34 Best Hand Clapping Games For Kids (And Adults!)

Last Updated on July 5, 2023 by Michele Tripple

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Hand clapping games are a staple in every child’s growing up. Hand clapping games allow kids to come together no matter how they grow up, what language they speak, or their social status. Kids combine rhythm, body coordination, and social interaction in a fun, entertaining way that keeps kids busy for hours. 

featured image with bold white title that says "Hand Clapping Games" and images of kids playing clapping games

Hand clapping games are traditionally a set of hand motions that go along with a catchy song or saying. Typically you need two people (sometimes more.) They can be simple for younger children (think Patty Cake) or more difficult that are challenging to even entertain teenagers and adults. 

When it comes to hand clapping games, typically, there is a sequence of hand clapping actions in a particular order. Some may include clapping your own hands, clapping your partner’s hands, or intricate movements like crossing hands, tapping different body parts, or sometimes adding foot movements to create a comprehensive rhythmic experience.

Some hand clapping games can be done sitting down, while others require standing and quick movements. All require mental stamina to remember to make the right motion at the right time. 

Are hand clapping games for kids cooperative or competitive?

Depending on the type of hand clapping game for kids that you are playing, some of them are cooperative, and others are competitive when you try to outdo one another.  

What are the benefits of hand clapping games for kids?

Not only are hand clapping games for kids fun but they offer so many benefits as well. 

  • Enhance fine motor skills
  • Develop bilateral coordination
  • Help develop rhythm and timing
  • Increase memory recollection 
  • Helps increase attention to details. 
  • Builds social skills. 

Whether you are diving into hand clapping games for the first time, looking for a new hand clapping game, or trying to remember how to play a childhood favorite, we have a whole list of hand clapping games for kids. So get your hands ready, sync up your rhythm and dive into these fun and exciting hand clapping games for kids. 

Hand Clapping Games for Kids

in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

Patty Cake

Patty Cake is a classic and popular hand clapping game that has been enjoyed by children for generations. It’s a delightful game that combines rhythm, coordination, and cooperation between two or more players. The goal is to create a rhythmic sequence of hand movements while reciting a playful chant. It can be played anywhere and is often enjoyed by toddlers.  

Patty Cake is a game played with two people sitting across from each other.  As you clap together in a standard criss-cross motion, repeat the words, “Patty cake, patty cake, baker’s man.  Bake me a cake as fast as you can. Pat it, roll it, and mark it with a B. Then throw it in the oven for baby and me!” 

Miss Mary Mack

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Miss Mary Mack is a traditional American clapping game. It is played in the same manner as the game Patty Cake but different elements are added. It’s a fun game that combines hand movements, a catchy chant, and a touch of imagination. Get ready to showcase your coordination, rhythm, and playful spirit!

The game starts with the following lyrics.  You can add more lyrics and keep the game going as long as you can. 

Miss Mary Mac, Mac, Mac
All dressed in black, black, black
With silver buttons, buttons, buttons
All down her back, back, back.
She asked her mother, mother, mother
For 50 cents, cents, cents
To see the elephants, elephants, elephants,
Jump over the fence, fence, fence.
They jumped so High, high, high.
They reached the sky, sky, sky
They  never came back, back, back
Til the 4th of July, July, July. 


Sevens is a game that puts your rhythmic skills to the test. It’s a fun and challenging game that involves rhythm, coordination, and quick thinking. It’s typically played by a group of individuals who join together in a circle or line formation.

The first player begins, the second player then follows suit and must match the first rhythm as they move on to the next one.  The goal is to keep in sync with others in the game. 

Rockin Robin

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Rockin Robin is a fun and engaging hand clapping game that is played to the tune of Rock-in Robin by Bobby Day. It’s a great way to practice coordination while singing and hand clapping. It’s fun for kids and teens of all ages. 

Start by sitting face-to-face with a partner or standing in a circle with a group of people.

Begin clapping your hands together with your partner or the person next to you, following a simple pattern. The pattern goes like this:

Clap your own hands together once.
Clap your partner’s hands once.
Clap your own hands once.
Clap your own hands together once.
Clap your partner’s hands once.
Clap your own hands once.

Once you have the clapping down, you can adjust the speed of the claps according to the rhythm of the song.

While maintaining the clapping pattern, sing the lyrics to the song “Rockin’ Robin” or play the song in the background.

Rockin’ Robin, tweet, tweet, tweet
Rockin’ Robin, tweet, tweet, tweet
Go rockin’ Robin
‘Cause we’re really gonna rock tonight

Keep the clapping pattern going throughout the entire song, continuing to clap your own hands and your partner’s hands in the same sequence.


Concentration is a clapping game that goes beyond clapping and chanting. There is a very big piece of the game that is memorization. Players practice coordination, chanting, keeping up with what their partner is saying, and thinking ahead to what they will say next. It’s perfect for older children and teens. 

While clapping in a specific pattern each player must think of a name or a word that relates to a chosen category.  Players choose a category (camping, shopping, school) and, without breaking concentration, and keeping their hands in motion, see how many words they can find that relate to the specific category. 


