Add an extra dose of fun and laughter to your holiday party with these fantastic Christmas Minute to Win It Games! You’ll be throwing “snowballs,” pretending to be reindeer, and ringing so many jingle bells that everyone is bound to catch the Christmas spirit.
I love planning games at parties and get togethers. They are so fun to use in classroom settings too! There are no shortage of fun Christmas activities, which is part of why I love this season so much! There are so many Christmas activities you will want try!
- Christmas Song Charades
- Christmas Pictionary
- Christmas Color By Number
- Christmas Word Search
- Christmas Scattergories
- Christmas Saran Wrap Game
What are Minute to Win It Games?
Minute to Win It Games are short competitions that can be completed in less than a minute. These Christmas minute to win it games are ideal for parties because they usually use simple supplies that can be found at home or that are inexpensive to purchase. You can organize your games into a tournament, or just have several fun challenges and ask for volunteers to compete! No matter what, these games are a lot of fun!
Why We love Christmas Minute to Win It
There are so many amazing reasons to love Minute to Win It Christmas games!
- They are easy to prepare
- They build coordination skills
- Team games foster cooperation
- They encourage family togetherness
- The silliness of some of the games helps kids with their confidence
How to Play Minute to Win It Games
First, decide if you want to keep score or not. Then list how you will score each game.
Some games are “race against the clock” meaning that any players who complete the task within one minute get points.
Other games could be scored based on which team or player does the best at the task. It’s also important to decide if you want players to work in teams for all of the games, meaning they would just send one player to compete in the individual tasks.
Having each person compete individually is ok too!
With team tasks, every individual player is awarded the same number of points if they win. Don’t forget to have prizes for the winners!
Full Supply List
Here is a full list of everything you will need to play these 27 games!
- Reindeer antler headbands
- Lightweight rings, either inflatable or made from pipe cleaners
- Plastic cups
- Ping pong balls
- Cotton balls
- Plastic spoons
- Small bowls
- Large bowls
- Christmas mugs
- Candy canes
- Painter’s or masking tape
- A long table
- Small gingerbread man cookies
- Large marshmallows
- Shredded brown paper
- 10 Christmas cards (with a fold in them)
- Large jingle bells
- Small jingle bells
- 10 small gift boxes
- Large gift boxes that can be flattened
- 6 foot garland
- Disposable plates
- Cans of whipped cream
- Craft sticks
- Drinking straws
- Blindfold (optional)
- A large wreath
- Long ribbon or rope
- Indoor snowballs or white socks rolled up to look like snowballs
- 2 empty facial tissue boxes (the rectangular ones work best)
- Belts or long ribbons
- 2 jars
- Plastic animals such as donkeys, sheep, and cows
- Picture of a stable
- Paper
- Pencils, markers, or crayons
- Paper “fence” folded into a square with an opening
- Mini marshmallows
- Stuffed animals
- Bathrobes or other household items that can be used for impromptu costumes
- Any other items that might be useful in creating a nativity scene
- Red pompom balls
- 12 inch length of ribbon for each player
- Petroleum jelly
- Uncooked spaghetti noodles
- Round Christmas peppermints with a hole in the middle, such as Life Savers
- Round shatterproof ornaments
- Round metal nuts large enough to fit on candy canes
- Several household items wrapped in Christmas paper
- Oven mitts
Christmas Minute to Win It Games
Reindeer Ring Toss
You will need
- Reindeer antler headband
- 5 Lightweight rings, either inflatable or made from pipe cleaners
How to play Reindeer Ring Toss
This is a team game! One player will wear the reindeer antlers and other player(s) on the team try to toss the rings over the antlers from at least 5 feet away. All 5 rings must land on the antlers within one minute in order to earn a point for this game.
Snowball Roll
You will need
- 5 plastic cups
- 10 ping pong balls
- Painter’s or masking tape
- A long table
How to play Snowball Roll
Tape 5 plastic cups to the edge of a table so that the cups can catch the ping pong balls as they roll off the table. Players stand on the opposite edge of the table from the cups and have one minute to roll 10 ping pong ball “snowballs” into the cups! Balls that fall on the ground can be retrieved and rerolled. Players may not reach across the table to roll from a closer distance.
Catch the Gingerbread Man
You will need
- Small gingerbread men cookies, one per player
How to play Catch the Gingerbread Man
Place a gingerbread cookie on each player’s forehead. Set a timer for one minute and watch as players try to maneuver that sweet cookie into their mouth without using their hands!
Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?
You will need
- Big marshmallows (6 per player)
How to play Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?
