100 Gratitude Journal Prompts

Last Updated on May 25, 2023 by Michele Tripple

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Help your children see the bright side of things. With these 100 Thoughtful Gratitude Journal Prompts your children will begin to see their blessings more than their challenges. 

Gratitude Writing Prompts to Warm the Heart 

Everyone doesn’t naturally look for their blessings. But looking for things we can be grateful for helps us to stop focusing on the negative. These gratitude writing prompts are sure to open your eyes to how blessed you truly are!

With so many writing prompts to choose from, you’re sure to find inspiration. If you want even more ideas, look at our Writing Prompts for Kids, and Couples Journal Prompts too!  

Benefits of writing prompts

Along with practicing writing skills, writing prompts can be educational in other ways. 

Writing prompts can spur imagination and fuel creativity. They can help develop empathy and compassion through growing understanding of others. These gratitude writing prompts will help you see outside of yourself. Improve your optimism by focusing on all that you have.

How to use these prompts

These gratitude writing prompts are a great addition to any journal entry, especially helpful when you’re not sure what to write! Make each day a surprise by randomly selecting a prompt. Improve handwriting or typing skills as well! 

Get ready to count your blessings with these writing prompts that can give you a new outlook on life.

Gratitude Journal Prompts

  1. What is something that made you smile today?
  2. What is something funny that made you laugh?
  3. What is your favorite thing when you wake up in the morning?
  4. What is the perfect way to spend an evening with a loved one?
  5. What did you enjoy the most today?
  6. A favorite place you like to visit.
  7. An act of kindness someone showed you
  8. List 5 hobbies and activities that bring you joy?
  9. A book you are grateful for reading.
  10. A mistake that you made, which ultimately led to a positive experience.
  11. Describe a family tradition that you are most grateful for.
  12. Who is a teacher or mentor that has made an impact on your life and how did they help you?
  13. Something you take for granted.
  14. What do you like the most about your town or city?
  15. Favorite things you like about your job or work.
  16. Something you learned about recently.
  17. Someone who made a positive difference in your life.
  18. What is the best thing a grandparent taught you?
  19. A favorite activity you enjoy doing.
  20. What is a recent purchase that has added value to your life?
  21. What’s your favorite thing about Mondays? Fridays? Weekend?
  22. Favorite websites you are grateful for.
  23. Something that makes your life easier.
  24. Something you use every single day.
  25. Name and write about someone you’ve never met, but who has helped your life in some way.
  26. Something you appreciate in nature.
  27. Something you wear that makes you feel good.
  28. Something that keeps you warm.
  29. List 10 skills you have that most people don’t possess.
  30. Describe the last time someone helped you solve a problem at work.
  31. What is your favorite part of your daily routine?
  32. What are you grateful for about transportation or places you have traveled to?
  33. A recent “small success” – from getting out of bed in the morning to remembering to do something you might usually forget.
  34. What is your favorite holiday and why do you love it?
  35. Something that cheers you up on a rough day.
  36. What is your favorite movie and why do you love it?
  37. The technology you use every single day.
  38. What is your favorite way to enjoy nature?
  39. Something that helps keep you healthy.
  40. Write about a recent obstacle you faced and how you overcame it.
  41. Describe a favorite pet and what you love(d) about it.
  42. Something that was a wish come true.
  43. List 10 things you are looking forward to in the next year.
  44. What do you love most about your country?
  45. What you are grateful for about your home.
  46. What is your favorite food you love to indulge in?
  47. A difficult experience that you learned from.
  48. A good experience with customer service.
  49. The best thing that happened this week.
  50. What is today’s weather and what is one positive thing you can say about it?
  51. A favorite quote or saying that makes you happy.
  52. Describe a weird family tradition that you love?
  53. Something you recently accomplished.
  54. When was the last time you had a genuine belly laugh and why was it so funny?
  55. Something that makes you unique.
  56. What body part/organ are you most grateful for today?
  57. What is a major lesson that you learned from your job?
  58. Who is your special someone that has taught you about unconditional love in the past or present?
  59. List 10 items that you take for granted, which might not be available to people in other parts of the world (i.e. Clean water, electricity, etc.)
  60. What are five personality traits that you are most thankful for?
  61. Write about a recent time when a stranger did something nice for you.
  62. What about your upbringing are you most grateful for?
  63. What is the hardest thing you’ve had to do, which led to a major personal accomplishment?
  64. Are you happy with how your day turned out?
  65. What is one aspect of your health that you’re more grateful for?
  66. Name 5 things you are doing well currently.
  67. Describe the last time you procrastinated on a task that wasn’t as difficult as you thought it would be.
  68. Did you have a nice surprise today?
  69. What is your favorite habit and why it is an important part of your daily routine?
  70. Did you do something nice to someone today?
  71. Describe a “perfect day” that you recently had.
  72. What family members are you most grateful for? Write about what makes them special.
  73. What is a favorite country that you’ve visited?
  74. Describe a funny YouTube video that you recently watched.
  75. What is something nice you did for another person today or this week?
  76. List 10 qualities do you like about yourself.
  77. What is one thing you look forward to enjoying each day after work?
  78. What were your 3 best days? 
  79. What was something you did for the first time recently?
  80. What is one lesson you learn from rude people?
  81. When was the last time you had a great nap where you awoke feeling fully refreshed?
  82. List something good that has recently caught your attention to make you realize how fortunate you are.
  83. Write about a time where you felt courageous.
  84. Who has forgiven you for a mistake you’ve made in the past?
  85. What are you naturally talented at?
  86. What are a few aspects of modern technology that you love?
  87. What are your biggest accomplishments?
  88. Describe a recent time when you truly felt at peace.
  89. Name 3 things that you can start doing today to express your gratitude to others?
  90. Are you a morning person or a night owl?  What do you love most about this part of the day?
  91. Name 3 things that have happened to you that have strengthened your character and who you are today.
  92. Write about something you saw recently that warmed your heart.
  93. What is your favorite season and what do you like about it?
  94. Write about a time someone went out of their way to help you.
  95. What makes you beautiful?
  96. What activity do you enjoy most when alone?
  97. How can you continue being more thankful?
  98. Describe your oldest friend. What do you like most about this person?
  99. What is something that comes easily to you, but is challenging for others?
  100. Describe something positive in your life that you didn’t have five years ago.

We can be grateful for so many things. This list of Gratitude Writing prompts will get you thinking about how blessed you are. Make sure you share your appreciation for the people you care about!

Do you have any other great ideas for Gratitude Writing Prompts? Share them in the comments!

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