24 X-cellent Animals That Start With X

Last Updated on January 15, 2024 by Michele Tripple

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Do you have an animal x-plorer in your house? They will love our list of Animals That Start With X! See how many animals you know that begin with the letter X. 

featured image with teal background, bold white title that says "Animals that start with X" and images of animals that start with x

One of my favorite ways to connect with my kids is through the animal kingdom. There are so many cool animals to pick from, each person will surely find one that they think is x-cellent! From creepy crawly to cute and cuddly, no matter what you prefer, the perfect animal is out there for you.

Once everyone picks an animal, the real fun begins. You can visit the library or zoo to learn about your animals. You could create a story about the animals with a bit of creativity. Would they be friends in the wild? Your kids could act out how the animals would interact in their natural habitats!

If your family looks like mine, with a wide range of ages, then you know the struggle of trying to find activities that the whole family will enjoy. Animals are a great starting point for these activities. 

Everyone loves animals, and the activities can be tailored to any skill level or interest. You could have your small kids color a picture about their animal while their older siblings read exciting animal facts. The possibilities are endless!

Are you ready to check out these X-citing Animals That Begin With The Letter X? Look below to start reading now!

Love learning about animals? Check out our Animals that Begin with K and our Animals That Begin with L.

Common Animals That Begin With The Letter X

Check out these animals that begin with the letter X! You might recognize more than you x-pect!

in post image with black background, bold white "X", name of animal and an image of a xalta sheep

Xalda Sheep

I’d bet that ewe didn’t know that there are over 1,000 breeds of sheep in the world! The Xalda Sheep is a rare small breed of sheep with awesome curly horns. Even though people like to count sheep before they go to sleep, Xalda sheep only sleep about four hours daily! That’s only half of what a human needs each day! Sheep spend most of their day grazing and chewing their cud. Sounds like my kind of day!

X-ray Tetra

The X-ray tetra is easily recognizable by its translucent skin. You can even see its backbone! Can you imagine having see-through skin? You’d be able to see all of your bones and organs! The X-ray tetra uses this superpower as a way to hide from predators. They’re very hard for other fish to see in the water! I wonder if other fish think that x-ray tetras are ghost fish floating around. Spooky!

in post image with black background, bold white "X", name of animal and an image of a xoloitzcuintli


The Xoloitzcuintli (pronounced show-low-eats-queent-lee) is an ancient hairless dog that lives in Mexico. They’ve been around since the Ancient Aztecs were alive! In fact, the Ancient Aztecs believed that the Gods blessed these dogs. This might be because they’re naturally healthy dogs. They’re a resilient breed and don’t get sick very often! Sounds like a blessing to me!


Xiphosura, the family that horseshoe crabs belong to, has existed since before the dinosaurs roamed the earth! Like people, horseshoe crabs have blue blood, although not for the same reason. Their blood is high in copper, while human blood is high in iron. Either way, we’re all a bunch of bluebloods! Horseshoe Crab blood is also important to people for another reason. Medical researchers test medicines, vaccines, and implants using their blood to see if it is safe for humans. So, the next time you see a horseshoe crab on the beach, be sure to thank it for its service!

Zoo Animals That Begin With The Letter X

Even though there are only a few zoo animals that begin with the letter x, they’re worth looking for on your next zoo visit! 

in post image with black background, bold white "X", name of animal and an image of a xenopus


You may not recognize a Xenopus by its scientific name, but you’ve probably heard of it before. It’s also called an African Clawed Frog. These amphibians have sharp claws that are perfect for digging. The frogs use this ability to stay hydrated when their ponds dry up due to droughts. They’ll dig holes in the mud and lay there until the water returns. They can even stay in one spot for up to a year!

Xingu River Ray

This polka-dotted stingray lives in only one location in the whole world! Deep in Brazil, the Xingu River is home to the carnivorous Xingu River Ray. These rays are nocturnal. They will hunt for their food at night and sleep during the day. Like the Xenopus, they will snooze in a mucky river bed when they’re not searching for food. We’re glad that these stingrays only live in Brazil. They have venomous tails that could cause some serious damage to an unsuspecting swimmer!

Uncommon Animals That Begin With The Letter X

Here are even more animals that begin with the letter X that you may not recognize! See how many of these animals have you heard of or seen?

in post image with black background, bold white "X", name of animal and an image of a xami hairstreak
  • Xami Hairstreak (Butterfly)
  • Xantic Sargo
  • Xanthippe Shrew
  • Xantusia Night Lizard
  • Xavier’s Greenbul
in post image with black background, bold white "X", name of animal and an image of a xenops
  • Xenops
  • Xerus (African Ground Squirrel)
  • Xenarthra 
  • Xantus’s Hummingbird
  • Xantus Crab
in post image with black background, bold white "X", name of animal and an image of a xantus gecko
  • Xantus Gecko
  • Xeme 
  • Xingu Corydoras 
  • Xingjiang Ground-Jay
  • Xantus’s Murrelet 
in post image with black background, bold white "X", name of animal and an image of a xenopeltis
  • Xenopeltis
  • Xucaneb Robber Frog
  • Xylophagous Leafhopper
in post image with black background, bold white "X", name of animal and an image of a xylophagous leafhopper

There you have it! A huge list of animals that begin with X to learn and to have fun exploring with the kids. Did we forget an animal? Be sure to add any other animals that begin with X to the list!

Do you want to learn about other interesting animals? Be sure to check out our other lists of animals!

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