The Best February Jokes [Free Joke Cards]

Last Updated on January 17, 2024 by Michele Tripple

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Roses are red…violets are blue…I like to laugh…and I think you do too! You’re just in time for these hilarious February jokes.

on the left pink background with white circle with pink writing inside "The best February jokes" with a pink and red heart balloon. on the other side heart cookie cutter with Valentines sprinkles all around it.

February is cold and blustery where I live. We like a good excuse to gather together where it’s warm and cozy. With these February jokes, you can be howling with laughter inside while the wind howls outside!

For more, check out our Valentine’s Day Songs, and Ombre Valentine’s Pancakes or our love riddles.

And don’t forget to get your free printable February joke cards which are perfect for sending in lunchboxes or backpacks. My kids love collecting all the jokes and adding them to a ring clip so they can scroll through them whenever they want! We love to have joke cards on hand in the car to share on the ride to or from school. My older kids love it when I post them on the fridge or bathroom mirror and hide the answer to see who can solve it first. There are so many ways to use the joke cards, so don’t forget to grab your free set below!

pin image: in white text "the best February jokes: with pink and red balloon in right corner and 3 pink boxes with February joke and answer in each box.

Funny February Jokes

These funny February jokes are sure to tickle your family’s funny bones and get everyone to chuckle in no time!

white background with pink border and February written with hearts in pink with a February joke
  • What happens if you terrify someone on leap day? They jump out of their own skin.
  • What do Tom Cruise and the month of February have in common? They are both short
  • I am worried about my neighbor who was born on February 29th. He says he is only 10 but he looks 40.
  • What’s the difference between a $20 steak and a $55 steak? February 14th.
  • What kind of music do you listen to on February 29th? Hip Hop.
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Boo. Boo, Who? Don’t cry! We have the best February jokes.
  • What month is Jake Paul’s favorite? Feb – BRO – ary!
  • What date sounds like a train? 2/2/22
  • What month is the best month to tell a lie? FIB-ruary.
  • Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day?  Yes, February 14th.
  • What should you never give a dentist for Valentine’s Day?  Candy.
  • When is the best outfit for February 2nd? A tu-tu.
  • What do you call a shape born on February 9th?  An asquareius.
  • What is Kermit the Frog’s favorite month? February. It has a Leap Year.
  • Why did the sprinter get disqualified on Leap Day? He tried to jump the gun
  • Why are groundhogs good at predicting weather? They aren’t.
  • Where do most people eat on Leap Day? IHOP.
  • What do you tell a hitchhiker on February 29th? Hop In
  • Sometimes February feels like it will last forever, But time Marches on.
  • What do you tell a pig on February 14? “Happy Valen-swine’s Day!”
  • What month is the best for coffee? Feb-BREW-ary
white background with pink border and February written with hearts in pink with a February joke
  • What do pickles celebrate on February 14th?  Valen-brine’s Day.
  • Me and my childhood crush are marrying next year. Hers is in February and mine in July.
  • Why is February not a leader? It always says “Me two!”
  • What do kids play on Leap Day? Hop-scotch
  • What do athletes wear on Leap Day? Jumpsuits.
  • Dad: Hey there kiddo, do you know which month has 27 days? Kid: That’s easy dad! February!!! Dad: Haha! Wrong! They all do!
  • I can’t wait for Tuesday, February 22, 2022 (2/22/22). We can call it… 2’s day.
  • What did the lawyer do on February 29th?  Jumps to conclusions.
  • How many Mondays are in February? Too many.
  • People born on February 29th good jumpers? Because they were born on a leap year.
  • What does it mean when a groundhog doesn’t see its shadow? The groundhog needs glasses.
  • Can February March? No, but April May!
  • How many seconds are in a year? Twelve. January second, February second, March second …
  • What triples in price in February? Roses on Valentine’s Day.
  • What does a butterfly do on February 29th? Jump out of its skin.
white background with pink border and February written with hearts in pink with a February joke
  • What’s for breakfast on really cold days in February? Frosted Snowflakes. 
  • Why should February 10th be National Fart Day? Because it’s 2/10.
  • Why did the man get fired from the calendar factory? He took a few days off in February thinking nobody would notice.
  • Son: Our dog is sad, groundhog’s get a day in February, but not dogs. Dad: Don’t worry, the dog will have his days in the summer.
  • What do you call a surgery on Leap Day? A hop-eration.
  • Knock, knock Who’s there? Noah Noah, who? Noah good joke about February?
  • Why should there be a February 30th? So dentists can have a day to celebrate.

Share your funny February jokes in the comments!

pin image: Pink background white text "February jokes for kids" with heart cookie cutter with sprinkles around it.

Printable February Jokes

Print your February jokes and have fun giggling with the entire family! 

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February joke cards
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How Do I Print a PDF?

You’ll need a program that supports PDFs. Adobe Acrobat is a great option. Open the program, click File, then print. Select your printer and the number of copies you want to print. Be sure you click double-sided if you want it to print on both sides.

Can I resell these?

You may not resell any printable on our website or in our resource library. You may use them for class parties, at church, at home, or in the classroom. You may get these printed at an office supply store or copy center at your own expense.

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