Slide is about concentration and keeping count while keeping your composure. This is a 2-person clapping game, and when someone says the word ‘slide’ at the beginning it has no other words. The goal here is for the two partners to gradually increase speed until one of them fumbles, making the other player the winner! But this game, like many of the others here, isn’t really about winning or losing; they’re about fun. 

  • Start by sitting face-to-face with a partner or standing in a circle with a group of people.
  • Begin by clapping your own hands together once.
  • Next, extend your right hand and make a clapping sound by slapping your palm against your partner’s right palm. Then slide it across your partner’s right hand, palm to palm, making a smooth sliding motion.
  • After the slide, clap your own hands together once again.
  • Repeat the process, but this time with the left hand. Extend your left hand, clap against your partner’s left palm, then slide it across your partner’s left hand, palm to palm. 
  • Continue alternating between clapping your own hands and sliding your hands with your partner’s hands, maintaining a steady rhythm.

As you get more comfortable with the game, you can increase the speed and add variations to make it more challenging and entertaining.

Stella Ella Ola 

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The “Stella Ella Ola” hand clapping game is a popular children’s game that involves a sequence of hand movements accompanied by a rhyming chant. It is also known by other names such as “Stella Ella Oka” or “Stella Ella Ocha” in different regions or variations. This game is easy to learn and can be played with large groups of kids.  It is easiest to play with groups larger than 3, but can be played with two people. 

  • Start by sitting face-to-face with a partner or sitting in a circle with a group of people.
  • Begin by clapping your own hands together once.
  • After the initial clap, slap your right thigh with your right hand.
  • Next, clap your hands together again.
  • Now, slap your left thigh with your left hand.
  • Repeat the sequence: clap, right thigh slap, clap, left thigh slap.
  • After repeating the sequence a few times, add the chant while maintaining the clapping and thigh slapping pattern.

Stella ella ola, clap clap clap
Say yes, chicko, chicko, chicko, chicko, chak
Say yes, chicko, chicko, allo, allo
Allo, allo allo
Say one, two, three, four, five

Continue the clapping, thigh slapping, and chanting pattern throughout the game.

As you become more familiar with the game, you can increase the speed and add variations, such as clapping with your partner’s hands or incorporating other movements.

A Sailor Went To Sea

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This game, A Sailor Went To Sea, is an easy game for kids to learn.  It includes a basic clapping sequence, and the lyrics can be learned in minutes. It is important to pair the children with others of equal abilities.  It will only take a few repetitions before the clapping and words become catchy. 

Start by sitting face-to-face with a partner or sitting in a circle with a group of people.
Begin by clapping your own hands together once.
Next, clap your right hand together with your partner’s right hand once.
Then, clap your own hands together again. 
Clap your left hand together with your partner’s left hand. 
Then clap your own hands together again. 

This is the basic clap pattern of the game. 

While clapping, you’ll add in the lyrics of the chant with a special hand gesture for each verse. The lyrics follow the same pattern but add silly lyrics to each verse. This first verse adds a salute to the forehead after the third time you clap of your own hands, every time you say “sea” or “see”. 

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea
To see what he could see, see, see
But all that he could see, see, see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea

This second verse adds a “chop” to your arm, near your elbow, after the third time you clap of your own hands, every time you say “chop”. 

A sailor went to chop, chop, chop
To see what he could chop, chop, chop
But all that he could chop, chop, chop
Was the bottom of the deep blue chop, chop, chop

This second verse adds a pat to your knees after the third time you clap of your own hands, every time you say “knee”. 

A sailor went to knee, knee, knee
To see what he could knee, knee, knee
But all that he could knee, knee, knee
Was the bottom of the deep blue knee, knee, knee

The chant can be repeated multiple times, gradually increasing the speed and volume for added excitement. Players can also make up their own silly verses in the same pattern as these! 

Down By the Banks 

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Down By The Banks of the Hanky Panky is a classic two person clapping game. It includes hand motions and a chant and gets quicker and more exciting each round. It’s so fun for kids and teens to play and perfect for small groups since you don’t need a ton of people. 

  • Start by sitting face-to-face with a partner or sitting in a circle with a group of people.
  • Start with your right hand and place it palm-up on your right thigh.
  • Your partner or the person next to you will do the same, then place their left hand palm-up on top of your right hand, creating a clapping surface. 
  • Place your left hand on top of your partner’s right hand. This continues around the circle until everyone has their right hand under their neighbor’s left hand, and their left hand on top of their other neighbor’s right hand. 
  • Players begin singing the lyrics to the chant and “plopping” their left hands onto the left hands of their partner (which is on top of your own right hand). This continues around the circle while the group sings the lyrics to the chant. 
  • Whoever has their hand in the air, or hasn’t yet “plopped” onto their partner’s hand, when the chant ends is out! The circle gets smaller and smaller (and the chanting gets faster and faster) until there is only one left! 


