From goldfish to grizzly bears, there are tons of interesting Animals that Start with G for you to discover! Find your new favorite animal that begins with the Letter G and learn some fun new facts about these animals. Maybe you will even discover some new animals that begin with the letter G that you have not heard of before.
Ready to discover even more awesome animals? Check out our animals that start with S and our animals that start with L.
Common Animals that Start with the Letter G
Kids love learning new facts about their favorite animals! Check out this list of animals that start with the letter G and all the fun facts about each one. You may be surprised by some of the facts that are listed.
Gazelles are commonly found in arid climates like the desert. To survive, their bodies have learned how to adapt to harsh temperatures. They can shrink their organs, like lungs and heart, to use less energy! This lets them use their energy for far more essential things, like avoiding becoming someone’s dinner. While cheetahs may be the fastest sprinters in the world, the gazelle would win the cross-country record for endurance. Although they are quick, their ability to keep running and outmaneuver their predators, like cheetahs, protects them from becoming prey.
Geckos are amazing lizards! They can stick to almost any surface using tiny hairs on their fingers and toes. These hairs, called setae, are incredibly strong. They could even help a person climb a wall like Spiderman does! Scientists have studied how setae work to improve sticky inventions like band-aids!
Gerbils are small, tailed rodents that come from Africa and Asia. They’re very social animals and love to live with other gerbils! They love to have wrestling matches with each other, much like gladiators in Ancient Rome. These wrestling matches usually take place during grooming as a way to interact with each other. Wrestling helps young gerbils learn how to defend themselves against predators and maintain a social hierarchy. Apparently, my kids were gerbils in a past life because they love to wrestle at bath time too!
Giant Panda
Eat, poop, sleep, repeat. A giant panda’s daily routine is very predictable! Giant pandas eat constantly! They always have a bamboo snack nearby and eat about 75 pounds of bamboo per day! Giant pandas also poop all the time! All of that bamboo means that they poop every 15-20 minutes. In China, they used to use the bamboo that pandas pooped out to make picture frames and bookmarks. Hopefully, they washed their hands when they were done making it!
These long-necked mammals have a good reason for their height. They use their long necks to help them see for miles, protecting them from dangerous predators like lions. They also use their necks when fighting each other. When two male giraffes decide to fight, they hit each other with their necks and try to see which giraffe is stronger. The fight doesn’t usually hurt the giraffes very much, though. It’s over when one of the fighters gets bored and walks away.
You might think that a goat loves to eat everything, but goats are actually very picky eaters! They’ll refuse to eat hay if it has been out for too long or smells different than they think it should. It’s no wonder that newborn goats are called kids because the picky eating reminds me of my picky eaters! Unlike human kids, goats have four stomachs to help them digest their food. The gas in these stomachs builds up and causes goats to have loud burps!
Golden Retriever
It is clear why golden retrievers are one of the most loved family dogs in the world. They love to be around people! Golden retrievers are naturally very smart and pick up on tricks quickly. They are great competitors and love to test their sporting abilities! Goldens don’t only shine in competition, however. They also make amazing working dogs. Their friendly and calm temperament is perfect for therapy work, where they go into public settings and provide comfort and empathy for people.
Gophers are easily recognizable by their large front teeth, which they use for digging tunnels in the dirt. Their teeth are so big and sharp that the gopher’s lips had to adapt to fit behind them so they didn’t get chewed off! Gophers are natural introverts who prefer spending time alone or with family. They’re fiercely protective, though! If they see another gopher in trouble, they’ll let out a loud scream to try to scare the predator off!
Gorillas share 98% of the same DNA as humans. That means that they can even get the same illnesses as us, like a common cold! A cold is much more dangerous for gorillas, though. They haven’t built the same immunity as humans have to human illnesses, so they can’t fight them off as easily. Another interesting fact about the similarities between gorillas and humans is the unique ways that each member can be identified. Each person has a distinctive fingerprint that acts as a biological signature for that person. Similarly, gorillas have unique noseprints! The shape of their noses can help scientists identify gorillas easily!
Grasshoppers are known for being great jumpers, but did you know that they can fly too? They use their powerful legs to launch into the air and then fly away from predators! Grasshoppers have been evolving for survival since before dinosaurs roamed the earth! Fossils of grasshoppers prove that they were around more than 300 million years ago!
