102 Best Alien Puns That Are Out of This World

Last Updated on April 10, 2024 by Michele Tripple

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Launch into laughter with these alien puns! Perfect for space enthusiasts and pun lovers, these out-of-this-world puns are sure to abduct your humor.

Ashtray with An Alien Toy Inside on left side of the image with a graphic of a cute waving green monster with pink background and yellow writing "the best alien puns" with a white oval with a yellow border on the right side

Alien puns transport us beyond the ordinary, offering a cosmic twist on humor that can captivate the imaginations of friends and family alike.

Sharing these extraterrestrial puns not only sparks laughter but also kindles a sense of wonder and creativity, drawing everyone closer through the universal language of humor.

These alien puns create an atmosphere where everyone can engage, relax, and momentarily escape the mundane, fostering a space where connections are strengthened over shared giggles and smiles.

By embracing the quirky and the unknown together, alien puns remind us of the joy of exploring the vast universe of humor and the bonds it can fortify.

Looking for more laughs? Don’t forget to check out our space riddles and our summer jokes.

white writing "the best alien puns" with 3 yellow squares with a alien puns and answer in each square.

Best alien Puns

  • Why don’t aliens like visiting our planet? It’s Earth-some.
  • Why did the alien refuse to wear a spacesuit in space? He thought it restricted his freedom of space movement.
  • Why was the alien wearing a coat? Because it was a little cosmic outside.
  • Why did the alien refuse to eat human food? It was too worldly.
  • What is an alien’s favorite state in the US? Uranus.
  • What did the alien say when it landed in a library? Take me to your reader.
  • What kind of music do aliens listen to? Neptun-tunes.
  • Which type of stars always wear glasses in space? Movie stars.
  • Why did the alien research the human reproductive system? He was trying to find his probe-abilitites.
  • Why did the alien refuse to eat tacos? He was afraid of getting a case of E.T. stomach.
  • Why did the alien go to the concert? To enjoy some “out-of-this-world” music!
  • Why did the star decide to take a vacation? It needed some space.
  • What do you call an alien who’s a gardener? A “plant-etary scientist”!
  • What’s an alien’s favorite dance? The moonwalk, of course!
  • Did you hear about the alien who took up a job as a screenwriter? His favorite movie genre was Alienation.
  • How do you get clean in outer space? You take a meteor shower.
  • Why did the alien get kicked out of school? Because it kept insisting Pluto was still a planet.
  • Why did the alien marry the space rover? Because it was love at first flight.
  • What’s an alien’s favorite kind of meat? NeBurrito.
  • Why did the alien visit the dentist? He had a lot of plaque-tell spaceships.
black border with alien in dark hole graphic with an alien pun written out
  • Why was the alien a great baseball player? Because every hit was out of the world.
  • What do you get when you cross an alien with a fluffy creature? A marsh-mallow.
  • What do you call a space creature that loves to tell jokes? A hilarious alien.
  • Why did the alien refuse to eat Earth’s vegetables? He thought they were all too out of this world for him.
  • Why did the alien cow cross the road? To get to the moooon.
  • Why was the alien so bad at telling jokes? He had no sense of humor for Earth jokes.
  • Why don’t aliens make good chefs? Because they always cook with their feet.
  • How does an alien get a haircut? Eclipse it.
  • What kind of books do romantic aliens like to read? Love star-ries.
  • Why do aliens not use paper calendars? Because their days are light-years long.
  • What channel should you watch if you want to laugh? The comet-y channel.
  • Why did the alien refuse to play Frisbee? Because every time he caught it, it was already halfway to another galaxy.
  • What do you call a space walrus? An astro-bison.
  • I think aliens are great at math because they understand intergalactic proportions.
  • Why was the alien chef bad at cooking? He didn’t understand Planet Z’s ingredients.
  • Why did the alien break up with its Earthling partner? They were from different worlds.
  • Why don’t aliens eat apples? They’re afraid of Adam’s comment.
  • Why did the alien get in trouble with the alphabet? The English alphabet only has 18 letters due to the C.I.A. chasing E.T. after it left on a UFO.
  • Why did the alien gum refuse to share its secrets? Because it was Orbit-ing around classified information.
black border with alien in dark hole graphic with an alien pun written out
  • What do you call an alien who’s always in a hurry? A faster-than-light speed!