Down by the banks of the Hanky Panky,
Where the bullfrogs, jump from bank to banky. 
With the hip, hop, hippity, hop
Leap off a lily pad and go kerplopp.

Please Porridge Hot

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Please Porridge Hot is another well-known children’s game that involves hand movements accompanied by a rhyming chant. It’s a playful activity that is often enjoyed by children during their free time or as a group game. This game is easy to learn and easy to sing. Perfect for young children and you can make up your own clapping motions to go with the words to the song. 

Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold, 
Pease porridge in the pot, nine days old. 
Some like it hot, and some like it cold.
Some like it in the pot, nine days old. 

Nobody Likes Me

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Nobody Likes Me includes hand clapping and singing the song about eating worms (gross!).  Teach your children the words and let them create their own creative clapping sequence.  

Nobody likes me
Everybody hates me
Guess I’ll eat some worms
Fat ones, skinny ones,
oochy, goochy goo ones,
Ones that squiggle and squirm

First, you cut the head off
Then you suck the juice out
Then you throw the skin away
Nobody knows how girls
can live on worms
Three times a day
Boom da de da da,
boom boom

Charlie Brown

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Charlie Brown is all about heading downtown to meet Charlie Brown. Find the rhythm and let your children create their own hand motions. 


I went downtown
To see Charlie Brown
He gave me a nickel
To buy a pickle
The pickle was sour
So I bought a flower
The flower was dead, so this is what I said.
Down down baby, do the roller coaster.

Double Double

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Double Double is a fun tongue twister clapping game that is a great ice breaker or as a challenge with any activity.  The words are easy to remember, but the challenge comes with remembering the words while performing the actions or clapping sequence.    

Gather at least two players. The game can be played with as few as two people, but the more players, the more fun it can be.

Stand or sit facing each other, with enough space between the players to comfortably clap hands.

Start by establishing a rhythm together. You can count aloud or use a metronome to set a consistent beat. 

Once you have established the rhythm, you’re ready to begin the hand clapping pattern. Here are the basic hand movements:

  • Clap your own hands together.
  • Extend your right hand towards your partner and clap your partner’s right hand.
  • Clap your own hands together again.
  • Extend your left hand towards your partner and clap your partner’s left hand.
  • Clap your own hands together one more time.
  • Repeat the hand clapping pattern in a continuous loop. The goal is to maintain the rhythm and coordination with your partner(s) without any mistakes.

As you become more comfortable with the basic pattern, add the lyrics to the song. You will say one word for each hand clap. After adding in the lyrics, you can introduce variations and add complexity to the game. For example, you can try speeding up the rhythm, incorporating different clapping patterns, or introducing additional hand movements like high-fives or low-fives.

Remember, the key to mastering the Double Double hand clapping game is practice and coordination with your partner(s). Start slowly and gradually increase the speed as you become more proficient. It’s a game that’s meant to be enjoyable, so have fun and embrace the rhythm!


Double double this this
Double double that that 
Double this
Double that 
Double double this that

Down Down Baby

in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

Down, Down Baby is another fun rhythmic game that involves clapping and chanting. It can get tricky when you get going, trying to remember the hand clapping and words! 

Gather at least three players. The game is usually played with a group of people, but you can adapt it for fewer players if needed.

Stand or sit in a circle, facing each other. Make sure everyone has enough space to comfortably clap their hands and move around.

Start by establishing a rhythm together. You can count aloud or use a metronome to set a consistent beat.

Once the rhythm is established, you’re ready to begin the hand clapping pattern and chant. Here are the basic hand movements and chant:

  • Begin by clapping your own hands together twice.
  • Next, clap your own hands together twice again.
  • Then, clap your own hands together once.
  • After the single clap, extend your right hand toward the center of the circle and clap hands with the person on your right.
  • Repeat the pattern by clapping your own hands together twice, clapping twice again, clapping once, and then extending your left hand to clap with the person on your left.
  • Continue the pattern in a continuous loop.

While performing the hand clapping pattern, chant the following lines (or a variation of them) in sync with the clapping:

Feel free to add your own variations to the chant or incorporate additional verses if desired.

As you become comfortable with the basic pattern and chant, you can increase the speed and add more complexity to the game. You can also introduce variations like changing the hand movements, incorporating clapping patterns, or adding dance moves to make it more fun and engaging.


Down, Down Baby
Down, down baby
Down, down the roller coaster
Sweet, sweet baby I’ll never let you go
Shimmy, Shimmy cocoa pop
Shimmy, Shimmy pow
Shimmy, Shimmy cocoa pop
Shimmy, Shimmy pow
I like coffee, I like tea
I like another boy and he likes me
Up and down and side to side
All around and shake it little ride
P-O-P spells POP! 

Lemonade Crunchy Ice

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Lemonade, Crunchy Ice, or Lemonade, Country Ice, as it is sometimes called, is a popular children’s hand clapping game. It involves a series of hand movements accompanied by a rhyming chant. The game is typically played by two or more players and can range from simple to complicated. 