Give each player 6 marshmallows. For younger kids, they can use one hand only, for older kids or adults, no hands are allowed. The goal is to stack the marshmallows into two snowmen, using 3 marshmallows for each. Don’t forget the one minute time limit!
Christmas Card Table Hang
You will need
- 10 Christmas cards
- A table
How to play Christmas Card Table Hang
Stand the Christmas cards tent-style in a line across one edge of a table. Players have one minute to blow their card across the table until it is hanging off the edge but has not fallen off. You can play this as a race, where the first player to accomplish the goal gets the point, or have players race against the clock, and anyone who finishes within a minute gets a point.
Shake the Gifts
You will need
- 60-100 jingle bells
- 10 small gift boxes that are all the same size
How to play Shake the Gifts
Place a different number of jingle bells inside of each box. Players have one minute to arrange the boxes on the table from fewest to most jingle bells without looking inside the boxes!
Candy Cane Garland
You will need
- 6 foot length of garland small enough to hook candy canes onto
- candy canes
How to play Candy Cane Garland
Place two chairs facing away from each other and attach the garland ends to the back of each chair. Players stand on one of the chairs and try to drop candy canes so that they hang on the garland. Candy canes must be dropped from shoulder height. The player who hangs the most candy canes in one minute wins!
Snowball Relay
You will need
- Cotton balls
- Plastic spoons
- 2 large bowls
How to play Snowball Relay
This is a team task! Place two empty bowls at one end of the room and have the teams line up on the other side of the room. Give each team a bag of cotton balls and a plastic spoon. On a signal, the first person on each team will place a cotton ball onto their spoon and race to dump it into the bowl. They then race back and hand off their spoon to the next player. The team with the most cotton balls in their bowl at the end of one minute wins.
White Christmas
You will need
- Several cans of whipped cream (enough for each player to have 2-3 cans)
- Disposable Christmas plates
How to play White Christmas
Give each player a disposable plate and 2-3 cans of whipped cream. Whoever makes the tallest “Christmas tree” with their whipped cream in one minute wins!
Jingle Bell Lineup
You will need
- Craft sticks
- Jingle bells
How to play Jingle Bell Lineup
Players hold a craft stick in their mouths and have one minute to place jingle bells in a line on their stick. At least 5 bells must be placed on the stick in order to win.
Marshmallow Toss
You will need
- 6 Christmas mugs
- Large marshmallows
- Shredded brown paper (optional)
How to play Marshmallow Toss
Fill the mugs with shredded brown paper (to look like hot chocolate) then place the mugs in a triangle shape at the end of a table. Players must stand at the other end of the table and try to throw a marshmallow into each mug. They have one minute!
Shoveling Snow
You will need
- Small bowls
- plastic spoons
- Cotton balls
- Blindfolds (optional)
How to play Shoveling Snow
Each player is given one bowl full of cotton balls and one empty bowl. They will place the handle of a plastic spoon in their mouth. Players have one minute to transfer the cotton balls from one bowl to the other, one ball at a time. No hands are allowed! For an extra challenge, place blindfolds on the players.
Bells in the Wind
You will need
- Jingle bells
- Drinking straws
- A table
How to play Bells in the Wind
Give each player a jingle bell and a drinking straw. Players must get their bell from one end of the table to the other using nothing but air through a straw! Points are given to whoever completes the task in under a minute.
Snowman Bowling
You will need
- White plastic cups (optional: draw snowman faces on them with marker)
- Large jingle bells
How to play Snowman Bowling
Stack plastic cups into a tower at the edge of a table or at one end of the room. Players “bowl” with a large jingle bell and try to knock down all the cups! All cups must be knocked over within one minute in order to receive points.
Pass the Candy Cane
What you need
- candy canes
How to play Pass the Candy Cane
This is a team game! Split your group into teams of 4-6 players each. Have players stand in a line with their team. Each player is given a candy cane and the straight end is placed in their mouth. Another candy cane is given to the first player to hang on the end of the one in their mouth. At a starting signal, players pass the candy cane down the line without using their hands! If the candy cane drops, it must go back to the beginning. Have extra on hand in case one breaks! The first team to get their candy cane to the end of the line wins!
Snowball Pitch
You will need
- A large wreath
- Long ribbon or rope
- Indoor snowballs or white socks rolled up to look like snowballs
- Large bowl (optional)
How to play Snowball Pitch
Use the ribbon or rope to hang the wreath from the ceiling or in a doorway. Players stand at least 6 feet from the wreath and throw as many “snowballs” through it as they can in one minute. Optional: Place a large bowl on the floor behind the wreath and see if players can throw their snowballs through the wreath and have them land in the bowl.
