the reader will read the question. The team who raises their hand (or rings a bell, or another creative way to ring in) gets the chance to answer first. If they do not answer correctly, the next team is given the opportunity to respond. At the end of the game, the team with the most correct answers wins!  
  • Individuals: This will be played similarly to the team’s guidelines. Each individual has a noise maker or uses their hand to respond (we use ribbon wands!). The reader will read the question and whichever individual responds first has the opportunity to answer. Determine before starting the game if another individual will be able to answer a missed question or if that question will be discarded. It can be challenging to keep track of who responded next.  At the end of the game, the individual with the most correct answers wins!
  • Points: Before starting the game, the reader will assign points to each question depending on their difficulty. The game can be played as teams or by individuals, and the rules are the same. At the end of the game, the team or individual with the most points wins!

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Benefits Of using these 5th Grade Trivia Questions

These 5th grade trivia questions are a great way of including the whole family in the fun and discovering knowledge they did not previously know. Games for the whole family spark conversation and create memories.

  • Less technology time
  • Learning something new
  • Teamwork and cooperation
  • Making family memories

Tips And Tricks 

  • Prizes for the winner(s) (get out of a chore coupon for reluctant teens).
  • Bring it along to a restaurant, it will entertain even the most impatient (and hungry) family member.
  • Wake up those minds at the breakfast table with a few trivia questions.

100 5th Grade Trivia Questions 

in post image with white background and teal border, text of a 5th grade trivia questions, and an image of a school

Question: In the human body, what is the strongest bone?
Answer: Femur
Question: To make salt, what two elements from the periodic table are needed?Answer: Sodium and Chloride
Question: The nucleus is located in what part of the cell?
Answer: Center
Question: Name one of the Great Lakes.
Answer: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario
Question: In 200 B.C., which country invented fireworks?
Answer: China
Question: The Pantheon and Colosseum were built by what ancient civilization?
Answer: Ancient Rome
Question: Spiders can be found on all continents except _______?
Answer: Antarctica
Question: In the United States, what crop is grown the most?
Answer: Corn
Question: How many original colonies were in the United States?
Answer: Thirteen
Question: A giraffe’s neck contains how many bones?
Answer: Seven

in post image with white background and teal border, text of a 5th grade trivia question, and an image of a crayons

Question: A hen lays how many eggs in a day?  
Answer: One
Question: What are the thread-like structures that make up all DNA called?
Answer: Chromosomes
Question: What substance covers 70% of the earth’s surface?
Answer: Water
Question: The Great Barrier Reef is located next to what continent?
Answer: Australia
Question: What gasses come out of our bodies when we exhale?
Answer: Carbon Dioxide
Question: In a fraction, where is the denominator located? Above or below?
Answer: Below
Question: The Rio Grand separates what two countries?
Answer: The United States and Mexico
Question: Which planet was declassified because it was too small?
Answer: Pluto
Question: The largest human organ is ______?
Answer: Skin
Question: J.K. Rowling wrote what famous book series?
Answer: Harry Potter

in post image with white background and teal border, text of a 5th grade trivia question, and an image of a chalkboard

Question: What is the name of the space rocks in orbit between Mars and Jupiter?
Answer: Asteroids
Question: Name the person credited with inventing the light bulb.
Answer: Thomas Edison
Question: The longest river in the United States is called the ______?
Answer: Missouri River
Question: Who is the artist who painted the Mona Lisa?
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci
Question: Which famous person is on the 100-dollar bill?
Answer: Benjamin Franklin
Question: A yard is made up of how many inches? 
Answer: 36 inches
Question: Name the three states of matter.
Answer: Solid, liquid, and gas.
Question: One million has how many zeros in it?
Answer: 6
Question: A quadrangle has how many sides?
Answer: 4
Question: Egypt is located on what continent?
Answer: Africa

in post image with white background and teal border, text of a 5th grade trivia question, and an image of a school

Question: “Oz” is the abbreviation for what unit of measurement?
Answer: Ounce
Question: Every four years, the new President of the United States is inaugurated on what day?
Answer: January 20th (or if it falls on a Sunday, then it is held on January 21st)
Question: Which president issued the Emancipation Proclamation?
Answer: Abraham Lincoln
Question: How many 1/4th cups are in a ½ cup?
Answer: 2
Question: What degree is the interior angle of a triangle?
Answer: 180 Degrees
Question: Name the author of the 1960 novel, To Kill a Mockingbird.
Answer: Harper Lee
Question: Paris is capital of what European country?
Answer: France
Question: Which ocean in the world is the deepest and largest?
Answer: Pacific Ocean
Question: Between what two countries does the longest international border exist?
Answer: Between the United States and Canada.
Question: Name the five human senses.
Answer: Hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch

in post image with white background and teal border, text of a 5th grade trivia question, and an image of crayons