Gather at least two players. This game is typically played with two people, but you can adapt it for more players if desired.

Sit facing each other with your legs outstretched and feet touching. Alternatively, you can sit on the ground or on chairs facing each other.

Start by establishing a steady beat or rhythm together. You can count aloud or use a metronome to set a consistent tempo.

Once the rhythm is established, you’re ready to begin the hand clapping pattern and chant. Here are the basic hand movements and chant:

  • Clap both of your hands together once.
  • Clap your own thighs once.
  • Clap both of your hands together again.
  • Clap your partner’s hands, crossing your right hand over your partner’s right hand and your left hand over their left hand.
  • Repeat the pattern, starting with clapping hands together and alternating with clapping your thighs and clapping hands with your partner.

As you become comfortable with the basic pattern and chant, you can increase the speed and add more complexity to the game. You can also experiment with different clapping patterns, introduce variations, or create your own unique moves to make it more engaging and exciting.


Lemonade, Ice tea
Lemonade (clap, clap, clap)
Crunchy Ice (clap, clap, clap)
Beat it once (clap, clap, clap)
Beat it twice (clap, clap, clap)
Turn around (turn around)
Touch the ground (touch the ground)
Kick your brother out of town! And stomp!
Freeze!  Defrost!  Tell your Boyfriend to get lost. 

Sally Was A Baby

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Sally Was A Baby is a really fun hand clapping game that kids love to play. It involves a catchy chant and a series of hand movements that go along with it. It’s usually played with two or more participants facing each other and ready to show off their hand clapping skills.

Gather at least two players. This game is typically played with two people, but you can adapt it for more players if desired.

Sit or stand facing each other, with enough space between the players to comfortably clap hands.

Start by establishing a steady beat or rhythm together. You can count aloud or use a metronome to set a consistent tempo. This step is important for synchronization.

Once the rhythm is established, you’re ready to begin the hand clapping pattern and chant. Here are the basic hand movements and chant:

  • Clap both of your hands together once.
  • Pat your thighs twice.
  • Clap both of your hands together once.
  • Pat your partner’s hands twice, crossing your right hand over your partner’s right hand and your left hand over their left hand.
  • Repeat the pattern, starting with clapping hands together and alternating with patting your thighs and patting hands with your partner.

While performing the hand clapping pattern, chant the lyrics to the hand clapping game in sync with the clapping:

Feel free to add your own variations to the chant or incorporate additional lines to expand the story.

As you become comfortable with the basic pattern and chant, you can increase the speed and add more complexity to the game. You can also experiment with different clapping patterns, introduce variations, or create your own unique moves to make it more engaging and fun.


Sally was a Baby
Sally was a baby, she went like this: Wah wah!
Sally was a toddler, a toddler, a toddler, 
Sally was a toddler, she went like this: Wah Wah! Suck My Thumb! 
Sally was a child, a child, a child, 
Sally was a child, she went like this: Wah Wah! Suck my Thumb! Give me a piece of chewing gum! 
Sally was a teenager, a teenager, a teenager 
Sally was a teenager, she went like this: Wah Wah! Suck my Thumb! Give me a piece of chewing gum! Hush UP I’m on the phone! 
Sally was a mother, a mother, a mother, 
Sally was a mother, she went like this: Wah Wah! Suck my Thumb! Give me a piece of chewing gum! HUSH UP I’m on the phone! Do this, do that! 
Sally was a grandmother, a grandmother, a grandmother, 
Sally was a grandmother, she went like this: Wah Wah! Suck my Thumb! Give me a piece of chewing gum! Hush up I’m on the phone! Do this, do that! Oh! My aching back!

Say Say Oh Playmate

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“Say Say Oh Playmate” is a super catchy hand clapping game that kids all over enjoy playing. It involves a rhythmic chant accompanied by a sequence of hand movements. It’s a great way to have fun with your friends while showcasing your coordination skills.

Gather at least two players. This game is typically played with two people, but you can adapt it for more players if you want to.

Sit or stand facing each other, with enough space between the players to comfortably clap hands.

Start by establishing a steady beat or rhythm together. When you have the rhythm going, you’re ready to begin the hand clapping pattern and sing the song. Here are the basic hand movements and lyrics:

  • Clap both of your hands together once.
  • Extend your right hand towards your partner and clap their right hand.
  • Clap your own hands together once.
  • Extend your left hand towards your partner and clap their left hand.
  • Repeat the pattern, starting with clapping hands together and alternating with clapping hands with your partner.

While performing the hand clapping pattern, sing the following lines (or a variation of them) in sync with the clapping:

Say, say, oh playmate (clap hands together)
Come out and play with me (clap partner’s right hand)
And bring your dollies three (clap hands together)
Climb up my apple tree (clap partner’s left hand)
Slide down my rain barrel (clap hands together)
Into my cellar door (clap partner’s right hand)
And we’ll be jolly friends (clap hands together)
Forevermore, more, more (clap partner’s left hand)

Feel free to add your own variations to the song or incorporate additional verses.