Shake Your Jingles Out
You will need
- 2 empty facial tissue boxes (the rectangular ones work best)
- Belts or long ribbons
- 20 large jingle bells
How to play Shake Your Jingles Out
Attach a tissue box to each belt or ribbon, with the opening facing outwards. Place 10 jingle bells in each box. Players will tie the belt or ribbon around their waist with the box on their backside. On a signal, players have one minute to shake all the bells out of their box! The first one to get all their jingles out wins!
Minute to Win it Christmas Games for Sunday School
Animals in the Stable
You will need
- 2 jars
- Plastic animals such as donkeys, sheep, and cows
- Tape
- A picture of a stable
How to play Animals in the Stable
Tape a picture of a stable to the outside of each jar. Give each player 5-7 plastic animals. Players must hold the animals at their nose and attempt to drop them into the jar. They have one minute to get all the animals into the stable!
Draw the Nativity
You will need
- Paper
- Pencils, markers, or crayons
How to play Draw the Nativity
Give each player one sheet of paper and something to write with. Players place the paper on top of their heads and have one minute to draw the best nativity scene! Most accurate scene wins.
The Good Shepherd
You will need
- Paper “fence” folded into a square with an opening
- 10 small marshmallows
- Drinking straws
How to play The Good Shepherd
Players must herd their sheep into the sheepfold by blowing on their marshmallows through a straw! Players have one minute to get all their sheep safely into the fold.
Away in a Manger
You will need
- Stuffed animals
- Bathrobes or other household items that can be used for impromptu costumes
- Any other items that might be useful in creating a nativity scene
How to play Away in a Manger
Teams are given one minute to use the supplies provided and themselves to create the most realistic nativity scene! Optional: Give teams the opportunity to collect their own supplies if you are playing at home.
Gather the Shepherd’s Crooks
You will need
- Small bowls
- Christmas mugs
- Candy canes
How to play Gather the Shepherd’s Crooks
Each player is given a bowl full of candy canes and a Christmas mug. Players place one end of a candy cane in their mouth and have one minute to collect “shepherd’s crooks” from the bowl and move them to the mug. No hands allowed! Most shepherd’s crooks collected in one minute wins.
Minute to Win It Christmas Games for Adults
The Red-Nosed Reindeer
You will need
- Red pompom balls
- 12 inch length of ribbon for each player
- Petroleum jelly
How to play The Red-Nosed Reindeer
Glue a red pompom onto the end of each ribbon, one per player. Players hold the other end of the ribbon in their mouth. Put a dab of petroleum jelly on each player’s nose. Players have one minute to get the red pompom onto their nose, without using their hands!
Peppermint Noodle
You will need
- uncooked spaghetti noodles
- Round Christmas peppermints with a hole in the middle, such as Life Savers
How to play Peppermint Noodle
Set 6 peppermint candies up on their sides and give one noodle to each player. Players place one end of the noodle in their mouths and have one minute to get all 6 candies onto their noodle without using their hands.
Unwrapping Challenge
You will need
- Several household items wrapped in Christmas paper
- Oven mitts
How to play Unwrapping Challenge
Give each player a pair of oven mitts and a wrapped gift. Players have one minute to get their package unwrapped while wearing their oven mitts. Using teeth is not allowed!
Candy Cane Nutstacker
You will need
- Candy canes
- Round metal nuts large enough to fit on the candy canes
- Two plates
How to play Candy Cane Nutstacker
Slide six nuts onto each candy cane. Players hold a plate in one hand and their nutted candy cane in the other. Players have one minute to stack the nuts on their plate without any falling over.
Ornament Race
You will need
- Flattened gift boxes
- Round shatterproof ornaments
- Painter’s tape or masking tape
How to Play Ornament Race
Mark a start and finish line on the floor about 10-12 feet apart with painter’s tape or masking tape. Player’s are given a flattened gift box and a round ornament. They have one minute to get their ornament across the finish line by fanning it with their box!
Do you know any other great Christmas minute to win it games we can add to the list? Share them in the comments so we can try them out!
Check out all our Minute to Win it Games!
Michele Tripple is a renowned author and expert in the fields of parenting, relationships, and personal development. She is a certified Life Coach with her degree in marriage and family studies, her experience as a Family Life Educator, and over a decade of experience as a professional writer; Michele has authored books that provide practical advice and insights into improving family dynamics and personal growth. Her work is celebrated for its blend of research-driven information and relatable, real-world applications. Michele has been a keynote speaker at conferences and has contributed to numerous publications and media outlets, solidifying her reputation as an authoritative voice in her field and helping families build relationships.