Question: Carnivores eat only what type of food?
Answer: Meat
Question: Name the first two people to walk on the moon.
Answer: Neil Armstrong and Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin
Question: Invertebrates have no  _____________.
Answer: Backbone
Question: What mountain range contains Mount Everest?
Answer: Himalayas
Question: You have 4 dozen eggs, how many eggs do you have in total?
Answer: 48
Question: Who won the American Civil War?
Answer: The North
Question: What desert is the largest in the world?
Answer: The Sahara
Question: The world has how many countries? 
Answer: 195 countries
Question: What planet in the solar system is nicknamed “the red planet”?
Answer: Mars
Question: What animal is the fastest in the world?
Answer: Cheetah

in post image with white background and teal border, text of a 5th grade trivia question, and an image of a chalkboard

Question: The writing system of the Ancient Egyptians is called?
Answer: Hieroglyphics 
Question: Francis Scott Key wrote what song for the United States?
Answer: The Star Spangled Banner
Question: Constantinople is now the modern-day city of ______?
Answer: Istanbul
Question: What are the five question words?
Answer: Who, what, where, when, and why
Question: A ladybug is what type of insect?
Answer: Beetle
Question: A person must be this old to run for U.S. President.
Answer: 35 years old
Question: What do the letters in Einstein’s famous equation, E=MC², stand for?
Answer: E stands for energy, M stands for the mass of the object, and C² represents the speed of light.
Question: What fish is the fastest swimmer?
Answer: Sailfish
Question: What type of animal was first to go into orbit?
Answer: Dog
Question: Which famous green statues live in the New York Harbor?
Answer: The Statue of Liberty

in post image with white background and teal border, text of a 5th grade trivia question, and an image of a school

Question: How many days are in a leap year?
Answer: 366
Question: When words sound similar, they are called ______?
Answer: Homonym
Question: The protagonist of the story is the ______ character.
Answer: The central or main character
Question: What Civil War nurse started the Red Cross?
Answer: Clara Barton
Question: What National Monument displays the faces of four American presidents?
Answer: Mount Rushmore
Question: What travels faster, light or sound?
Answer: Light
Question: Water boils at what temperature in Celcius?
Answer: 100 Celsius
Question: What is the name of the longest river in the world?
Answer: The Nile River
Question: Which planet in the solar system is the hottest? 
Answer: Venus
Question: What tool is used to measure the intensity of an earthquake?
Answer: Richter Scale

in post image with white background and teal border, text of a 5th grade trivia question, and an image of crayons

Question: What causes an earthquake to occur?
Answer: Energy waves from the tectonic plates rubbing together.
Question: How many bones are in the human skeleton? 
Answer: 206 bones
Question: Which state houses the Liberty Bell?
Answer: Pennsylvania
Question: Name the original Thirteen colonies.
Answer: New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
Question: How many colors are in the rainbow? 
Answer: Seven
Question: What was the name of the unsinkable ship that sank after hitting an iceberg in 1912?
Answer: Titanic
Question: What country gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States as a gift?
Answer: France
Question: Which battle during the American Civil War had the most casualties?
Answer: The Battle of Gettysburg
Question: What is the smallest prime number? 
Answer: 2
Question: What two countries were involved in the moon race of the 1960s?
Answer: United States and the Soviet Union

in post image with white background and teal border, text of a 5th grade trivia question, and an image of a chalkboard

Question: A gallon of water weighs how many pounds?
Answer: Around 8 pounds
Question: Name the four oceans of the world.
Answer: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic
Question: The Eiffel Tower is located in what city?
Answer: Paris
Question: What country is also a continent?
Answer: Australia
Question: In terms of acreage, what is the largest country in the world?
Answer: Russia
Question: What food will never rot?
Answer: Honey
Question: What was the first food eaten in space?
Answer: Apple sauce
Question: In what ocean can the Mariana Trench be found?
Answer: Pacific Ocean
Question: In what city did the first Olympics take place?
Answer: Greece
Question: Are worker bees male or female?
Answer: Female

in post image with white background and teal border, text of a 5th grade trivia question, and an image of a school

Question: If a letter is not a vowel, then it is a _______.
Answer: Consonant 
Question: Alexander Graham Bell invented what device? 
Answer: The telephone
Question: What does a Paleontologist study?
Answer: Fossils
Question: The Richter Scale is used to measure what natural phenomenon? |
Answer: Earthquakes
Question: Plants use carbon dioxide to perform what function?
Answer: Photosynthesis
Question: When birds fly to warmer climates, it is called what?
Answer: Migration
Question: How many elements are on the periodic table?
Answer: 118
Question: Worms have how many bones in their body?
Answer: Zero
Question: The moon has how many phases?
Answer: Eight
Question: The holes on the moon are called what?
Answer: Craters
Question: Which animal has fingerprints identical to a human’s?
Answer: Koala

Who was the 5th grade trivia champion? Let us know in the comments below!

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