As you become comfortable with the basic pattern and song, you can increase the speed and add more complexity to the game. You can also experiment with different clapping patterns, introduce variations, or create your own unique moves to make it more engaging and fun.


in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

Concentration is a popular hand clapping game that kids enjoy playing. It’s a game of focus, coordination, and memory. You can play it with a partner or in a larger group, and it’s a great way to challenge your skills while having a blast.

Gather at least two players. This game can be played with two or more people.

Two players play at a time, no matter how big your group is. Stand or sit facing each other, with enough space between the players to comfortably clap hands.

The key to this game is to remember and repeat the pattern accurately while remembering all the words of the chant. Players will take turns choosing a category at the end of the verse. 

Begin the game by establishing a rhythm with your clapping movements. The movements go like this: 

  • Begin by clapping your left hand with your palm up and your right hand with your palm down to your partner’s hands (left hand to their right hand, etc.) while chanting “Concentration.” 
  • Then clap three times. 
  • Repeat the clapping movement while chanting “Sixty-four”. 
  • Clap three times. 
  • Repeat this pattern through the lyrics of the chant until the final line, where the person who is the category chooser adds the category (ie: vegetables, fruit, locations, children’s books, etc.). 
  • Players continue the hand movements and while chanting a word that goes with the chosen category. 

If a player makes a mistake and cannot correctly do the hand movements, or if they stumble and break the rhythm when they are adding words to the category at the end, they are eliminated from the game. The remaining players continue playing until only one player remains as the winner.

To make the game more challenging, you can increase the speed of the clapping pattern or add variations to the sequence.


Concentration (clap, clap, clap)
Sixty-four (clap, clap, clap)
No repeats (clap, clap, clap)
Or hesitations (clap, clap, clap)
I’ll go first (clap, clap, clap)
You’ll go last (clap, clap, clap)
The category is (Leader says a category ie, Vegetables) (clap, clap, clap) 

Simon Says Clap Version

Simon Says Clap is a delightful variation of the classic game “Simon Says” that adds an extra element of fun and coordination. It’s a game that tests your listening skills and challenges you to respond quickly and accurately to the instructions given by the leader, who is known as Simon.

Gather at least two players. This game is typically played with a group of people.

Designate one person as “Simon.” Simon will be the leader and give instructions to the other players.

All players stand or sit facing Simon, with enough space between them to clap hands comfortably.

Simon starts the game by giving instructions prefixed with “Simon says.” For example, Simon may say, “Simon says, clap your own hands together.”

All players must follow the instruction given by Simon only if it is preceded by the phrase “Simon says.” 

However, if Simon gives an instruction without saying “Simon says” before it, players must not perform the action. If a player mistakenly performs the action, they are out of the game or receive a penalty, depending on the agreed-upon rules.

The game continues with Simon giving a series of instructions, some with “Simon says” and some without. Players must listen carefully and follow the instructions accurately.

The challenge for the players is to pay attention and only perform actions when Simon explicitly says, “Simon says.”

Simon can try to trick players by giving instructions quickly or by deliberately omitting “Simon says” to catch them off guard.

The last player remaining or the player who follows the instructions correctly throughout the game becomes the next Simon for the next round.

Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe is a hand clapping game inspired by the popular game played on paper. It’s a fun and interactive way to challenge your friends while showcasing your hand coordination skills. Get ready for some friendly competition and strategic moves!

Two players play this game. Stand or sit facing each other, with enough space between the players to comfortably clap hands.

Imagine a 3×3 grid in front of you, like a Tic Tac Toe board. This grid will represent the spaces where you will place your Xs and Os.

Decide who will start as “X” and who will start as “O.” 

Begin the game by establishing a steady beat or rhythm together. Once the rhythm is established, you’re ready to begin the hand clapping pattern to simulate placing your Xs and Os on the grid. Here are the basic hand movements:

  • Clap your own hands together once to represent an empty space.
  • To place an “X,” clap your hands together twice in the same position.
  • To place an “O,” clap your own hands together twice and then clap your partner’s hands once.
  • Repeat the pattern, alternating turns, until a player wins or the game ends in a draw.

Play the hand clapping pattern corresponding to the position you want to place your X or O on the imaginary grid. For example, if you want to place an “X” in the top left position, clap your hands together twice in that position.

Continue taking turns, each player performing the hand clapping pattern to place their Xs or Os on the grid until a player gets three of their symbols in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) or all spaces on the grid are filled.

If a player gets three of their symbols in a row, they win the game. If all spaces on the grid are filled and there is no winner, the game ends in a draw.

You can play multiple rounds and alternate, starting as “X” and “O” to keep the game balanced.

Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors is a popular hand clapping game that adds a playful twist to the classic decision-making game. It’s a fun way to challenge your friends and test your reflexes and intuition. Get ready to engage in some quick hand movements and strategic thinking!

Two players will play the game. Stand or sit facing each other, with enough space between the players to comfortably clap hands.

