24 Festive Thanksgiving Drinks for Kids

Last Updated on January 3, 2024 by Michele Tripple

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Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and delicious food. But what about drinks? This year, why not try serving some fun Thanksgiving drinks for kids? From apple cider to hot chocolate, there’s something for everyone. So gather the kids around and get ready to party!

feature image Thanksgiving Drinks for Kids

Thanksgiving is a time of warmth, gratitude, and family gatherings, and what better way to enhance the festive spirit than with delightful Thanksgiving drinks for kids? These fun and tasty beverages are a fantastic way to make the little ones feel included in the holiday celebrations. From fruity punches to warm, spiced drinks, there’s a variety of kid-friendly options that can be easily whipped up to add an extra dash of joy to the Thanksgiving table.

While the adults enjoy their traditional beverages, kids too can have their own special drinks too, designed to be both visually appealing and deliciously non-alcoholic.

Imagine the excitement on their faces when presented with colorful, garnished drinks, served in fancy glasses just like the adults.

These beverages can be a fun and interactive part of the meal, with flavors ranging from apple cider to pumpkin spice, echoing the essence of the season.

Ready to let the kids help in the kitchen? Preparing these drinks can be a wonderful way for kids to contribute to the holiday preparations. They can help with simple jobs like stirring the punch or adding garnishes, giving them a sense of involvement and accomplishment.

This not only makes the drinks more special but also creates lasting memories. Thanksgiving drinks for kids are not just about quenching thirst but about making the holiday experience more inclusive, enjoyable, and memorable for the younger guests.

Ways to Make Food and Drinks Look Festive

I love decorating and adding little garnishes to make things look more festive! It is such an easy way to get into the holiday spirit. You can tie a festive orange bow around the handles of mugs, and surround the table with miniature pumpkins or squashes.

If serving a hot drink, add a cinnamon stick or powdered sugar!

If you are serving a cold drink, you can use ice cubes with cranberries or mint leaves frozen inside. These ideas are so simple and can spruce up any party.

Try these fun, festive Thanksgiving drink recipes for kids, and let the fun begin! Your kids will love being a part of the festivities. 

Thanksgiving Drinks for Kids

Don’t leave the kids out of the toasts this year at Thanksgiving, thanks to these Thanksgiving non-alcoholic drink ideas! 

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