  • What candy should you give an alien? A Mars bar.
  • Why did the alien refuse to play tug of war? He was out of this galaxy.
  • Why did the alien refuse to get a job as an artist? His work was too otherworldly for the humans.
  • Why did the alien refuse to play hide and seek? He thought the universe was too small to play such a large-scale game.
  • What do you call an alien detective who always gets his man? A sleuth flying saucer.
  • Why do aliens never phone home? Because they spent all their change on Mars bars.
  • What would an alien say when he convinces you to date him? I’m from Mars, but I’m out of this world.
  • Why did the alien watch the news? To keep up-to-date with the current space-race.
  • What do aliens do after they get married? Go on their honeyearth.
  • What is the secret to an alien’s successful career? They’re willing to outmost space limitations.
  • Do you know why aliens hate circus performers? They think they’re in tents!
  • What did the Martian say when he saw a good movie? It was out of this world.
  • Why did the alien request sugar for its coffee? It wanted something sweet to go with its Milky Way.
  • How does an alien cut his hair? He eclipses it.
  • What do aliens like to eat when they aren’t on a diet? Unidentified frying objects.
  • What did the alien say to the garden? Take me to your weeder.
  • Why are aliens, bad storytellers? They keep spacing out.
  • Why was the alien so bad at basketball? He kept shooting for the stars.
  • What was the alien’s favorite hour of the day? Infinity O’clock.
black border with alien in dark hole graphic with an alien pun written out
  • What do you get when you cross an alien with a snake? An outer snek-ta.
  • Why don’t aliens get fat? Because they have a lot of stellar energy!
  • What do you call an alien who’s a scientist? A “labora-torian”!
  • How do aliens keep their hair in place? With extra terrest-mousse.
  • What do you call a slow-moving alien? A snailien.
  • What does an alien say when it truly enjoys something? It’s out of this world!
  • What type of music do aliens like most? Nep-tunes!
  • How do aliens keep their spaceships clean? With “cosmic” vacuum cleaners!
  • What’s an alien’s favorite day of the week? Sun-day.
  • What do you call a group of aliens that love to party? Starfleet!
  • Why was the alien good at making friends on Earth? It had universal appeal.
  • Why did the alien win the game show? He had an astronomical score.
  • What’s an alien’s favorite tree? The ET-ernut.
  • Who do aliens call when their spacecraft breaks down? A meteor-mechanic.
  • Why don’t aliens like spicy food? It burns their probes.
  • What do you call an alien who’s a teacher? An “edu-cosmonaut”!
  • Why did the alien refuse to eat humans? He was on an intelligent-life diet.
  • Why did the alien bring a ladder to space? Because it wanted to climb the “stellar” heights!
  • Why did the alien refuse to watch TV? He didn’t have a grasp of the Earth’s satellites.
  • What’s an alien’s favorite type of math? Flying-geometric series.
black border with alien in dark hole graphic with an alien pun written out
  • Why do aliens love solving equations? They love cracking unexplained phenomenon.
  • What is an alien’s favorite meal? Launch time.
  • What do you call an alien in a raincoat? A “waterproof”!
  • What’s an alien’s favorite chocolate? A Milky Way bar.
  • Why did the alien visit Earth specifically? They were in search of new living space.
  • Where do the stars go to get their milk? The Milky Way.
  • Why did the alien break up with his girlfriend? He said she was too human-natured for him.
  • Why did the alien break up with his girlfriend? She was too lunar-mental.
  • Why did the alien fail his music exam? He got a C (C major).
  • What do starlets like to read before bed? Comet books!
  • Why don’t aliens tell jokes in space? Because no one can hear you laugh.
  • What did the alien say when it landed on Earth? Take me to your leader.
  • What is an alien’s favorite food? Mars-shmallows.
  • Why didn’t the Dog Star laugh at the joke? It was too Sirius.
  • What do aliens send in their Christmas cards? Jingle bells, rocket smells, our spaceship hit a swell.
  • Why did the alien want to go to the bank? He needed a Z-illion credits.
  • Why did the alien go to school? To improve its asteroid score.
  • Why did the alien break up with his girlfriend? She was too over the moon.
  • What do you call an alien that’s bad at math? A cal-cu-later.
  • What’s an alien’s favorite type of exercise? Spacewalks.
  • Why did the alien go to the tailor? To have his spaceship fixed.
  • How do aliens like their eggs? “Extraterrestrialized”!
  • What do you call an alien’s weapon? A ray gun-ion.

What alien puns do you love? Share them in the comments!

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