Begin the hand clapping pattern. Here are the basic hand movements to represent rock, paper, and scissors:

  • To represent “rock,” both players clap their hands together once.
  • To represent “paper,” both players extend their right hands toward each other and clap their right hands together once.
  • To represent “scissors,” both players extend their index and middle fingers of their right hands towards each other, imitating a scissor motion, and clapping their fingers together twice.
  • Repeat the pattern, starting with clapping hands for rock, then clapping right hands for paper, and finally clapping fingers for scissors.

Both players simultaneously perform one of the hand movements to represent their choice of rock, paper, or scissors.

The outcomes follow the traditional Rock Paper Scissors rules:

  • Rock beats scissors (clap beats finger claps).
  • Paper beats rock (right hand clap beats hand clap).
  • Scissors beat paper (finger claps beat right hand clap).
  • After the hand clapping actions are performed, determine the winner based on the outcome of rock, paper, scissors. The winner can be decided by playing multiple rounds or following a best-of-three format.

You can play multiple rounds, keep track of the wins and losses, or switch roles as players to ensure fairness.


Numbers is a fun and engaging hand clapping game that challenges your memory, coordination, and counting skills. It’s a game that can be played with a partner or a larger group of friends, and it’s a fantastic way to have some interactive fun.

Gather at least two players. This game can be played with a group of people.

Stand or sit in a circle, with enough space between the players to comfortably clap hands.

To begin, you will make a simple clap motion with a partner that goes as follows: 

First, clap your hands together.

Then, clap together your right hands.

Then your left hand.

Say the number “one” as you go.

Then repeat, but give the same number of claps as the number you are doing.

The goal is to get as high of a number as you can without messing up. You also want to try to go as fast as you can without messing up as well. Start by learning the movements and then help your children work up their speed. 

Bo Bo Ski Watten Totten

in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

Bo Bo Ski Watten Totten is a lively and rhythmic hand clapping game that involves catchy chants, hand movements, and a touch of coordination. It is basically the hand clapping version of tag. It’s a fun game that brings friends together and adds an interactive element to your playtime. 

Players stand in a circle with one hand palm-up on the next player’s hand and one hand underneath their other neighbor’s hand. As participants sing the song, they pass the clap around the circle.  When your palm is slapped, you slap the palm of the person next to you.  The winner manages to pull back their palm and avoid contact before the last notes are sung. 


Bo bo ski watten tatten
Bo bo ski watten tatten
Freeze, Please American Cheese
Please don’t show your hand to me 

See See (or Say Say) My Playmate

in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

See See (or Say Say) My Playmate is a classic hand clapping game that has been enjoyed by children for generations. It’s a delightful combination of rhythmic hand movements and a playful chant that brings friends together for some interactive fun.

Gather at least two players. This game is typically played with two people, but you can adapt it for more players if you want to. Sit or stand facing each other.

Begin the hand clapping pattern and sing the song. Here are the basic hand movements and lyrics:

  • Clap both of your hands together once.
  • Extend your right hand towards your partner and clap their right hand.
  • Clap your own hands together once.
  • Extend your left hand towards your partner and clap their left hand.
  • Repeat the pattern, starting with clapping hands together and alternating with clapping hands with your partner.

While performing the hand clapping pattern, sing the following lines (or a variation of them) in sync with the clapping:

See, see, oh, playmate (clap hands together)
Come out and play with me (clap partner’s right hand)
And bring your dollies three (clap hands together)
Climb up my apple tree (clap partner’s left hand)
Slide down my rainbow (clap hands together)
Into my cellar door (clap partner’s right hand)
And we’ll be jolly friends (clap hands together)
Forevermore, more, more (clap partner’s left hand)

Feel free to add your own variations to the song or add additional verses.

As you become comfortable with the basic pattern and song, you can increase the speed and add more complexity to the game. You can also experiment with different clapping patterns, introduce variations, or create your own unique moves to make it more engaging and fun.

Long Legged Sailor

in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

Long Legged Sailor is a captivating hand clapping game that combines rhythm, coordination, and a catchy chant. It’s a popular game played among friends and adds a playful twist to your hand-clapping repertoire.

Two friends can play this game. You can adapt it to include more plates, but it is designed for two players.  

Begin by clapping your hands, and then cross over both hands three times when you say ever, ever, ever. 

Next, clap each other’s hands and then your own hands. 

Whenever a word is repeated three times, cross over your hands three times. Repeat the sequence.


Have you ever, ever, ever,
In your long-legged life,
Seen a long-legged sailor,
And his long-legged wife?
No, I’ve never, never, never,
In my long-legged life,
Seen a long-legged sailor,
And his long-legged wife.


in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

Playmate is a beloved hand clapping game that has been enjoyed by children for years. It’s a rhythmic and interactive game that brings friends together for some lively fun. Get ready to showcase your coordination, rhythm, and have fun!

Gather two players to play the game. Sit or stand facing each other.