Every year, on February 2nd, Punxsutawney Phil climbs out of his burrow and makes a prediction of when Spring will arrive. These little weather predictors hibernate underground all winter long and come to the surface when spring is around the corner. Did you know that groundhogs are also called woodchucks? When they’re not on duty as weathermen, they can be found chucking wood and digging long tunnels. These tunnels can be up to 70 feet long. I guess that answers the question of how much wood a woodchuck can chuck!
Guinea Pig
Even though guinea pigs have “pig” in their name, they’re not related to pigs at all! They get their name from the pig-like squealing they do. Guinea pigs are very social with other guinea pigs and love to talk to each other. When kept as pets, you always want to have two or more together so they don’t get lonely. A happy guinea pig will jump around in the air, like an awesome break dance move!
Galapagos Tortoise
Have you ever wondered how fast the tortoise was moving in the story about the tortoise and the hare? The Galapagos tortoise walks an average of .18 miles per hour! If he were to run, the fastest he could move is about half a mile per hour. The hare must have taken quite a long snooze for the tortoise to beat him so badly! When not racing hares, Galapagos tortoises spend most of their days grazing on plants like grass and cacti. They have a very slow metabolism, so they don’t need to eat much at a time. In fact, they could go for a whole year without eating if they needed to!
Groups of geese in the air are called a skein, but if they’re on land or in the water, they’re called a gaggle! When a skein of geese is flying, they fly in a V formation. This allows the lead goose to direct the other geese which way to go. When that goose gets tired, they move to the back of the V, and a new goose takes the lead. That way, everyone gets a chance to have a break!
Did you know that goldfish don’t have stomachs? They eat small bites of food several times a day instead of digesting it for later. This diet must work for them because healthy goldfish can live to be over 40 years old! Some people think that goldfish have terrible memory recall, but that’s just a myth. Their memory can actually last several months! They learn to recognize people’s faces and develop a trusting relationship with their owners. Some goldish will even eat out of their owner’s hand!
Garter Snake
If you see a snake in your yard in the United States, chances are it’s a garter snake! It’s the most common snake in the United States and can be found in every state. Depending on where you live, you might call them garden snakes or gardener snakes, but they’re all the same! Many snakes are hatched from eggs, but not garter snakes! Garter baby snakes, called snakelets, are born full-grown and ready to take on the world!
Grizzly Bear
Grizzly bears are known as apex predators. This means that they’re at the top of the food chain. With no natural predators, these menacing beasts rule the wilderness. Grizzlies have a large hump on their back that is actually a strong muscle. The hump gives them extra power when they are running and pushes their speed to more than 30 miles per hour!
Great White Shark
The majestic great white shark is the fiercest predator in the ocean. Although people think that sharks are likely to attack them, great white sharks don’t usually prey on people. They’re very curious, so they might want to say hello with a friendly nibble. When they realize you’re not a tasty seal or sea lion, they will swim off to find a tastier snack. Great white sharks have over 300 pearly white teeth lined up in seven rows. This prevents their prey from slipping through their teeth and getting away!
Zoo Animals that Start with the Letter G
Planning a trip to the zoo? Check out our list of Zoo Animals that Start with the Letter G before you go, and make sure that you don’t miss out on seeing one! See how many you discover on your next zoo adventure.
- Gentoo Penguin
- Giant Anteater
- Giant Clam
- Giant Otter
- Gibbon
- Gila Monster
- Gnu (Wildebeest)
- Golden Eagle
- Golden Lion Tamarin
- Gray Fox
- Great Horned Owl
- Green Anaconda
- Grouper
- Guanaco
- Grey Crowned Crane
- Greater Flamingo
- Gray Wolf
- Gharial
- Galapagos Penguin
- Gar
- Grey Seal
- Geoffroy’s Tamarin
- Guinea Fowl
- Garden Eel
- Gaboon Viper
- Genet
- Giant Armadillo
- Gopher Tortoise
- Goral
- Gray Tree Frog
- Green Mamba
Uncommon Animals that Start with the Letter G
Here are even more animals that start with the letter G! These animals that begin with G are a little less common than the others on our list. Did we miss one? Let us know in the comments below!