Begin the hand clapping pattern and sing the song. Here are the basic hand movements and lyrics:

  • Clap both of your hands together once.
  • Extend your right hand towards your partner and clap their right hand.
  • Clap your own hands together once.
  • Extend your left hand towards your partner and clap their left hand.
  • Repeat the pattern, starting with clapping hands together and alternating with clapping hands with your partner.

While performing the hand clapping pattern, chant the lines (or a variation of them) in sync with the clapping:

Playmate, come out and play with me (clap hands together)
And bring your dollies three (clap partner’s right hand)
Climb up my apple tree (clap hands together)
Slide down my rainbow into my cellar door (clap partner’s left hand)
And we’ll be jolly friends forevermore, more, more (clap hands together)

Feel free to add your own variations to the song or incorporate additional verses following the same pattern. 


in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

Hambone is an entertaining and rhythmic hand clapping game that adds percussion to your fun. It’s a game that combines hand movements, body percussion, and a catchy chant. Get ready to showcase your coordination, rhythm, and creativity!

Stand or sit facing a partner, with enough space between you to comfortably move and clap.

Start the Hambone hand clapping pattern. Here are the basic hand movements and body percussion:

  • Lines 1–2: Alternate clapping your hands and slapping your knees.
  • Lines 3–4: Alternate clapping your hands and slapping your thighs.
  • Lines 5–6: Alternate clapping your hands and tapping your chest.
  • Lines 7–8: Alternate clapping your hands and tapping your shoulders.
  • Lines 9–10: Alternate clapping your hands and tapping your head.

As you become comfortable with the basic hand clapping pattern, you add the chanting lyrics. 

Hambone, Hambone, have you heard? 
Papa’s gonna buy me a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird don’t sing,
Papa’s gonna buy me a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring don’t shine,
Papa’s gonna buy me a fishing line.
Hambone, Hambone, where you been?
Around the world, and I’m going again.
Hambone, Hambone, where’s your wife?
In the kitchen cooking rice.

When you get the hands of it, add variations and improvisations to make it more intricate and engaging. You can try incorporating other body percussion, such as stomping your feet, clapping your hands on your knees, or patting your hips.

As you play with a partner, you are trying to maintain a rhythm. You can take turns leading the pattern or create a call-and-response interaction, where one person initiates a variation, and the other person responds.

Dr. Pepper

in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

Dr. Pepper is a lively and rhythmic hand clapping game that adds a touch of nostalgia and playful energy to your interactions. It’s a game that combines catchy chants, hand movements, and counting skills. Get ready to showcase your coordination, rhythm, and quick thinking!

Stand or sit facing a partner, with enough space between you to comfortably move and clap. This hand clapping game is perfect for two friends. 

Start the hand clapping pattern. Here are the basic hand movements:

  • Keep your palms together, then swish each other’s hands. 
  • Use your right hand to clap your friend’s right hand. 
  • Palms back together, then swish each other’s hands. 
  • Use your left hand to clap your friend’s left hand. 
  • Clap both hands with those of your friend’s. 
  • Repeat the pattern.

When you have the hand movements down, you add the chant. Feel free to add your own variations to the song or incorporate additional verses following the same pattern. 


‘I drink Dr. Pepper don’t you see
It’s the perfect taste for me
The original taste you know.
It’s raining Peppers everywhere I go…..
I’m a Pepper, he’s a Pepper, she’s a Pepper, we’re a Pepper!
Wouldn’t you like to be a Pepper too?
Dr. Pepper…

Apples on a Stick

in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

Apples on a Stick is a delightful hand clapping game that combines rhythmic movements, playful chants, and a touch of imagination. It’s a game that brings friends together for some interactive fun while showcasing coordination, rhythm, and creativity.

Gather at least two players. This game is typically played with two people, but you can adapt it for more players if you want to. Sit or stand facing each other.

Begin the hand clapping pattern and sing the song. Here are the basic hand movements:

  • Clench your fists and tap them with those of your friend’s three times. 
  • Clap each other’s right hand, up and down. 
  • Then, give a handshake with one hand and snap your fingers with the other. 
  • Repeat the pattern and enjoy the song.

When you have the hand movements down, add the lyrics to the chant. Feel free to add your own variations to the song or hand movements, or incorporate additional verses following the same pattern. 


Apples on a stick,
Makes me sick,
Makes my heart beat,
Not because you’re dirty,
Not because you’re clean,
Just ’cause you kissed,
A boy behind the magazine.
Girls, girls,
Wanna have some fun?
Here comes Suzy with
Her hoop skirt on.
She can wibble. She can wobble.
She can do the splits.
But I betcha ten dollars,
She can’t do this.
Close your eyes,
And count to ten.
If you miss you start again.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.


in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

ABC is a popular and energetic game that combines the catchy tune of ABC by the Jackson 5, with rhythmic hand movements. The game adds an interactive and playful element to the iconic song. This game is typically played with two people, but you can adapt it for more players if you want to. 

Sit or stand facing each other.