- Gelada
- Glass Frog
- Glow Worm
- Gray Whale
- Great Blue Heron
- Great Dane
- Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
- Green Sea Turtle
- Greyhound
- Griffin
- Guppy
- German Pinscher
- German Shepherd
- Giant African Land Snail
- Giant Schnauzer
- Glass Lizard
- Goblin Shark
- Golden Masked Owl
- Golden Oriole
- Golden-Crowned Flying Fox
- Great Dane
- Great Pyrenees
- Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
- Green Anole
- Green Bee-Eater
- Greenland Dog
- Grey Mouse Lemur
- Grey Reef Shark
- Greyhound
- Grouse
- Gadwall
- Galapagos Shark
- Garden Spider
- Gargoyle Gecko
- Gastornis
- Gerberian Shepsky
- German Cockroach
- German Longhaired Pointer
- German Shepherd Guide
- German Shepherd Mix
- German Sheppit
- German Sheprador
- German Shorthaired Pointer
- German Spitz
- German Wirehaired Pointer
- Ghost Catfish
- Ghost Crab
- Giant Beaver
- Giant Desert Centipede
- Giant Golden Mole
- Giant House Spider
- Giant Isopod
- Giant Leopard Moth
- Giant Salamander
- Giant Schnoodle
- Giant Siphonophore
- Giant Trevally
- Giant Weta
- Giant Wood Moth
- Gigantopithecus
- Glechon
- Glen Of Imaal Terrier
- Gnat
- Goberian
- Goby Fish
- Goldador
- Goldcrest
- Golden Dox
- Golden Eagle
- Golden Irish
- Golden Jackal
- Golden Lancehead
- Golden Newfie
- Golden Pyrenees
- Golden Retriever Mix
- Golden Saint
- Golden Shepherd
- Golden Shiner
- Golden Tortoise Beetle
- Golden Trout
- Golden-Crowned Kinglet
- Goldendoodle
- Goliath Beetle
- Goliath Frog
- Goliath Grouper
- Goliath Tigerfish
- Gollie
- Gomphotherium
- Goonch Catfish
- Gooty Sapphire Tarantula
- Gopher Snake
- Gordon Setter
- Gorgosaurus
- Goshawk
- Gouldian Finch
- Gourami
- Grapevine Beetle
- Grass Carp
- Grass Snake
- Grass Spider
- Grasshopper Mouse
- Gray Catbird
- Great Crested Flycatcher
- Great Dane Mix
- Great Danoodle
- Great Egret
- Great Hammerhead Shark
- Great Kiskadee
- Great Plains Rat Snake
- Great Potoo Bird
- Great Pyrenees Mix
- Grebe
- Green Aphids
- Green Bottle Blue Tarantula
- Green Frog
- Green Heron
- Green June Beetle
- Green Rat Snake
- Green Snake
- Green Sunfish
- Green Tree Frog
- Green Tree Python
- Greenland Shark
- Grey Heron
- Griffon Vulture
- Griffonshire
- Groenendael
- Ground Snake
- Ground Squirrel
- Groundhog Tick
- Grouper
- Grunion
- Guadalupe Bass
- Gulper Catfish
- Gulper Eel
- Gypsy Cuckoo Bumblebee
- Gypsy Moth
There you have it! A huge list of animals that begin with G to learn and to have fun exploring with the kids. Did we forget an animal? Be sure to add any other animals that begin with G to the list!
Do you want to learn about other interesting animals? Be sure to check out our other lists of animals!
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- 230 Curious Animals That Start With C
- 115 Exciting Animals That Start With E
- 184 Intriguing Animals that Start with G
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Michele Tripple is a renowned author and expert in the fields of parenting, relationships, and personal development. She is a certified Life Coach with her degree in marriage and family studies, her experience as a Family Life Educator, and over a decade of experience as a professional writer; Michele has authored books that provide practical advice and insights into improving family dynamics and personal growth. Her work is celebrated for its blend of research-driven information and relatable, real-world applications. Michele has been a keynote speaker at conferences and has contributed to numerous publications and media outlets, solidifying her reputation as an authoritative voice in her field and helping families build relationships.