Begin the hand clapping pattern and sing the song. Here are the basic hand movements:

  • Put your hands together and swish them with those of your friends. 
  • Now clap your partner’s right hand, up and down. 
  • Hold their right hand and snap with your left hand. 
  • Repeat the steps until the song ends.

Add the lyrics when you have the hand movements down. Feel free to add your own variations to the song or hand movements or incorporate additional verses following the same pattern. 


As easy as 1, 2, 3.
My momma watches MTV.
My dada takes care of me.
Oh ah I wanna piece of pie.
Pie too sweet, I wanna piece of meat.
Meat too tough, I wanna ride a bus.
Bus too full, I wanna ride a bull.
Bull too black, I want my money back.
Money too green, I want a jelly bean.
Jelly bean not cooked, I wanna read a book.
Book not read, I wanna go to bed.
Bed not made, I want some lemonade.
Lemonade too sour, I wanna take a shower.
Shower too cool, I wanna go to school.
School too dumb, I wanna suck my thumb.
Thumb too dirty, I wanna ride a birdie.
Birdie to slow, and that’s all I know.
So close your eyes and count to ten.
Whoever messes up is a big fat hen!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Four White Horses 

in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

Four White Horses is a captivating hand clapping game that combines rhythm, coordination, and a captivating chant. It’s a game that brings friends together, adds a touch of storytelling, and adds a playful twist to your hand-clapping games.

Sit or stand facing each other.

Begin the hand clapping pattern and sing the song. Here are the basic hand movements:

  • Clap the hands of your friends standing beside you. 
  • Then clap the hands of the friend standing opposite to you. 
  • Clap once on the side and twice in front. 
  • Repeat until you’re finished with the lyrics. 

Add the lyrics when you have the hand movements down. Feel free to add your own variations to the song or hand movements, or incorporate additional verses following the same pattern.  You can even tap your feet in rhythm and make the game exciting. 


Four white horses on a river.
Hey, hey, hey, up tomorrow.
Up tomorrow is a rainy day.
Come on, join in our shadow play.
Shadow play is a ripe banana.
Hey, hey, hey, up tomorrow.
Up tomorrow is a rainy day.

Bim Bum

in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

Bim Bum is an energetic and rhythmic hand clapping game that adds a touch of excitement and coordination to your interactive fun. It’s a game that brings friends together, challenges your timing and reflexes, and creates an upbeat atmosphere.

This hand-clapping game can be played by two friends, or more. Sit or stand facing each other.

Begin the hand clapping pattern and sing the song. Here are the basic hand movements:

  • Tap your thighs when you say ‘biddy.’ 
  • Then, snap your fingers at ‘bum’.
  • Clap your hands at ‘bim.’
  • Repeat until your chant is complete. 


Bim bum bim bum, biddy biddy bum,
Biddy bum, biddy biddy bum, bim bum.
Bim bum, biddy biddy bum,
Biddy bum, biddy biddy bum, bim bum.

Add the lyrics when you have the hand movements down. Feel free to add your own variations to the song or hand movements or incorporate additional verses following the same pattern.  

Quack Diddlee Oh So

in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

Quack Diddlee Oh So is a lively and rhythmic hand clapping game that adds a playful twist to your interactive fun. It’s a game that combines catchy chants, hand movements, and a touch of imagination. Get ready to showcase your coordination, rhythm, and creativity!

This hand-clapping game is played with a group, ideally four or five players. Sit or stand in a circle, with your palms of your hands facing up. 

Begin the hand clapping pattern and sing the song. Here are the basic hand movements:

  • Place your right hand on the left hand of the person sitting left to you. 
  • Start singing and clapping your other neighbor’s right hand and continue around the circle. 
  • When the song is about to end at ‘nine,’ if the person whose hand is about to be hit takes their hand out of the way, the other person goes out.


Quack diddlee oh so, quack quack, quack
Senorita, rita, rita, rita
Delore, delore, delora-lora lore
One, two, three, four
Quack diddlee oh so, quack quack, quack
Senorita, rita, rita, rita
Delore, delore, delora-lora lore
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine…!

Crocodile Oh My 

in post image with white background, fun colorful border, and chant from hand clapping game

Crocodile, Oh My! is an entertaining and energetic hand clapping game that adds a playful twist to your interactions. It’s a game that combines catchy chants, rhythmic movements, and a touch of imagination. Get ready to showcase your coordination, rhythm, and quick reflexes!

This hand-clapping game is played with a group, ideally four or five players. Sit or stand in a circle, with your palms of your hands facing up. 

Begin the hand clapping pattern and sing the song. As children sing the song, they clap the hand next to them (one after another) until the song is finished.

The last hand that is slapped loses and must sit out the next round until there is a winner.


Croc croc croc
Stay see mah jigga jigga jigga jock
Flow flow flow flow flow
One two three four five

There you have it! A huge list of the best hand clapping games for your kids (and you!) to enjoy. Do you know any other fun hand clapping games that we forgot? We’d love to hear them! Leave them in the comments. 

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